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Last active May 7, 2024 17:39
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Let's get it going manually...

First, let's set some parameters



create our vnets

Create rg az group create --resource-group rg-$UNIQUE-dev --location $LOCATION

Keep rg handy


Create 'on-prem vnet' az network vnet create -g $RG -n vnet-1-$UNIQUE --address-prefix --subnet-name sn-1-$UNIQUE

Create vnet2 - make sure your address space doesn't overlap az network vnet create -g $RG -n vnet-2-$UNIQUE --address-prefix --subnet-name sn-2-$UNIQUE

peer the vnets

get the full id of on-prem and vnet-2

VNET1ID=$(az network vnet show --resource-group $RG --name vnet-1-$UNIQUE --query "id" -o tsv | tr -d '"')

VNET2ID=$(az network vnet show --resource-group $RG --name vnet-2-$UNIQUE --query "id" -o tsv | tr -d '"')

peer vnet onprem to 2

az network vnet peering create --name peer-2-$UNIQUE-1 -g $RG --vnet-name vnet-1-$UNIQUE --remote-vnet $VNET2ID --allow-vnet-access

peer vnet 2 to onprem

az network vnet peering create --name peer-2-$UNIQUE-1 -g $RG --vnet-name vnet-2-$UNIQUE --remote-vnet $VNET1ID --allow-vnet-access

create bastion subnet, ip and resource

az network public-ip create -g $RG --name BastionPublicIp --sku Standard --location $LOCATION

az network vnet subnet create --name AzureBastionSubnet --resource-group $RG --vnet-name vnet-1-$UNIQUE --address-prefixes --private-endpoint-network-policies Disabled --private-link-service-network-policies Disabled

az network bastion create --name bh-$UNIQUE --public-ip-address BastionPublicIP --resource-group $RG --vnet-name vnet-1-$UNIQUE --location $LOCATION

create web app

az appservice plan create --name $UNIQUE-app-plan --resource-group $RG --location $LOCATION --sku S1

az webapp create --name webapp-$UNIQUE --resource-group $RG --plan $UNIQUE-app-plan --runtime "DOTNET|6.0"

create private endpoint

get web app id

WEBAPPID=$(az webapp show -g $RG --name webapp-$UNIQUE --query "id" -o tsv | tr -d '"')
az network vnet subnet create --name sn-$UNIQUE-app --resource-group $RG --vnet-name vnet-2-$UNIQUE --address-prefixes --private-endpoint-network-policies Disabled --private-link-service-network-policies Disabled

az network private-endpoint create --connection-name pep-$UNIQUE-web --name pep-app-$UNIQUE -g $RG --subnet sn-$UNIQUE-app --group-id sites --location $LOCATION --nic-name nic-pep-app-$UNIQUE --vnet-name vnet-2-$UNIQUE --private-connection-resource-id $WEBAPPID

create a private resolver and dns-zone

az network private-dns zone create -g $RG -n

az network private-dns link vnet create --name vnet-privatelink-$UNIQUE-websites --registration-enabled false --resource-group $RG --virtual-network $VNET2ID --zone-name

create vm

make sure you set 'Yoursecret1234'

az network nsg create --name nsg-$UNIQUE-jb --resource-group $RG --location $LOCATION 

az network nic create --name $UNIQUE-nicjb --location $LOCATION --vnet-name vnet-1-$UNIQUE --network-security-group nsg-$UNIQUE-jb --subnet sn-1-$UNIQUE --resource-group $RG

az vm create --name $UNIQUE-jump --resourge-group $RG --location $LOCATION --image "MicrosoftWindowsDesktop:windows-11:win11-23h2-pro:22631.3007.240105" --admin-username $UNIQUE-user --nics $UNIQUE-nicjb --os-disk-name $UNIQUE-disk --admin-password Yoursecret1234
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