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multi-objective planner




  • agent who collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans
# vim: set ts=2:sw=2:et:
""" multi-objective analysis and planning
(c) 2023 Tim Menzies <> BSD-2
python3 [OPTIONS] [-g ACTION]
-b --bins initial number of bins = 16
-c --cohen 'same' if under sd*cohen = .35
-d --digits digits for stats reports = 2
-f --file where to get data = ../data/auto93.csv
-g --go start up action = nothing
-m --min stop at len**min = .5
-h --help show help = False
-r --rest how many other to select = 3
-s --seed random number seed = 1234567891
from functools import cmp_to_key
from lib import *
the = settings(__doc__)
def COLS(a:list[str]) -> O:
"""Factory for making COLS things. Applied to first line of csv file.
Uppercase words become NUMs (and others are SYMs). Dependent `y`
goal attributes are marked as a klass (with a trailing `!`) or
as something to minimize or maximize (with a training `-` or `+`.
Columns to ignore end in `X`."""
cols = O(all=[], x=[], y=[], klass=None, names=a)
for c,s in enumerate(a):
w = -1 if s[-1]=="-" else 1
col = NUM(at=c, txt=s, w=w) if s[0].isupper() else SYM(at=c, txt=s)
cols.all += [col]
if s[-1] != "X":
(cols.y if s[-1] in "!+-" else cols.x).append(col)
if s[-1] == "!": cols.klass=col
return cols
class COL(O):
"Defines a class that lets type hints to mention NUMs or SYMs"
class SYM(COL):
"""Summarize a stream of non-numbers."""
def slots(sym,at=0,txt=" "):
return dict(at=at, txt=txt, n=0, most=0, mode=None, has={})
class NUM(COL):
"""Summarize a stream of numbers."""
def slots(num,at=0,txt=" ",w=1):
return dict(at=at, txt=txt, n=0, w=w, lo=10**32, hi=-10**32, mu=0, m2=0)
def add(col:COL,x,inc=1):
"add `x` to `col`; repeat `inc` number of times"
if x != "?":
col.n += inc
if isa(col,SYM):
now = col.has[x] = col.has.get(x,0) + inc
if now > col.most: col.most,col.mode = now,x
for _ in range(inc):
d = x - += d/col.n
col.m2 += d*(x -
col.lo = min(x, col.lo)
col.hi = max(x, col.hi)
return x
def norm(num:NUM, n):
"n normalizes 0..1 for min..max"
return n if n=="?" else (n - num.lo)/(num.hi - num.lo+10**-31)
def mid(col:COL):
"central tendency of an existing col (mean or mode)"
return if isa(col,NUM) else col.mode
def div(col:COL) -> float:
"diversity of an existing col (standard deviation or entropy)"
def e(p): return p * math.log(p,2)
return -sum(e(n/col.n) for n in col.has.values()) if isa(col,SYM) else (col.m2/(col.n - 1))**.5
def merged(sym1: SYM, sym2:SYM) -> SYM:
"if merging simplifies things, return that merge"
sym12 = deepcopy(sym1)
for x,n in sym2.has.items(): add(sym12,x,n)
if div(sym12) <= (sym1.n*div(sym1) + sym2.n*div(sym2))/sym12.n:
return sym12
class ROW(O):
"""ROWs store cells and, optionally, may have some label. Discretized
ROWs store the descrete values in `cooked`."""
def slots(row,cells=[]): return dict(cells=cells, label=None, cooked=[])
def DATA(src, rows=[]) -> O:
"""Factor from making data things from either files,
or mimicking the structure of another data"""
data = O(rows=[], cols=None)
if type(src)==str : [adds(data,x) for x in csv(src)]
elif type(src)==O : adds(data, src.cols.names)
[adds(data,row) for row in rows]
return data
def adds(data:O, x):
"update `data` with one row `x`. if this is top row, create headers."
