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timogoebel/ca.pp Secret

Created September 6, 2017 07:16
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Katello Split Classes Puppet Modules WIP
# == Class: service_foreman::ca
# Sets up a ca and generate certificates for katello
# Attention: We need all of them, but uncommenting all leads to duplicate declarations
class service_foreman::ca {
include ::service_foreman::repos
group { 'foreman':
ensure => 'present',
system => true,
class { '::certs':
group => 'foreman',
generate => true,
deploy => true,
# Candlepin
class { '::certs::candlepin':
hostname => '',
cname => [''],
deploy => false,
# Qpid
#class { '::certs::qpid':
# hostname => '',
# cname => [''],
# deploy => false,
# Pulp
#class { '::certs::qpid_client':
# hostname => '',
# cname => [''], # TODO: No cname
# deploy => false,
#class { '::certs::apache':
# hostname => '',
# cname => [''],
# deploy => false,
class { '::certs::foreman_proxy':
hostname => '',
cname => [''],
deploy => false,
class { '::certs::qpid_router':
hostname => '',
cname => [''],
deploy => false,
# Foreman
class { '::certs::foreman':
hostname => '',
cname => [''],
deploy => false,
class { '::certs::pulp_client':
hostname => '',
cname => [''], # TODO: No CNAME
deploy => false,
class { '::certs::apache':
hostname => '',
cname => [''],
deploy => false,
# TODO: required?
#class { '::certs::qpid_client':
# hostname => '',
# cname => [],
# deploy => false,
class { '::certs::qpid':
hostname => '',
cname => [],
deploy => false,
#class { '::certs::qpid':
# hostname => '',
# cname => [],
# deploy => false,
# == Class: service_foreman::candlepin
# Sets up a candlepin for katello
class service_foreman::candlepin inherits service_foreman {
include ::service_foreman::repos
include ::service_foreman::certs
# The candlepin module creates a qpid exchange and therefor needs the qpid client with ssl certs installed.
# certs::qpid_client are not the certificates for the qpid-client tool.
# Reasoning:
class { '::certs::qpid':
generate => false,
deploy => true,
require => Class['certs::ca'],
class { '::certs::candlepin':
generate => false,
deploy => true,
require => Class['certs::ca'],
class { 'katello':
enable_candlepin => true,
enable_qpid => false,
enable_qpid_client => false,
enable_pulp => false,
enable_application => false,
qpid_hostname => "${::project}-qpid-01.${::app_tier}",
candlepin_manage_db => false,
candlepin_db_host => "${::project}-pgsql-01.${::app_tier}",
candlepin_db_name => 'candlepin',
candlepin_db_user => 'candlepin',
candlepin_db_password => 'candlepin',
# == Class: service_foreman::certs
# Sets up a certificates for katello
class service_foreman::certs {
group { 'foreman':
ensure => 'present',
system => true,
class { '::certs':
group => 'foreman',
generate => false,
# == Class: service_foreman:gui
# Setting up a foreman gui system.
class service_foreman::gui inherits service_foreman {
include ::service_foreman::repos
$db_user_prefix = regsubst($::project, '^(\S{0,10})', '\1')
$passenger_instances = ceiling($::processorcount*1.5)
certmanager::cert { $::service_foreman::foreman_host:
aliases => [$::fqdn],
$foreman_ssl_puppet_ca = '/etc/foreman/puppet-ca.pem'
$foreman_ssl_puppet_key = '/etc/foreman/puppet-key.pem'
$foreman_ssl_puppet_cert = '/etc/foreman/puppet-cert.pem'
$foreman_ssl_ui_key = '/etc/foreman/ui-key.pem'
$foreman_ssl_ui_cert = '/etc/foreman/ui-cert.pem'
class { '::foreman':
custom_repo => true,
configure_epel_repo => false,
configure_scl_repo => false,
db_manage => false,
db_type => 'postgresql',
db_host => "${::project}-pgsql-01.${::app_tier}",
db_port => '5432',
db_username => 'foreman',
db_database => 'foreman',
db_password => 'foreman',
db_pool => '25',
ssl => true,
server_ssl_chain => "/etc/pki/tls/certs/${::service_foreman::foreman_host}_chain.crt",
server_ssl_cert => "/etc/pki/tls/certs/${::service_foreman::foreman_host}.crt",
server_ssl_key => "/etc/pki/tls/private/${::service_foreman::foreman_host}.key",
server_ssl_crl => "${::puppet_ssldir}/crl.pem",
oauth_consumer_key => trocla("foreman-oauth-key-${::project}-${::app_tier}", 'plain', {'charset' => 'alphanumeric', 'length' => '32'}),
