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Created May 21, 2013 18:48
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Non-parametric hypothesis testing using Vargha and Delaney's A12 statistic.
; The A12 non-parametric test
; Tim Menzies, (c) 2013,
; (c)
; The Vargha and Delaney's A12 statistics is a non-parametric effect
; size measure. Reference: + A. Vargha and H. D. Delaney. A critique
; and improvement of the CL common language effect size statistics of
; McGraw and Wong. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics,
; 25(2):101-132, 2000
; Given a performance measure M seen in m measures of X and n measures
; of Y, the A12 statistics measures the probability that running
; algorithm X yields higher M values than running another algorithm Y.
; A12 = #(X > Y)/mn + 0.5*#(X=Y)/mn
; According to Vargha and Delaney, a small, medium, large difference
; between two populations:
; + Big is A12 over 0.71
; + Medium is A12 over 0.64
; + Small is A12 over 0.56
; In my view, this seems gratitiously different to...
; + Big is A12 over three-quarters (0.75)
; + Medium is A12 over two-thirds (0.66)
; + Small is A12 over half (0.5)
; Whatever, the following code parameterizes that magic number
; so you can use the standard values if you want to.
; While A12 studies two treatments. LA12 handles multiple treatments.
; Samples from each population are sorted by their mean. Then
; b4= sample[i] and after= sample[i+1] and rank(after) = 1+rank(b4)
; if a12 reports that the two populations are different.
; To simplify that process, I offer the following syntax. A population
; is a list of numbers, which may be unsorted, and starts with some
; symbol or string describing the population. A12s expects a list of
; such populations. For examples of that syntax, see these functions:
(defun demo ()
(defun _a12sa ()
(a12s '((x1 0.34 0.49 0.51 0.60)
(x2 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.90)
(x3 0.15 0.25 0.4 0.35)
(x4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.90)
(x5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.40)))))
; If this code works, you should see...
; ((RANK 1 RX X2 MEAN 0.75 POP (0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6))
; (RANK 1 RX X4 MEAN 0.75 POP (0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6))
; (RANK 2 RX X1 MEAN 0.485 POP (0.6 0.51 0.49 0.34))
; (RANK 3 RX X3 MEAN 0.2875 POP (0.4 0.35 0.25 0.15))
; (RANK 3 RX X5 MEAN 0.25 POP (0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1)))
; i.e. our treatments are sorted in the order x2, x4, x1, x3, x5
; and the first two and the last two get the same ranks.
(defun _a12sb ()
(a12s '((y1 101 100 99 101 99.5)
(y2 101 100 99 101 100.0)
(y3 101 100 99.5 101 99.0)
(y4 101 100 99 101 100.0)))))
; If this code works, you should see...
; ((RANK 1 RX Y2 MEAN 100.2 POP (101 101 100 100.0 99))
; (RANK 1 RX Y4 MEAN 100.2 POP (101 101 100 100.0 99))
; (RANK 1 RX Y1 MEAN 100.1 POP (101 101 100 99.5 99))
; (RANK 1 RX Y3 MEAN 100.1 POP (101 101 100 99.5 99.0)))
; i.e. all the above are so similar that they all get the same rank.
; Finally, the linear search of LA12S is not optimal. A better way
; would be a iterative partitioning approach that finds the split in
; the treatments that maximizes the expected value of the differences
; between the mean of the splits and mean of the original population.
; This is called the Scott-Knott test and is discussed in detail on
; Nikolaos Mittas, Lefteris Angelis: Ranking and Clustering Software
; Cost Estimation Models through a Multiple Comparisons Algorithm.
; IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 39(4): 537-551 (2013).
(defun largeDifference (pop1 pop2) (bigger pop1 pop2 0.75))
(defun mediumDifference (pop1 pop2) (bigger pop1 pop2 0.66))
(defun smallDifference (pop1 pop2) (bigger pop1 pop2 0.50))
(defun bigger (pop1 pop2 &optional (enough 0.66))
(let ((n (a12 pop1 pop2)))
(values (> n enough)
; data structure stuf
(defstruct rx
(more 0)
(same 0)
(rank 1)
(defun rx! (lst &optional (> #'>) name)
(let ((out (make-rx :name name))
(sorted (sort lst >)))
(setf (rx-list out) sorted
(rx-mean out) (mean sorted))
; Top-level driver
(defun a12s(pops &optional (> #'>) (enough 0.66))
"Given n populations, sort each by their mean
then rank i compared to i+1"
(labels ((show (rx)
`(rank ,(rx-rank rx)
rx ,(rx-name rx)
mean ,(rx-mean rx)
pop ,(rx-list rx))))
(let* ((rxs (sort
(mapcar #'(lambda (lst)
(rx! (cdr lst) > (car lst))) pops)
> :key #'rx-mean))
(rank 1)
(b4 (car rxs)))
(setf (rx-rank b4) rank)
(push (show b4) out)
(dolist (after (cdr rxs) (reverse out))
(incf rank (if (bigger
(rx-list b4)
(rx-list after)
enough) 1 0))
(setf (rx-rank after) rank)
(push (show after) out)
(setf b4 after)))))
; the guts of the process
(defun a12 (pop1 pop2 &optional (> #'>))
(let ((m (length pop1))
(n (length pop2))
(one (rx! pop1 >))
(two (rx! pop2 >)))
(labels ((stop () (or (null (rx-list one))
(null (rx-list two))))
(head (x) (car (rx-list x)))
(size (x) (length (rx-list x)))
(next! (x) (pop (rx-list x)) x)
(more! (x n) (incf (rx-more x) n))
(same! (x) (incf (rx-same x)))
(walk (l1 l2)
(unless (stop)
(cond ((funcall > (head l1) (head l2))
(more! l1 (size l2))
(walk (next! l1) l2))
((= (head l1) (head l2))
(same! l1)
(same! l2)
(walk l1 (next! l2)))
(walk l2 l1))))))
(walk one two)
(+ (/ (rx-more one) (* m n))
(/ (* 0.5 (rx-same one)) (* m n))))))
; standard stuff
(defun mean (lst)
(float (/ (reduce #'+ lst)
(length lst))))
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