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Created March 10, 2015 23:54
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spooky spesh dump
Spesh of 'STORE_AT_KEY' (cuid: cuid_3504_1426027443.20602, file: src/gen/m-CORE.setting:11338)
Callsite 0x7fe712142660 (3 args, 3 pos)
BB 0 (0x472a690):
Successors: 1
Dominance children: 1
BB 1 (0x472a708):
sp_getarg_o r0(1), liti16(0)
sp_getarg_o r1(1), liti16(1)
sp_getarg_o r13(4), liti16(2)
set r5(2), r13(4)
set r2(1), r5(2)
takedispatcher r7(1)
wval r8(1), liti16(1), liti16(43)
getattr_o r9(3), r0(1), r8(1), lits($!storage), liti16(0)
[Annotation: INS Deopt One (idx 0 -> pc 178)]
sp_guardconc r9(3), sslot(1)
const_i64_16 r10(3), liti16(1)
p6box_i r9(4), r10(3)
goto BB(2)
Successors: 2
Predeccessors: 0
Dominance children: 2, 2
BB 2 (0x472a7f8):
PHI r9(8), r9(4), r9(7)
isconcrete r10(4), r9(8)
unless_i r10(4), BB(5)
Successors: 5, 3
Predeccessors: 1, 2
Dominance children: 3, 5
BB 3 (0x472a848):
can r10(5), r9(8), lits(sink)
unless_i r10(5), BB(5)
Successors: 5, 4
Predeccessors: 2
Dominance children: 4
BB 4 (0x472a898):
sp_findmeth r13(5), r9(8), lits(sink), sslot(4)
prepargs <nyi(lit)>
arg_o liti16(0), r9(8)
[Annotation: INS Deopt All (idx 1 -> pc 332)]
invoke_v r13(5)
Successors: 5
Predeccessors: 3
Dominance children:
BB 5 (0x472a8e8):
wval r9(9), liti16(1), liti16(43)
[Annotation: INS Deopt One (idx 2 -> pc 354)]
getattr_o r13(7), r0(1), r9(9), lits($!storage), liti16(0)
set r9(10), r1(1)
unbox_s r11(3), r9(10)
bindkey_o r13(7), r11(3), r2(1)
return_o r2(1)
Predeccessors: 2, 3, 4
Dominance children:
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