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Created November 24, 2011 19:52
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Haskell solution to "12 balls and scale" problem
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.List (intercalate, nub)
import Prelude hiding (Left, Right)
slice :: (Int, Int) -> [a] -> [a]
slice (l, r) x = take (r - l) $ drop l $ x
data Ball = Ball Int deriving (Eq, Show)
data Bias = Heavier | Lighter deriving (Eq, Show)
data Side = Left | Right deriving (Eq, Show)
data Result = LeftHeavier | RightHeavier | Balanced
is :: Side -> Bias -> Result -> Bool
(Left `is` Heavier) LeftHeavier = True
(Left `is` Heavier) RightHeavier = False
(Left `is` Lighter) LeftHeavier = False
(Left `is` Lighter) RightHeavier = True
(Right `is` Heavier) LeftHeavier = False
(Right `is` Heavier) RightHeavier = True
(Right `is` Lighter) LeftHeavier = True
(Right `is` Lighter) RightHeavier = False
(_ `is` _) Balanced = error "balanced"
sideOf :: Side -> Result -> Bias
Left `sideOf` LeftHeavier = Heavier
Left `sideOf` RightHeavier = Lighter
Right `sideOf` LeftHeavier = Lighter
Right `sideOf` RightHeavier = Heavier
whichSideIs :: Bias -> Result -> Side
whichSideIs Heavier LeftHeavier = Left
whichSideIs Heavier RightHeavier = Right
whichSideIs Lighter LeftHeavier = Right
whichSideIs Lighter RightHeavier = Left
actuallyWeigh :: (Ball, Bias) -> [Ball] -> [Ball] -> Result
actuallyWeigh (ball, bias) left right = let
inLeft = ball `elem` left
inRight = ball `elem` right
in case (inLeft, inRight, bias) of
(False, False, _) -> Balanced
(False, True, Heavier) -> RightHeavier
(False, True, Lighter) -> LeftHeavier
(True, False, Heavier) -> LeftHeavier
(True, False, Lighter) -> RightHeavier
class Monad w => WeighMonad w where
weigh :: [Ball] -> [Ball] -> w Result
illegal :: w a
solve12 :: WeighMonad w => [Ball] -> w (Ball, Bias)
solve12 b = do
x <- weigh (slice (0,4) b) (slice (4,8) b)
case x of
Balanced -> solve4 (slice (8,12) b) (slice (0,8) b)
_ -> solve4And4 (slice (0,4) b) x (slice (4,8) b) (slice (8,12) b)
solve4 :: WeighMonad w => [Ball] -> [Ball] -> w (Ball, Bias)
solve4 suspect neutral = do
x <- weigh [suspect!!0, suspect!!1] [suspect!!2, head neutral]
case x of
Balanced -> solve1 (suspect!!3) neutral
_ -> do
y <- weigh [suspect!!0] [suspect!!1]
case y of
Balanced -> return (suspect!!2, Right `sideOf` x)
_ -> case whichSideIs (Left `sideOf` x) y of
Left -> return (suspect!!0, Left `sideOf` x)
Right -> return (suspect!!1, Left `sideOf` x)
solve1 :: WeighMonad w => Ball -> [Ball] -> w (Ball, Bias)
solve1 ball neutral = do
x <- weigh [ball] [head neutral]
case x of
Balanced -> illegal
_ -> return (ball, Left `sideOf` x)
solve4And4 :: WeighMonad w => [Ball] -> Result -> [Ball] -> [Ball] -> w (Ball, Bias)
solve4And4 left x right neutral = do
y <- weigh [left!!0, left!!1, right!!0, right!!1] [right!!2, neutral!!0, neutral!!1, neutral!!2]
case y of
Balanced -> do
z <- weigh [left!!2] [left!!3]
case z of
Balanced -> return (right!!3, Right `sideOf` x)
_ -> case whichSideIs (Left `sideOf` x) z of
Left -> return (left!!2, Left `sideOf` x)
Right -> return (left!!3, Left `sideOf` x)
_ | (Left `is` (Left `sideOf` x)) y -> do
z <- weigh [left!!0] [left!!1]
case z of
Balanced -> return (right!!2, Right `sideOf` x)
_ -> case whichSideIs (Left `sideOf` x) z of
Left -> return (left!!0, Left `sideOf` x)
Right -> return (left!!1, Left `sideOf` x)
_ | (Right `is` (Left `sideOf` x)) y -> do
z <- weigh [right!!0] [right!!1]
case z of
Balanced -> illegal
_ -> case whichSideIs (Left `sideOf` y) z of
Left -> return (right!!0, Left `sideOf` y)
Right -> return (right!!1, Left `sideOf` y)
balls = [Ball i | i <- [1..12]]
{- Mode 1: Print exhaustive list of what happens in case of each ball being
heavier or lighter -}
data WeighAndTrack a = WeighAndTrack { runWeighAndTrack :: (Ball, Bias) -> Writer [([Ball], [Ball])] a }
