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Last active March 27, 2024 20:28
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Adaptive Parameter Evolution
#!/usr/bin/env lua
-- we start with a place with (a) library functions; (b) settings; and (c) help
local l,the,help = {},{},[[
ape.lua: adapative parameter evolution via sequential model
optimizer. Clump the data, sort any 2 clumps into best/rest; build
a model that reports likelihood b,r of being in best,rest; add to
best/rest clumps with most/least b/r; repeat. (c) 2024 Tim Menzies,
<> BSD-2clause license
-f --file data file = ../tests4mop/auto93.csv
-F --Far if polarizing, ignore outliers = 0.95
-h --help show help = false
-H --Halves if polarizing, use a subset = 64
-k --k bayes = 2
-l --leaf when recursing, stop at n^leaf = 0.5
-L --lhs tree print left hand side = 35
-m --m bayes = 1
-p --p distance coeffecient = 2
-s --seed rand seed = 1234567891
-t --todo start-up action = nothing ]]
-- Coding note: In my function headers, 2/4 spaces denote optional/local args.
-- ## NUM
-- NUMs summarize a stream of numbers.
local NUM = {}
function s,n)
return l.isa(NUM, {n=0, txt=s, at=n, mu=0, lo=1E30, hi=-1E30,
heaven= (s or ""):find"-$" and 0 or 1}) end
-- Update
function NUM:add(x, d)
if x~="?" then
self.n = self.n + 1
self.lo = math.min(x, self.lo)
self.hi = math.max(x, self.hi)
d = x - = + d/self.n end end
-- Return the union two NUMs
function NUM.union(i,j, new)
new =,i.s)
new.n = i.n + j.n = (i.n* + j.n* / (new.n + 1E-30)
new.lo = math.min(i.lo, j.lo)
new.hi = math.max(i.hi, j.hi)
return new end
-- Stats.
function NUM:mid() return end
function NUM:div() return (self.hi - self.lo) / 2.56 end
function NUM:like(x, ...) return l.trigCdf(x, self.lo,, self.hi) end
-- Distance.
function NUM:dist(x,y)
if x=="?" and y=="?" then return 1 end
x, y = self:norm(x), self:norm(y)
if x=="?" then x = y<.5 and 1 or 0 end
if y=="?" then y = x<.5 and 1 or 0 end
return math.abs(x-y) end
-- Maps `x` 0..1 for lo..hi.
function NUM:norm(x) return x=="?" and x or (x - self.lo)/(self.hi - self.lo + 1E-30) end
-- ## SYM
-- SYMs summarize a stream of symbols
local SYM = {}
function, n)
return l.isa(SYM, {n=0, txt=s, at=n, has={}}) end
-- Update.
function SYM:add(x)
if x~="?" then
self.n = self.n + 1
self.has[x] = (self.has[x] or 0) + 1 end end
-- Return the union of two SYMs
function SYM.union(i,j, new)
new =,
new.n = i.n + j.n
for _,has in pairs{i.has, j.has} do
for k,v in pairs(has) do
new.has[k] = (new.has[k] or 0) + v end end
return new end
-- Stats
function SYM:mid() return l.mode(self.has) end
function SYM:div() return l.entropy(self.has) end
function SYM:like(x,m,prior) return ((self.has[x] or 0) + m*prior)/(self.n + m) end
-- Distance.
function SYM:dist(x,y)
return x=="?" and y=="?" and 1 or (x==y and 0 or 1) end
-- ## COLS
-- Factory to make column headers (from column names).
local COLS = {}
function, x,y,all,col,klass)
all,x,y = {},{},{}
for n,s in pairs(t) do
col = l.push(all, (s:find"^[A-Z]" and NUM or SYM).new(s,n))
if not col.txt:find"X$" then
l.push(col.txt:find"[!+-]" and y or x, col)
if col.txt:find"!$" then klass = col end end end
return l.isa(COLS, {names=t; all=all, x=x, y=y, klass=klass}) end
-- Update
function COLS:add(t)
for _,cols in pairs{self.x, self.y} do
for _,col in pairs(cols) do
col:add( t[] ) end end
return t end
-- ## DATA
-- Store `rows` and their `col`umn summaries.
