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Created January 5, 2019 14:21
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Osmnx utility functions to clean and visualise road intersections
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from geopandas import gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, LineString, MultiLineString, mapping
from shapely.ops import linemerge
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from itertools import product
import networkx as nx
from osmnx import graph_to_gdfs, gdfs_to_graph, save_and_show, get_paths_to_simplify
def clean_intersections_graph(G, tolerance=15, dead_ends=False):
Clean-up intersections comprising clusters of nodes by merging them and
returning a modified graph.
Divided roads are represented by separate centerline edges. The intersection
of two divided roads thus creates 4 nodes, representing where each edge
intersects a perpendicular edge. These 4 nodes represent a single
intersection in the real world. This function cleans them up by buffering
their points to an arbitrary distance, merging overlapping buffers, and
taking their centroid. For best results, the tolerance argument should be
adjusted to approximately match street design standards in the specific
street network.
G : networkx multidigraph
tolerance : float
nodes within this distance (in graph's geometry's units) will be
dissolved into a single intersection
dead_ends : bool
if False, discard dead-end nodes to return only street-intersection
Networkx graph with the new aggregated vertices and induced edges
# if dead_ends is False, discard dead-end nodes to only work with edge
# intersections
if not dead_ends:
if 'streets_per_node' in G.graph:
streets_per_node = G.graph['streets_per_node']
streets_per_node = count_streets_per_node(G)
dead_end_nodes = [node for node, count in streets_per_node.items() if count <= 1]
G = G.copy()
# create a GeoDataFrame of nodes, buffer to passed-in distance, merge
# overlaps
gdf_nodes, gdf_edges = graph_to_gdfs(G)
buffered_nodes = gdf_nodes.buffer(tolerance).unary_union
if isinstance(buffered_nodes, Polygon):
# if only a single node results, make it iterable so we can turn it into
# a GeoSeries
buffered_nodes = [buffered_nodes]
# Buffer points by tolerance and union the overlapping ones
gdf_nodes, gdf_edges = graph_to_gdfs(G)
buffered_nodes = gdf_nodes.buffer(15).unary_union
unified_intersections = gpd.GeoSeries(list(buffered_nodes))
unified_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(unified_intersections).rename(columns={0:'geometry'}).set_geometry('geometry') =
### Merge original nodes with the aggregated shapes
intersections = gpd.sjoin(gdf_nodes, unified_gdf, how="right", op='intersects')
intersections['geometry_str'] = intersections['geometry'].map(lambda x: str(x))
intersections['new_osmid'] = intersections.groupby('geometry_str')['index_left'].transform('min').astype(str)
intersections['num_osmid_agg'] = intersections.groupby('geometry_str')['index_left'].transform('count')
### Create temporary lookup with the agg osmid and the new one
lookup = intersections[intersections['num_osmid_agg']>1][['osmid', 'new_osmid', 'num_osmid_agg']]
lookup = lookup.rename(columns={'osmid': 'old_osmid'})
intersections = intersections[intersections['osmid'].astype(str)==intersections['new_osmid']]
intersections = intersections.set_index('index_left')
### Make everything else similar to original node df
intersections = intersections[gdf_nodes.columns]