instance Monad WeighAndTrack where
return x = WeighAndTrack (const (return x))
a >>= b = WeighAndTrack $ \ secret -> do
a' <- runWeighAndTrack a secret
b' <- runWeighAndTrack (b a') secret
return b'
instance WeighMonad WeighAndTrack where
weigh left right =
assert (length left == length right) $
assert (nub (left ++ right) == left ++ right) $
WeighAndTrack $ \ (ball, bias) -> do
tell [(left, right)]
return (actuallyWeigh (ball, bias) left right)
illegal = error "impossible"
mode1 = forM_ [(ball, bias) | ball <- balls, bias <- [Lighter, Heavier]] $ \ (ball, bias) -> do
putStrLn ("If " ++ formatBall ball ++ " is " ++ formatBias bias ++ ":")
let ((ball', bias'), weighings) = runWriter (runWeighAndTrack (solve12 balls) (ball, bias))
forM weighings $ \ (left, right) -> do
let r = actuallyWeigh (ball, bias) left right
putStrLn (" Weigh " ++ formatBalls left ++ " against " ++ formatBalls right ++ " -> " ++ formatResult r)
putStrLn (" Answer: " ++ formatBall ball' ++ " is " ++ formatBias bias')
putStrLn (" " ++ if (ball, bias) == (ball', bias') then "Correct" else "Wrong")
{- Mode 2: Print decision tree -}
data DecisionTree a = Weighing [Ball] [Ball] (DecisionTree a) (DecisionTree a) (DecisionTree a) | Conclusion a | Impossible
instance Monad DecisionTree where
return x = Conclusion x
a >>= b = case a of
Weighing left right ifLeftHeavier ifRightHeavier ifBalanced ->
Weighing left right (ifLeftHeavier >>= b) (ifRightHeavier >>= b) (ifBalanced >>= b)
Conclusion a -> b a
instance WeighMonad DecisionTree where
weigh left right = Weighing left right (Conclusion LeftHeavier) (Conclusion RightHeavier) (Conclusion Balanced)
illegal = Impossible
printDecisionTree :: Int -> DecisionTree (Ball, Bias) -> IO ()
printDecisionTree indent (Conclusion (ball, bias)) = do
printIndent indent $ "conclude " ++ formatBall ball ++ " is " ++ formatBias bias
printDecisionTree indent (Weighing left right ifLeftHeavier ifRightHeavier ifBalanced) = do
printIndent indent $ "weigh " ++ formatBalls left ++ " against " ++ formatBalls right
printIndent indent $ " if left heavier:"
printDecisionTree (indent + 1) ifLeftHeavier
printIndent indent $ " if right heavier:"
printDecisionTree (indent + 1) ifRightHeavier
printIndent indent $ " if balanced:"
printDecisionTree (indent + 1) ifBalanced
printDecisionTree indent Impossible = do
printIndent indent $ "impossible"
printIndent :: Int -> String -> IO ()
printIndent indent string = putStrLn (replicate (indent * 4) ' ' ++ string)
mode2 = printDecisionTree 0 (solve12 balls)
{- Mode 3: Interactively solve problem -}
instance WeighMonad IO where
weigh left right = do
putStrLn $ "Which is heavier of " ++ formatBalls left ++ " or " ++ formatBalls right ++ "?"
let tryAgain = do
putStr "Please enter 'left', 'right', or 'balanced':"
answer <- getLine
case answer of
"left" -> return LeftHeavier
"right" -> return RightHeavier
"balanced" -> return Balanced
_ -> do
putStrLn "Huh?"
illegal = do
fail "Impossible."
mode3 = do
maybeSolution <- catch (liftM Just $ solve12 balls) (const $ return Nothing)
case maybeSolution of
Just (ball, bias) -> putStrLn $ "Answer: " ++ formatBall ball ++ " is " ++ formatBias bias
Nothing -> putStrLn "That's impossible."
main = do
putStrLn "Modes:"
putStrLn "1. Print how each possible heavier or lighter ball would be detected"
putStrLn "2. Print decision tree"
putStrLn "3. Interactively solve a problem"
putStrLn "4. Quit"
mode <- getLine
case mode of
"1" -> do
"2" -> do
"3" -> do
"4" -> do
return ()
_ -> do
putStrLn "I don't understand that mode."
formatBall (Ball i) = show i
formatBias Heavier = "heavier"
formatBias Lighter = "lighter"
formatBalls bs = intercalate ", " (map formatBall bs)
formatResult LeftHeavier = "left is heavier"
formatResult RightHeavier = "right is heavier"
formatResult Balanced = "balanced"
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