if not data.cols:
data.cols = COLS(x)
row = x if type(x)==ROW else ROW(cells=x)
data.rows += [row]
for cols in [data.cols.x, data.cols.y]:
for col in cols:
add(col, row.cells[])
def stats(data:DATA,cols:list[COL]=None,fun=mid):
"summarize `cols`"
def rnd(x): return round(x, ndigits=the.digits) if isa(x,float) else x
out = {col.txt:rnd(fun(col)) for col in (cols or data.cols.y)}
out["N"] = len(data.rows)
return O(**out)
def better(data:DATA, row1:ROW, row2:ROW) -> bool:
"true if `row1` should be ranked ahead of `row2`"
for col in cols:
a,b = norm(col, row1.cells[]), norm(col, row2.cells[])
s1 -= math.exp(col.w*(a-b)/n)
s2 -= math.exp(col.w*(b-a)/n)
return s1/n < s2/n
def betters(data:DATA, rows:list[ROW]=None) -> list[ROW]:
def fun(r1,r2): return better(data,r1,r2)
return sorted(rows or data.rows, key=cmp_to_key(fun))
class BIN(O):
"""Store and update a set of `rows`, their min and max values (for
one column) as well as a count of the labels seen in those rows"""
def slots(bin,at=0,txt="",xlo=None,xhi=None,rows=None,labels=None):
return dict(at=at, txt=txt,
xlo=xlo or 0, xhi=xhi or xlo,
rows=rows or set(), labels=labels or SYM())
def binned(bin,x,row):
if x != "?":
bin.xlo = min(x,bin.xlo)
bin.xhi = max(x,bin.xhi)
add(bin.labels, row.label)
def bins(rows:list[ROW], at:int, txt:str, xcol:COL,**d):
xfun = lambda row: row.cells[]
if isa(xcol,NUM):
return numBins(rows=rows, at=at, txt=txt, xfun=xfun, **d)
tmp = {k:BIN(at=at, txt=txt, xlo=k) for k in xcol.has.keys()}
[binned( tmp[xfun(row)], xfun(row), row) for row in rows]
return sorted(tmp.values(), key=lambda bin: bin.xlo)
def numBins(rows:list[ROW], at:int, txt:str, xfun:callable,
eps:float, small:float) -> list[BIN]:
rows = sorted((r for r in rows if xfun(r) != "?"), key=xfun)
bin = BIN(at=at, txt=txt, xlo=xfun(rows[0]))
out = []
for i,row in enumerate(rows):
xhere = xfun(row)
binned(bin, xhere, row)
if bin.xhi - bin.xlo > eps:
if len(bin.rows) > small and i < len(rows) - small:
if xhere != xfun(rows[i+1]):
out += [bin]
bin = BIN(at=at, txt=txt, xlo=xhere)
if len(bin.rows) > 0: out += [bin]
return merges(out)
def merges(bins:list[BIN]) -> list[BIN]:
tmp,i = [],0
while i < len(bins):
a = bins[i]
if i < len(bins) - 1:
b = bins[i+1]
if labels := merged(a.labels, b.labels):
a = BIN(, txt=a.txt,
xlo=a.xlo, xhi=b.xhi,
rows= a.rows | b.rows, labels=labels)
i = i + 1
tmp += [a]
i = i + 1
print(len(tmp), len(bins))
return bins if len(tmp)==len(bins) else merges(tmp)
i love traddic lifes
# vim: set ts=2:sw=2:et:
import re
import sys
import math
import random
import traceback
from copy import deepcopy
from termcolor import colored
from ast import literal_eval
isa = isinstance
r = random.random
seed = random.seed
def shuffle(a:list) ->list: random.shuffle(a); return a
class O(object):
def __init__(o1, **d): o1.__dict__.update(**o1.slots(**d)); O.n+=1; o1._id=O.n
def slots(o1,**d) : return d
def __repr__(o1) : return o1.__class__.__name__+"{"+(" ".join(
sorted([f":{k} {v}" for k, v in o1.__dict__.items()
if k[0] != '_'])))+"}"
def __hash__(o1) : return o1._id
def update(o1,d) :
for k,v in d.__dict__.items(): o1.__dict__[k] = v
def coerce(str):
try: return literal_eval(str)
except: return str
def settings(help:str,update=False) -> O:
"Parses help string for lines with flags (on left) and defaults (on right)"
for m in re.finditer(r"\n\s*-\w+\s*--(\w+)[^=]*=\s*(\S+)",help):
k,v = m[1], m[2]
d[k] = coerce( cli(k,v) if update else v )
return O(**d)
def cli(k:str, v:str) -> str:
"""If there exists a command-line flag `-k[0]`, then update `v`.
