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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Foolproof constructor for objects

One of javascript pitfalls is object constructor: if you forgot to add new before your function, it will not be called as constructor, but as usual function.

var Human = function Human() {
this.age = 5;
this.askAge = function() {
return "My age is " + age;
//Problem lies here: forgot to add `new`
var Mike = Human();
//and Mike is undefined
console.log(Mike); // undefined
//but now window has age and askAge() properties
console.log(window.age); // 5
var Human = function Human() {
//and there it is.
if (this === window) return new Human(arguments);
this.age = 5;
this.askAge = function() {
return "My age is " + age;
//And our problem goes away
var Mike = Human();
//and now window has age and askAge() properties
console.log(age); // ReferenceError: age is not defined
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