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Created March 20, 2017 16:48
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uninteresting string join benchmark involving \r\n synthetic
my @chunks = ("hello", "\r"),
("goodbye", "\r\n"),
("yo", "\t"),
("omg", " ");
my @collection = |(@chunks.pick) xx 5000;
my %results{Any};
my $elems_per_line;
for ([\,] @collection).pick(1000) -> $selection {
my $start = now;
for ^100 {
my $ = $selection.join("")
%results{$selection.elems} = (now - $start).Num;
print ".";
$elems_per_line += $selection.elems;
if ++$ %% 50 {
say " $elems_per_line";
$elems_per_line = 0;
say "done";
for %results {
say "$_.key() $_.value()";
# results in pretty much a straight linear line.
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