intersections['geometry'] = intersections.geometry.centroid
intersections['x'] = intersections.geometry.x
intersections['y'] = intersections.geometry.y
intersections.gdf_name = gdf_nodes.gdf_name
# Replace aggregated osimid with the new ones
# 3 cases - 1) none in lookup, 2) either u or v in lookup, 3) u and v in lookup
# Ignore case 1. Append case 3 to case 2. ignore distance but append linestring.
agg_gdf_edges = pd.merge(gdf_edges.assign(u=gdf_edges.u.astype(str)),
lookup.rename(columns={'new_osmid': 'new_osmid_u', 'old_osmid': 'old_osmid_u'}),
left_on='u', right_on='old_osmid_u', how='left')
agg_gdf_edges = pd.merge(agg_gdf_edges.assign(v=agg_gdf_edges.v.astype(str)),
lookup.rename(columns={'new_osmid': 'new_osmid_v', 'old_osmid': 'old_osmid_v'}),
left_on='v', right_on='old_osmid_v', how='left')
# Remove all u-v edges that are between the nodes that are aggregated together (case 3)
agg_gdf_edges_c3 = agg_gdf_edges[((agg_gdf_edges['new_osmid_v'].notnull()) &
(agg_gdf_edges['new_osmid_u'].notnull()) &
(agg_gdf_edges['new_osmid_u'] == agg_gdf_edges['new_osmid_v']))]
agg_gdf_edges = agg_gdf_edges[~agg_gdf_edges.index.isin(agg_gdf_edges_c3.index)]
# Create a self loop containing all the joint geometries of the aggregated nodes where both u and v are agg
# Set onway to false to prevent duplication if someone were to create bidrectional edges
agg_gdf_edges_int = agg_gdf_edges_c3[~((agg_gdf_edges_c3['new_osmid_u'] == agg_gdf_edges_c3['u']) |
(agg_gdf_edges_c3['new_osmid_v'] == agg_gdf_edges_c3['v']))]
agg_gdf_edges_int = agg_gdf_edges_int.dissolve(by=['new_osmid_u', 'new_osmid_v']).reset_index()
agg_gdf_edges_int['u'] = agg_gdf_edges_int['new_osmid_u']
agg_gdf_edges_int['v'] = agg_gdf_edges_int['new_osmid_v']
agg_gdf_edges_int = agg_gdf_edges_int[gdf_edges.columns]
agg_gdf_edges_int['oneway'] = False
# Simplify by removing edges that do not involve the chosen agg point
# at least one of them must contain the new u or new v
agg_gdf_edges_c3 = agg_gdf_edges_c3[(agg_gdf_edges_c3['new_osmid_u'] == agg_gdf_edges_c3['u']) |
(agg_gdf_edges_c3['new_osmid_v'] == agg_gdf_edges_c3['v'])]
agg_gdf_edges_c3 = agg_gdf_edges_c3[['geometry', 'u', 'v', 'new_osmid_u', 'new_osmid_v']]
agg_gdf_edges_c3.columns = ['old_geometry', 'old_u', 'old_v', 'new_osmid_u', 'new_osmid_v']
# Merge back the linestring for case 2
# Ignore u and v if they are on the merging / agg node
# Copy over the linestring only on the old node
subset_gdf = agg_gdf_edges_c3[agg_gdf_edges_c3['new_osmid_v']!=agg_gdf_edges_c3['old_v']]
agg_gdf_edges = pd.merge(agg_gdf_edges, subset_gdf[['old_geometry', 'old_v']],
how='left', left_on='u', right_on='old_v')
geom = agg_gdf_edges[['geometry', 'old_geometry']].values.tolist()
agg_gdf_edges['geometry'] = [linemerge([r[0], r[1]]) if isinstance(r[1], (LineString, MultiLineString)) else r[0] for r in geom]
agg_gdf_edges.drop(['old_geometry', 'old_v'], axis=1, inplace=True)
# If new osmid matches on u, merge in the existing u-v string
# where u is the aggregated vertex and v is the old one to be removed
subset_gdf = agg_gdf_edges_c3[agg_gdf_edges_c3['new_osmid_u']!=agg_gdf_edges_c3['old_u']]
agg_gdf_edges = pd.merge(agg_gdf_edges, subset_gdf[['old_geometry', 'old_u']],
how='left', left_on='v', right_on='old_u')
geom = agg_gdf_edges[['geometry', 'old_geometry']].values.tolist()
agg_gdf_edges['geometry'] = [linemerge([r[0], r[1]]) if isinstance(r[1], (LineString, MultiLineString)) else r[0] for r in geom]
agg_gdf_edges.drop(['old_geometry', 'old_u'], axis=1, inplace=True)
agg_gdf_edges['u'] = np.where(agg_gdf_edges['new_osmid_u'].notnull(), agg_gdf_edges['new_osmid_u'], agg_gdf_edges['u'])
agg_gdf_edges['v'] = np.where(agg_gdf_edges['new_osmid_v'].notnull(), agg_gdf_edges['new_osmid_v'], agg_gdf_edges['v'])
agg_gdf_edges = agg_gdf_edges[gdf_edges.columns]
agg_gdf_edges = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat([agg_gdf_edges, agg_gdf_edges_int], ignore_index=True),
agg_gdf_edges['u'] = agg_gdf_edges['u'].astype(np.int64)
agg_gdf_edges['v'] = agg_gdf_edges['v'].astype(np.int64)
return gdfs_to_graph(intersections, agg_gdf_edges)
def plot_graph_mls(G, bbox=None, fig_height=6, fig_width=None, margin=0.02,
axis_off=True, equal_aspect=False, bgcolor='w', show=True,
save=False, close=True, file_format='png', filename='temp',
dpi=300, annotate=False, node_color='#66ccff', node_size=15,
node_alpha=1, node_edgecolor='none', node_zorder=1,
edge_color='#999999', edge_linewidth=1, edge_alpha=1,
Plot a networkx spatial graph. Modified to accept MultiLineString.