For non-booleans, take value from command-line.
For booleans, just flip the default."""
for i,x in enumerate(sys.argv):
if ("-"+k[0]) == x:
v="False" if v=="True" else ("True" if v=="False" else sys.argv[i+1])
return v
def csv(file:str):
"Iterator for CSV files"
with open(file) as fp:
for line in fp:
line = re.sub(r'([\n\t\r"\' ]|#.*)', '', line)
if line:
yield [coerce(cell.strip()) for cell in line.split(",")]
def yell(s,c):
"print string `s` in bold text, in color `c`"
def tests(the,funs):
"""if asked (using -g str), run some `fun` in `funs` (or run all if `-g all`).
After each run, reset seed and `the` to the defaults. If `fun` crashes,
increment `fails` and move on to next demo. Return number of fails."""
cache = deepcopy(the) # always reset `the` to `cache`
tries,fails = 0,0
for fun in funs:
k = fun.__name__
if the.go==k or the.go=="all":
yell(k+" ","light_yellow")
ok = True
tries += 1
if fun()==False: ok=False
if ok: yell("PASS\n","light_green")
else: yell("FAIL\n","light_red"); fails += 1
if the.go != "nothing":
yell(O(tries=tries, fails=fails),"magenta"); print("")
return fails
def main(the,help,funs):
the.update(settings(help, update=True))
yell(help,"yellow") if else sys.exit(tests(the,funs))
-include ../config/
DO_what= AGENT: multi-objective analysis
DO_copyright= Copyright (c) 2023 Tim Menzies, BSD-2.
DO_repos= . ../config ../data
install: ## load python3 packages (requires `pip3`)
pip3 install -qr requirements.txt
(cd ..; git clone data)
(cd ..; git clone config)
tests: ## run test suite
doc: ## generate documentation
pdoc --show-source \
--logo '' *.py
import sys
from agent import __doc__ as help
from agent import *
from lib import *
def go(f): global funs; funs += [f]; return f
def no(f): pass
def thed(): print(the)
def csvd():
for a in csv(the.file): n += len(a)
return n==3192
def numd():
num = NUM()
[add(num,r()) for x in range(10**4)]
return .28 < div(num) < .32 and .49 < mid(num) < .51
def symd():
sym = SYM()
[add(sym,c) for c in "aaaabbc"]
return 1.37 < div(sym) < 1.38 and mid(sym)=='a'
def statd():
d0 = DATA(the.file)
s0 = stats(d0); a0 = s0.__dict__['Acc+']
return 15.5 < a0 < 15.6
def betterd():
d0 = DATA(the.file)
d1 = DATA(d0, rows=betters(d0)[-30:])
d2 = DATA(d0, rows=betters(d0)[:-30])
s0 = stats(d0); a0 = s0.__dict__['Acc+']
s1 = stats(d1); a1 = s1.__dict__['Acc+']
s2 = stats(d2); a2 = s2.__dict__['Acc+']
return a2 < a0 < a1
def mimikd():
d0 = DATA(the.file)
d1 = DATA(d0, rows=d0.rows)
return d0.cols.y[1].m2 == d1.cols.y[1].m2
def binsd():
d0 = DATA(the.file)
rows = betters(d0)
best = rows[-n:]
rest = shuffle(rows[:-n])[:n*]
d1 = DATA(d0, rows=best)
d2 = DATA(d0, rows=rest)
print("\nall ",stats(d0))
for r in best: r.label=True
for r in rest: r.label=False
for col in d0.cols.x:
for b in bins(best+rest,, txt=col.txt, xcol=col,
eps=the.cohen*div(col), small=col.n**the.min):
print("!!",isa(col,NUM), b.txt, b.xlo,b.xhi,b.labels.has, len(b.rows))
if __name__ == "__main__":
main(the, help, funs)
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