-- DATA can be initialized from a csv file or a list of rows.
local DATA = {}
function,order, self)
self = l.isa(DATA, {rows={}, cols=nil})
for t in fun do self:add(t) end
if order then self:sort() end
return self end
-- Update
function DATA:add(t)
if self.cols
then l.push(self.rows, self.cols:add(t) )
else self.cols = end end
-- Sort rows by distance to heaven.
function DATA:sort()
self.rows = l.keysort(self.rows, function(row) return self:d2h(row) end)
return self.rows end
-- Union
function DATA.union(i,j, new)
new = i:clone{}
for n,col0 in pairs(new.cols.all) do
for k,v in pairs(i.cols.all[n]:union(j.cols.all[n])) do
col0[k] = v end end
for _,rows in pairs{i.rows,j.rows} do
for _,row in pairs(rows) do
l.push(new.rows, row) end end
return new end
-- Return another DATA with the same structure.
function DATA:clone( t,order, d)
d ={self.cols.names}))
for _,t1 in pairs(t or {}) do d:add(t1) end
if order then d:sort() end
return d end
-- Stats.
function DATA:mid( cols,ndecs, u)
u={}; for _,col in pairs(cols or self.cols.y) do
u[1+#u]= l.rnd(col:mid(),ndecs) end; return u end
-- Log likelihood
function DATA:loglike(t,n,nHypotheses, prior,out,x,inc)
prior = (#self.rows + the.k) / (n + the.k * nHypotheses)
out = math.log(prior)
for _,col in pairs(self.cols.x) do
x = t[]
if x ~= "?" then
inc = col:like(x,the.m,prior)
if inc > 0 then
out = out + math.log( inc ) end end end
return out end
-- Distance between two rows.
function DATA:dist(t1,t2, n,d)
n,d = 0,0
for _,col in pairs(self.cols.x) do
n = n + 1
d = d + col:dist(t1[], t2[])^the.p end
return (d/n)^(1/the.p) end
-- Distance from a row to a best values for all `y` goals.
function DATA:d2h(t, n,d)
n,d = 0,0
for _,col in pairs(self.cols.y) do
n = n + 1
d = d + math.abs(col:norm(t[]) - col.heaven)^2 end
return (d/n)^(1/2) end
-- Sort everything in `rows` (defaults to `self.rows`) by distance to `row1`.
function DATA:neighbors(row1, rows)
return l.keysort(rows or self.rows,
function(row2) return self:dist(row1,row2) end) end
-- Returns two distance points.
function DATA:polarize(rows, p,q,far)
rows = rows or self.rows
far = (#rows * the.Far)//1
p = self:neighbors(l.any(rows),rows)[far]
q = self:neighbors(p,rows)[far]
return p,q,self:dist(p,q) end
-- Divides rows by distance to two distant points. Return biggest division first.
function DATA:halve(rows, order, p,q,ps,qs,c)
p,q,c = self:polarize(l.many(rows, the.Halves))
ps,qs = {},{}
for _,t in pairs(rows) do
l.push(self:dist(t,p) <= c/2 and ps or qs, t) end
if order
then if self:d2h(q) < self:d2h(p) then ps,qs,p,q = qs,ps,q,p end
else if #ps < #qs then ps,qs,p,q = qs,ps,q,p end end
return ps,qs end
-- Recursively bi-cluster the data.
function DATA:halves(rows,order, above, node,ps,qs,stop)
rows = rows or self.rows
node = {here=self:clone(rows)}
above = above or 1E30
stop = (#self.rows)^the.leaf
if #rows > 2*stop and #rows < above
then ps,qs = self:halve(rows, order)
node.lefts = self:halves(ps, order, #rows)
node.rights = self:halves(qs, order, #rows) end
return node end
-- Iterator. Call `fun` on all nodes.
function DATA:visit(node,fun, lvl)
lvl = lvl or 0
if node then
for _,kid in pairs{node.lefts, node.rights} do
self:visit(kid, fun, lvl+1) end end end
-- Visit function for the tree iterator.
function DATA:show(it,lvl, s1,s2)
s1 = (it.lefts or it.rights) and "" or " : "..l.o(
s2 = ('|.. '):rep(lvl)..#(
print(string.format("%-" .. the.lhs .. "s %s", s2, s1)) end
-- ## Misc library functions
-- ### Objects
-- Make classes.
function l.klassify(t)
for s,klass in pairs(t) do
klass.a=s; klass.__index=klass
klass.__tostring=function(...) return l.o(...) end end end
-- Make an instance.
function l.isa(x,y) return setmetatable(y,x) end
-- ### Lists
-- Return `x` after adding it to end of `t`.
function l.push(t,x) t[1+#t] = x; return x end
-- Return any one item from `t`.
function l.any(t) return t[math.random(#t)] end
-- Return any `n` items from `t`.
function l.many(t,n, u)
u={}; for _=1,n do u[1+#u] = l.any(t) end; return u end;
-- Return `t` skipping `go` to `stop` in steps of `inc`.
function l.slice(t, go, stop, inc, u)
if go and go < 0 then go=#t+go end
if stop and stop < 0 then stop=#t+stop end
for j=(go or 1)//1,(stop or #t)//1,(inc or 1)//1 do u[1+#u]=t[j] end
return u end
-- Return an interator that returns items.
function l.items(t, i,n)
i,n = 0,#t
return function () i=i+1; if i <= n then return t[i] end end end
-- ### Sorting
-- Return `t` after sorting it according to `fun`.
