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Created May 29, 2020 21:05
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Wait for a resource in pulumi
// Make sure x is a true output so pulumi doesn't try to run this function during preview.
const ingressIP = pulumi.all([x]).apply(async ([x]) => {
const kc = new k8sClient.KubeConfig();
const provider = (this.getProvider('kubernetes::') as any)
const kubeConfig = provider.kubeconfig as pulumi.Output<string>;
const ip = kubeConfig.apply(async (config) => {
const k8sApi = kc.makeApiClient(k8sClient.CoreV1Api);
while (true) {
try {'Waiting for load balancer IP...', this);
const res = await k8sApi.readNamespacedService('istio-ingressgateway', namespace)
return res.body.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip;
} catch (err) {
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 2000));
return ip;
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hcharley commented May 3, 2022

I'm developing a script to grab the status of a CustomResource based on this:

type ManagedCertificateStatusType = 'Provisioning' | 'Ready' | 'Failed';

type ManagedCertificateDomainStatus = {
  domain: string;
  status: ManagedCertificateStatusType;

type ManagedCertificateStatus = {
  certificateName: string;
  certificateStatus: ManagedCertificateStatusType;
  domainStatus: ManagedCertificateDomainStatus[];
  public setupKubernetesManagedCert() {
      new KubernetesCustomResource(
          parent: this,

  public get kubernetesManagedCertKind() {
    return 'ManagedCertificate' as const;

  public get kubernetesManagedCertApiWithVersion() {
    return `${this.kubernetesManagedCertApiVersion}` as const;

  public get kubernetesManagedCertApiVersion() {
    return 'v1beta2' as const;

  public get kubernetesManagedCertResourceGroup() {
    return '' as const;

  public async getKubernetesManagedCertStatus(): Promise<
    ManagedCertificateStatus | undefined
  > {
    if (!this.myEnvironment.kubernetesManagedCertName) {
      return undefined;

    const kubeConfig = new KubeConfig();


    const kubeApi = kubeConfig.makeApiClient(CustomObjectsApi);

    try {
      const resources = await kubeApi.getNamespacedCustomObject(

      return (resources.body as any)?.status as ManagedCertificateStatus;
    } catch (cause) {
      this.logger.error(`Failed to get managed cert status: ${cause}`);
      return undefined;

  public get kubernetesManagedCertArgs(): CustomResourceArgs {
    return {
      kind: this.kubernetesManagedCertKind,
      apiVersion: this.kubernetesManagedCertApiWithVersion,
      metadata: {
        namespace: this.myEnvironment.getKubernetesNamespaceOrThrow(),
      spec: {
        domains: this.myEnvironment.serviceHosts,

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