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Javscript data structures and control challenge

Javscript data structures and control challenge

This is from the challenge at the end of the the "javascript data structures and control" section of stream 1

A Pen by Timmy on CodePen.


// We want to take a paragraph of text and filter out certain parts of it.
// In our case, we’ll go over a profile text and remove all the uninteresting stop words.
// The steps will involve splitting the text into an array of words. Then iterating over
// the words and keeping all words except those that are contained in the separate
// array of stop words. You can start by using the following:
// var profile = "I am a web developer developing in html css and javascript";
// var stops = ["i","am","a","and"]; //words to be removed from profile
var profile = "I am a web developer developing in html css and javascript";
var stops = ["i","am","a","and"];
// First 'tokenise' the string. This simply means taking the string and breaking
// it up into smaller parts (sometimes called "tokens"). We choose what character
// we want to split on (called the "delimited"). In our example this is simply a space
var words = profile.split(' ');
// Approach 1: use a separate array and copy the valid words to it
var validWords = [],
validProfile = "";
for(i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
// Note: you might try use here:
// if(... in ...)
// but rememeber the 'in' operator is to check
// if a object has a particular key:
var word = words[i];
if(stops.indexOf(word.toLowerCase()) === -1) {
// Convert the array back into a string by "joining". This is the opposite of "split".
// We stick all the words back together with a space between each of them.
validProfile = validWords.join(" ");
console.log("Approach 1 result: " + validProfile);
// Approach 2: Use the "filter" built in
// "filter" is a built-in function available on arrays that allows you to create
// new arrays from the original array. You define a function that returns a
// boolean value. This function is called on every member of the array. If
// the function returns true, that value is included in the result. If it returns
// false, it is not included.
var validWords = words.filter(function(word) {
return (stops.indexOf(word.toLowerCase()) === -1);
console.log("Approach 2 result: " + validWords);
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