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Created December 18, 2023 15:48
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Install System Bridge - Windows
Write-Host "Make sure you have ran clone.ps1 and have winget, Git and Python 3.12 installed before running this script!"
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to continue"
Write-Output "Upgrading Python 3.12..."
winget upgrade Python.Python.3.12
Write-Output "Update pip, setuptools and wheel..."
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
Write-Output "Uninstall any existing packages..."
python -m pip uninstall systembridge -y
python -m pip uninstall systembridgebackend -y
python -m pip uninstall systembridgecli -y
python -m pip uninstall systembridgeconnector -y
python -m pip uninstall systembridgefrontend -y
python -m pip uninstall systembridgegui -y
python -m pip uninstall systembridgeshared -y
python -m pip uninstall systembridgemodels -y
python -m pip uninstall systembridgewindowssensors -y
Write-Output "Install packages..."
Write-Output "Install models.."
Set-Location models && git pull && python -m pip install . && Set-Location ..
Write-Output "Install shared.."
Set-Location shared && git pull && python -m pip install . && Set-Location ..
Write-Output "Install connector.."
Set-Location connector && git pull && python -m pip install . && Set-Location ..
Write-Output "Install frontend.."
Set-Location frontend && git pull && yarn install && yarn build && python -m pip install . && Set-Location ..
Write-Output "Install gui.."
Set-Location gui && git pull && python -m pip install . && Set-Location ..
Write-Output "Install cli.."
Set-Location cli && git pull && python -m pip install . && Set-Location ..
Write-Output "Install backend.."
Set-Location backend && git pull && python -m pip install . && Set-Location ..
Write-Output "Install complete!"
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