G : networkx multidigraph
bbox : tuple
bounding box as north,south,east,west - if None will calculate from
spatial extents of data. if passing a bbox, you probably also want to
pass margin=0 to constrain it.
fig_height : int
matplotlib figure height in inches
fig_width : int
matplotlib figure width in inches
margin : float
relative margin around the figure
axis_off : bool
if True turn off the matplotlib axis
equal_aspect : bool
if True set the axis aspect ratio equal
bgcolor : string
the background color of the figure and axis
show : bool
if True, show the figure
save : bool
if True, save the figure as an image file to disk
close : bool
close the figure (only if show equals False) to prevent display
file_format : string
the format of the file to save (e.g., 'jpg', 'png', 'svg')
filename : string
the name of the file if saving
dpi : int
the resolution of the image file if saving
annotate : bool
if True, annotate the nodes in the figure
node_color : string
the color of the nodes
node_size : int
the size of the nodes
node_alpha : float
the opacity of the nodes
node_edgecolor : string
the color of the node's marker's border
node_zorder : int
zorder to plot nodes, edges are always 2, so make node_zorder 1 to plot
nodes beneath them or 3 to plot nodes atop them
edge_color : string
the color of the edges' lines
edge_linewidth : float
the width of the edges' lines
edge_alpha : float
the opacity of the edges' lines
use_geom : bool
if True, use the spatial geometry attribute of the edges to draw
geographically accurate edges, rather than just lines straight from node
to node
fig, ax : tuple
node_Xs = [float(x) for _, x in G.nodes(data='x')]
node_Ys = [float(y) for _, y in G.nodes(data='y')]
# get north, south, east, west values either from bbox parameter or from the
# spatial extent of the edges' geometries
if bbox is None:
edges = graph_to_gdfs(G, nodes=False, fill_edge_geometry=True)
west, south, east, north = edges.total_bounds
north, south, east, west = bbox
# if caller did not pass in a fig_width, calculate it proportionately from
# the fig_height and bounding box aspect ratio
bbox_aspect_ratio = (north-south)/(east-west)
if fig_width is None:
fig_width = fig_height / bbox_aspect_ratio
# create the figure and axis
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height), facecolor=bgcolor)
# draw the edges as lines from node to node
# start_time = time.time()
lines = []
for u, v, data in G.edges(keys=False, data=True):
if 'geometry' in data and use_geom:
# if it has a geometry attribute (a list of line segments), add them
# to the list of lines to plot
if isinstance(data['geometry'], MultiLineString):
lines += [list(t) for t in mapping(data['geometry'])['coordinates']]
lines += [list(mapping(data['geometry'])['coordinates'])]
# if it doesn't have a geometry attribute, the edge is a straight
# line from node to node
x1 = G.nodes[u]['x']
y1 = G.nodes[u]['y']
x2 = G.nodes[v]['x']
y2 = G.nodes[v]['y']
line = [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]
# add the lines to the axis as a linecollection
lc = LineCollection(lines, colors=edge_color, linewidths=edge_linewidth, alpha=edge_alpha, zorder=2)
# scatter plot the nodes
ax.scatter(node_Xs, node_Ys, s=node_size, c=node_color, alpha=node_alpha, edgecolor=node_edgecolor, zorder=node_zorder)
# set the extent of the figure
margin_ns = (north - south) * margin
margin_ew = (east - west) * margin
ax.set_ylim((south - margin_ns, north + margin_ns))
ax.set_xlim((west - margin_ew, east + margin_ew))
# configure axis appearance
xaxis = ax.get_xaxis()
yaxis = ax.get_yaxis()
# if axis_off, turn off the axis display set the margins to zero and point
# the ticks in so there's no space around the plot
if axis_off:
ax.tick_params(which='both', direction='in')
if equal_aspect:
# make everything square
# annotate the axis with node IDs if annotate=True
if annotate:
for node, data in G.nodes(data=True):
ax.annotate(node, xy=(data['x'], data['y']))
# save and show the figure as specified
fig, ax = save_and_show(fig, ax, save, show, close, filename, file_format, dpi, axis_off)
return fig, ax
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