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Created March 15, 2015 20:08
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Save timofei7/ab6eddd0404c7ee36eb0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
monobehaviour extension that adds exception handling, aalue retrieval, and locking to Unity C# coroutines
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// <summary>
/// Extending MonoBehaviour to add some extra functionality
/// Exception handling from:
/// 2013 Tim Tregubov
/// </summary>
public class TTMonoBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
private LockQueue LockedCoroutineQueue { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Coroutine with return value AND exception handling on the return value.
/// </summary>
public Coroutine<T> StartCoroutine<T>(IEnumerator coroutine)
Coroutine<T> coroutineObj = new Coroutine<T>();
coroutineObj.coroutine = base.StartCoroutine(coroutineObj.InternalRoutine(coroutine));
return coroutineObj;
/// <summary>
/// Lockable coroutine. Can either wait for a previous coroutine to finish or a timeout or just bail if previous one isn't done.
/// Caution: the default timeout is 10 seconds. Coroutines that timeout just drop so if its essential increase this timeout.
/// Set waitTime to 0 for no wait
/// </summary>
public Coroutine<T> StartCoroutine<T>(IEnumerator coroutine, string lockID, float waitTime = 10f)
if (LockedCoroutineQueue == null) LockedCoroutineQueue = new LockQueue();
Coroutine<T> coroutineObj = new Coroutine<T>(lockID, waitTime, LockedCoroutineQueue);
coroutineObj.coroutine = base.StartCoroutine(coroutineObj.InternalRoutine(coroutine));
return coroutineObj;
/// <summary>
/// Coroutine with return value AND exception handling AND lockable
/// </summary>
public class Coroutine<T>
private T returnVal;
private Exception e;
private string lockID;
private float waitTime;
private LockQueue lockedCoroutines; //reference to objects lockdict
private bool lockable;
public Coroutine coroutine;
public T Value
if (e != null)
throw e;
return returnVal;
public Coroutine() { lockable = false; }
public Coroutine(string lockID, float waitTime, LockQueue lockedCoroutines)
this.lockable = true;
this.lockID = lockID;
this.lockedCoroutines = lockedCoroutines;
this.waitTime = waitTime;
public IEnumerator InternalRoutine(IEnumerator coroutine)
if (lockable && lockedCoroutines != null)
if (lockedCoroutines.Contains(lockID))
if (waitTime == 0f)
//Debug.Log(this.GetType().Name + ": coroutine already running and wait not requested so exiting: " + lockID);
yield break;
//Debug.Log(this.GetType().Name + ": previous coroutine already running waiting max " + waitTime + " for my turn: " + lockID);
float starttime = Time.time;
float counter = 0f;
lockedCoroutines.Add(lockID, coroutine);
while (!lockedCoroutines.First(lockID, coroutine) && (Time.time - starttime) < waitTime)
yield return null;
counter += Time.deltaTime;
if (counter >= waitTime)
string error = this.GetType().Name + ": coroutine " + lockID + " bailing! due to timeout: " + counter;
this.e = new Exception(error);
lockedCoroutines.Remove(lockID, coroutine);
yield break;
lockedCoroutines.Add(lockID, coroutine);
while (true)
if (!coroutine.MoveNext())
if (lockable) lockedCoroutines.Remove(lockID, coroutine);
yield break;
catch (Exception e)
this.e = e;
Debug.LogError(this.GetType().Name + ": caught Coroutine exception! " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
if (lockable) lockedCoroutines.Remove(lockID, coroutine);
yield break;
object yielded = coroutine.Current;
if (yielded != null && yielded.GetType() == typeof(T))
returnVal = (T)yielded;
if (lockable) lockedCoroutines.Remove(lockID, coroutine);
yield break;
yield return coroutine.Current;
/// <summary>
/// coroutine lock and queue
/// </summary>
public class LockQueue
private Dictionary<string, List<IEnumerator>> LockedCoroutines { get; set; }
public LockQueue()
LockedCoroutines = new Dictionary<string, List<IEnumerator>>();
/// <summary>
/// check if LockID is locked
/// </summary>
public bool Contains(string lockID)
return LockedCoroutines.ContainsKey(lockID);
/// <summary>
/// check if given coroutine is first in the queue
/// </summary>
public bool First(string lockID, IEnumerator coroutine)
bool ret = false;
if (Contains(lockID))
if (LockedCoroutines[lockID].Count > 0)
ret = LockedCoroutines[lockID][0] == coroutine;
return ret;
/// <summary>
/// Add the specified lockID and coroutine to the coroutine lockqueue
/// </summary>
public void Add(string lockID, IEnumerator coroutine)
if (!LockedCoroutines.ContainsKey(lockID))
LockedCoroutines.Add(lockID, new List<IEnumerator>());
if (!LockedCoroutines[lockID].Contains(coroutine))
/// <summary>
/// Remove the specified coroutine and queue if empty
/// </summary>
public bool Remove(string lockID, IEnumerator coroutine)
bool ret = false;
if (LockedCoroutines.ContainsKey(lockID))
if (LockedCoroutines[lockID].Contains(coroutine))
ret = LockedCoroutines[lockID].Remove(coroutine);
if (LockedCoroutines[lockID].Count == 0)
ret = LockedCoroutines.Remove(lockID);
return ret;
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