oauth_consumer_secret => trocla("foreman-oauth-secret-${::project}-${::app_tier}", 'plain', {'charset' => 'alphanumeric', 'length' => '32'}),
organizations_enabled => true,
locations_enabled => true,
initial_organization => 'FD-PS-LX',
initial_location => 'DE',
puppetrun => true,
passenger_min_instances => $passenger_instances,
email_delivery_method => 'sendmail',
websockets_ssl_cert => $foreman_ssl_ui_cert,
websockets_ssl_key => $foreman_ssl_ui_key,
client_ssl_ca => $foreman_ssl_puppet_ca,
client_ssl_cert => $foreman_ssl_puppet_cert,
client_ssl_key => $foreman_ssl_puppet_key,
# Foreman Plugins
include ::foreman::compute::ec2
include ::foreman::compute::vmware
include ::foreman::plugin::tasks
include ::foreman::plugin::bootdisk
include ::foreman::plugin::dhcp_browser
include ::foreman::plugin::remote_execution
include ::foreman::plugin::expire_hosts
include ::foreman::plugin::host_extra_validator
# Encryption key
$foreman_encryption_key = trocla('foreman_encryption', 'plain', {'charset' => 'alphanumeric', 'length' => '32'})
file { '/etc/foreman/encryption_key.rb':
ensure => file,
owner => 'root',
group => 'foreman',
mode => '0640',
content => template("${module_name}/encryption_key.rb.erb"),
notify => Service['httpd'],
require => Class['::foreman'],
# PuppetDB
class { '::foreman::plugin::puppetdb':
address => '',
ssl_ca_file => $foreman_ssl_puppet_ca,
ssl_certificate => $foreman_ssl_puppet_cert,
ssl_private_key => $foreman_ssl_puppet_key,
# Discovery
class { '::foreman::plugin::discovery':
install_images => false,
# Register ourself at the loadbalancer
if $::service_foreman::standby_node {
$haproxy_role = "backup"
} else {
$haproxy_role = undef
service_haproxy::balancermember { "${::fqdn}_foremangui_http":
service => 'foremangui_http',
ports => [80],
options => $haproxy_role,
service_haproxy::balancermember { "${::fqdn}_foremangui_https":
service => 'foremangui_https',
ports => [443],
options => $haproxy_role,
# Monitoring
#include ::service_foreman::monitoring
# Ensure cron files are only present on the first cluster node
if $::serverinstance > 1 {
$cron_files = [
file { $cron_files:
ensure => absent,
# Allow Foreman user to execute cron jobs
pam::access::entry { 'foreman':
permission => '+',
origins => ['cron','crond'],
# Copy puppet ssl cert and key so they are in the same place on
# every host and do not have filename containing the fqdn
file { $foreman_ssl_puppet_ca:
ensure => file,
source => "${settings::ssldir}/certs/ca.pem",
owner => 'foreman',
group => 'foreman',
mode => '0644',
require => Class['::foreman'],
file { $foreman_ssl_puppet_key:
ensure => file,
source => "${settings::ssldir}/private_keys/${::fqdn}.pem",
owner => 'foreman',
group => 'foreman',
mode => '0640',
require => Class['::foreman'],
file { $foreman_ssl_puppet_cert:
ensure => file,
source => "${settings::ssldir}/certs/${::fqdn}.pem",
owner => 'foreman',
group => 'foreman',
mode => '0600',
require => Class['::foreman'],
# Copy ui ssl cert and key for websockets
file { $foreman_ssl_ui_key:
ensure => file,
source => "/etc/pki/tls/private/${::service_foreman::foreman_host}.key",
owner => 'foreman',
group => 'foreman',
mode => '0640',
require => Class['::foreman'],
file { $foreman_ssl_ui_cert:
ensure => file,
source => "/etc/pki/tls/certs/${::service_foreman::foreman_host}.crt",
owner => 'foreman',
group => 'foreman',
mode => '0600',
require => Class['::foreman'],
# Setup memcache
$memcached_instances = service_memcache_memcached_instances("memcached-${::service_foreman::memcached_cluster_name}")
class { '::foreman::plugin::memcache':
hosts => $memcached_instances,
# Passenger tuning
foreman::config::passenger::fragment { 'dmtuning':
ssl_content => "### This file contains passenger tuning settings for EXAMPLE GmbH\n\nPassengerMaxPoolSize ${passenger_instances}\nPassengerMaxRequestQueueSize 200\n",
# Katello
include ::service_foreman::certs
include ::katello::params
class { '::certs::qpid': } ~>
class { '::qpid::client':
ssl => true,
ssl_cert_name => 'broker',
ssl_cert_db => $::certs::nss_db_dir,
ssl_cert_password_file => $::certs::qpid::nss_db_password_file,
} ~>
class {'::certs::katello': }
class { 'katello':
enable_candlepin => false,
enable_qpid => false,