function l.sort(t,fun) table.sort(t,fun); return t end
-- Return the keys of `t`, sorted.
function l.keys(t, u)
u={}; for k,_ in pairs(t) do u[1+#u]=k end; table.sort(u); return u end
-- Sort using the Schwartzian transform (decorete, sort, undecorate).
function l.keysort(t,fun, u,v)
for _,x in pairs(t) do u[1+#u]={x=x, y=fun(x)} end
table.sort(u, function(a,b) return a.y < b.y end)
v={}; for _,xy in pairs(u) do v[1+#v] = xy.x end
return v end
-- Return most common key.
function l.mode(t, m,N)
N=0; for k,n in pairs(t) do if N>n then m,N=k,n end end; return m end
-- Return entropy.
function l.entropy(t, e,N)
N=0; for _,n in pairs(t) do N = N + n end
e=0; for _,n in pairs(t) do e = e + n/N*math.log(n/N,2) end;
return -e end
-- Round something to `ndecs` or, if its an int, to no decimals.
function l.rnd(n, ndecs, mult)
if type(n) ~= "number" then return n end
if math.floor(n) == n then return n end
mult = 10^(ndecs or 2)
return math.floor(n * mult + 0.5) / mult end
-- CDF for triangular
function l.trigCdf(x,lo,mid,hi)
if x <= lo then return 0 end
if x >= hi then return 0 end
if x < mid then return 2*(x - lo) / ((hi - lo) * (mid - lo)) end
if x == mid then return 2 / (hi - lo) end
return 2*(hi - x) / ((hi - lo) * (hi - mid)) end
-- ### String to Thing
-- Convert string to thing.
function l.coerce(s)
return math.tointeger(s) or tonumber(s) or s=="true" or (s~="false" and s) end
-- Convert help strings (like as seen above) to key:values of a table.
function l.options(t,s)
for k, s1 in s:gmatch("[-][-]([%S]+)[^=]+=[%s]+([%S]+)") do t[k] = l.coerce(s1) end end
-- Iterator. Convert strings in a csv file as Lua tables, one table at a time.
function l.csv(src)
src = src=="-" and io.stdin or io.input(src)
return function( s,t)
if s
then t={}; for s1 in s:gsub("%s+", ""):gmatch("([^,]+)") do t[1+#t]=l.coerce(s1) end
return t
else io.close(src) end end end
-- Convert command-line strings to update to table `t`.
function l.cli(t)
for k, v in pairs(t) do
v = tostring(v)
for n,s in pairs(arg) do
if s=="-"..k:sub(1,1) then
v = v=="true" and "false" or v=="false" and "true" or arg[n + 1]
t[k] = l.coerce(v) end end end
if then os.exit(print("\n" end end
-- ### Thing to Strings
function l.prints(t) print(l.o(t)); return t end
-- Convert thing to string.
function l.o(t, u)
for _,k in pairs(l.keys(t)) do
u[1+#u] = #t>0 and tostring(t[k]) or string.format("%s:%s",k,t[k]) end
return (t.a or "") .. "{" .. table.concat(#t>0 and u or l.sort(u), ", ") .. "}" end
-- ## Start-up Actions
local eg={}
function eg.the() l.prints(the) end
function eg.seed() print(the.seed) end
function eg.trig()
for i=1,8 do
print(i,("** "):rep(20*(l.trigCdf(i,1,3,8))//1)) end end
function d)
d =
l.prints(d:mid(d.cols.all,3)) end
function eg.clone( d)
d =
d:clone(d.rows) end
function eg.dists( d)
d =
for _,row in pairs(d.rows) do io.write(l.rnd(d:dist(row, d.rows[1]),3)," ") end end
function eg.neighbors( d,rows)
d =
rows = d:neighbors(d.rows[1])
for i=1,7 do print(i..",",l.o(rows[i])) end
for i=373,380 do print(i..",",l.o(rows[i])) end end
function eg.sort( d)
d =,true)
for i=1,#d.rows,25 do
print(d.rows[i]) end end
function eg.halves( d, tree)
d =
tree = d:halves(d.rows, true)
d:visit(tree, end
function eg.union( d,d1,d2,t1,t2,d3)
d =
t1,t2 = l.slice(d.rows,1,200), l.slice(d.rows,200)
d1,d2 = d:clone(t1), d:clone(t2)
d3 = d1:union(d2)
for i,_ in pairs(d.cols.all) do print""
print(d3.cols.all[i]) end end
function d)
d =
for _,row in pairs(d.rows) do
print( d:loglike(row,1000,2),l.o(row) ) end end
-- ## Start up.
-- Enable methods in classes.
-- Parse `help` to make `the.
-- Update `the` from the command line.
-- Seed seed from `the`.
-- Do something
if eg[the.todo] then eg[the.todo]() end
-include ../tricks/Makefile
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