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Created December 5, 2018 14:36
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
# Our problem formulation for $N-order Costas arrays uses $N**2 Boolean
# variables (at least log2($N!) are needed anyway) which correspond to the
# entries of a permutation matrix. That is what we mean when we speak of
# rows and columns. True Boolean variable is a 1 in the permutation matrix.
class Literal {
has int8 $.negated is rw;
has int32 $.i;
has int32 $.j;
method Str {
($!negated ?? "-" !! "") ~ (1 + $!i * $*N + $!j);
multi sub prefix:<¬> (Literal $l --> Literal) {
$l.negated .= not;
multi sub infix:<⸨⸩> (Int $i, Int $j --> Literal) is looser(&infix:<+>) {
new Literal: :!negated, :$i, :$j;
# TODO: I remember one of our SAT solvers has support for E-clauses
# (which are clauses with the implicit instruction to the solver
# that they must be satisfied with exactly one satisfied literal).
# Those would make some parts easier.
# Every row and column needs exactly one true variable.
# TODO: This produces redundant clauses.
sub permutation-axioms {
gather {
# At least one true variable ...
# • per row: ∨_j (i,j) for all i
for ^$*N -> $i {
take [$i⸨⸩$_ for ^$*N];
# • per column: ∨_i (i,j) for all j
for ^$*N -> $j {
take [$_⸨⸩$j for ^$*N];
# At most one true variable ...
# • per row: (i,j) => ∧_{k≠j} ¬(i,k)
# which is in CNF: ∧_{k≠j} (¬(i,j)∨¬(i,k)) for all (i,j)
for [X] ^$*N xx 2 -> ($i, $j) {
take [¬($i⸨⸩$j), ¬($i⸨⸩$_)] for ^$*N .grep(* ≠ $j);
# • per column: (i,j) => ∧_{k≠i} ¬(k,j)
# which is in CNF: ∧_{k≠i} (¬(i,j)∨¬(k,j)) for all (i,j)
for [X] ^$*N xx 2 -> ($i, $j) {
take [¬($i⸨⸩$j), ¬($_⸨⸩$j)] for ^$*N .grep(* ≠ $i);
# If the two variables (i,j) and (i+u,j+v) are true, then no other pair
# of variables (x,y) and (w,z) which are true are allowed to have the same
# distance and slope, i.e. w=x+u and z=y+v. This condition introduces
# $N**6 clauses (which is a LOT for the application N=32 we have in mind).
sub costas-axioms {
# That is, (i,j) ∧ (i+u,j+v) => ∧_{x,y} ¬((x,y) ∧ (x+u,y+v)),
# which in CNF reads:
# • ¬(i,j) ∨ ¬(i+u,j+v) ∨ ¬(x,y) ∨ ¬(x+u,y+v)
# where i,j run through ^$N, u through 0..$N, v through -$N..$N
# (but u and v are not both zero) and x,y run through ^$N.
# Only those clauses where i+u, j+v, x+u and y+v are defined
# must be emitted.
gather for [X] ^$*N xx 2 -> ($i, $j) {
for 0..^($*N-$i) X -$j..^($*N-$j) -> ($u, $v) {
next if $u == 0 and $v == 0;
for 0..^($*N-$u) X (0 max -$v)..^($*N min $*N-$v) -> ($x, $y) {
next if $x == $i and $y == $j;
take [¬($i⸨⸩$j), ¬($i+$u⸨⸩$j+$v), ¬($x⸨⸩$y), ¬($x+$u⸨⸩$y+$v)];
# We don't know the number of clauses beforehand but DIMACS cnf requires
# us to tell the solver. To avoid rewriting the entire file (which may be
# big) and tricks when feeding it to the SAT solver (we want a proper,
# self-contained DIMACS file), we insert '0' decimals as padding when
# writing the file and patch the correct number in at the end.
constant PADDING = 30; # 30 decimal places is enough; 10**30 is almost 2**100.
# XXX: Binding to dynamic $*N because Literal.Str depends on N and I don't
# want to store that number in every literal
sub MAIN (Int $*N, Str $outfile) {
my $fh = open $outfile, :w;
$fh.put: "c Description of Costas arrays of order $*N";
$fh.put: "p cnf { $*N**2 } { '0' x PADDING }";
my $patch-position = $fh.tell;
my $axioms;
for (|permutation-axioms, |costas-axioms) -> @clause {
$fh.put: @clause».Str.join(' '), ' 0';
$ $patch-position - (2 + floor(log10($axioms))), SeekFromBeginning;
$fh.write: $axioms.Str.encode;
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