enable_qpid_client => false,
enable_pulp => false,
enable_application => true,
candlepin_url => "https://${::project}-candlepin-01.${::app_tier}",
pulp_url => "https://${::project}-pulp-01.${::app_tier}",
qpid_url => "amqp:ssl:${::project}-qpid-01.${::app_tier}",
package_names => [$::katello::params::rubygem_katello], # do not install the katello meta package as it contains everything
# Added for proxy support
proxy_url => '',
proxy_port => 8000,
# == Class: service_foreman::pulp
# Sets up a pulp for katello
class service_foreman::pulp inherits service_foreman {
include ::service_foreman::repos
include ::service_foreman::certs
include ::katello::params
#class { '::pulp':
# oauth_enabled => true,
# oauth_key => $::katello::params::oauth_key,
# oauth_secret => $::katello::params::oauth_secret,
# messaging_url => "ssl://${::project}-qpid-01.${::app_tier}", # Edited
# messaging_ca_cert => $::certs::ca_cert,
# messaging_client_cert => $::certs::qpid_client::messaging_client_cert,
# messaging_transport => 'qpid',
# messaging_auth_enabled => false,
# broker_url => "qpid://${::project}-qpid-01.${::app_tier}", # Edited
# broker_use_ssl => true,
# #consumers_crl => $candlepin::crl_file,
# proxy_url => $::katello::params::proxy_url,
# proxy_port => $::katello::params::proxy_port,
# proxy_username => $::katello::params::proxy_username,
# proxy_password => $::katello::params::proxy_password,
# yum_max_speed => $::katello::params::pulp_max_speed,
# manage_broker => false,
# manage_httpd => true, # Changed
# manage_plugins_httpd => true,
# manage_squid => true,
# enable_rpm => true,
# enable_puppet => true,
# enable_docker => true,
# enable_ostree => $::katello::params::enable_ostree,
# num_workers => $::katello::params::num_pulp_workers,
# #max_tasks_per_child => $::katello::params::max_tasks_per_pulp_worker,
# enable_parent_node => false,
# repo_auth => true,
# puppet_wsgi_processes => 1,
# crane_data_dir => '/var/lib/pulp/published/docker/v2/app',
# # Added params
# https_cert => $::certs::apache::apache_cert,
# https_key => $::certs::apache::apache_key,
# ca_cert => $::certs::katello_server_ca_cert,
# enable_katello => true,
class { 'foreman_proxy':
custom_repo => true,
http => false,
ssl_port => '9090',
templates => false,
# TODO: remove hardcoded paths
# TODO: defaults to puppetCA, that's what we want for the proxy
#ssl_ca => '/etc/foreman-proxy/ssl_ca.pem',
#ssl_cert => '/etc/foreman-proxy/ssl_cert.pem',
#ssl_key => '/etc/foreman-proxy/ssl_key.pem',
foreman_ssl_ca => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/example.crt', # Foreman GUI has exampleCA certs, so we have to verify against her
# TODO: defaults to puppetCA, which is good
#foreman_ssl_ca => '/etc/foreman-proxy/foreman_ssl_ca.pem',
#foreman_ssl_cert => '/etc/foreman-proxy/foreman_ssl_cert.pem',
#foreman_ssl_key => '/etc/foreman-proxy/foreman_ssl_key.pem',
# Custom params
manage_sudoersd => false, # is managed by service_aaa
register_in_foreman => false,
puppetca => false,
tftp => false,
dhcp => false,
dns => false,
puppet => false,
trusted_hosts => ["${::project}-foreman-01.${::app_tier}"],
class { 'foreman_proxy::plugin::pulp':
enabled => true,
pulpnode_enabled => false,
class { 'foreman_proxy_content':
pulp_master => true,
qpid_router_broker_addr => "${::project}-qpid-01.${::app_tier}",
#parent_fqdn => "${::project}-foreman-01.${::app_tier}",
reverse_proxy => true,
puppet => false, # Changed
pulp_oauth_key => $::katello::params::oauth_key,
pulp_oauth_secret => $::katello::params::oauth_secret,
# for PR
pulp_master_standalone => true,
install_local_qpid => false,
parent_fqdn => "${::project}-qpid-01.${::app_tier}",
foreman_fqdn => "${::project}-foreman-01.${::app_tier}",
#pulp_proxy_url => $::katello::proxy_url,
#pulp_proxy_port => $::katello::proxy_port,
#pulp_proxy_username => $::katello::proxy_username,
#pulp_proxy_password => $::katello::proxy_password,
# pulp_max_tasks_per_child
# pulp_puppet_wsgi_processes
# pulp_num_workers
# == Class: service_foreman::qpid
# Sets up a qpid for katello
class service_foreman::qpid inherits service_foreman {
include ::service_foreman::repos
include ::service_foreman::certs
class { '::certs::qpid':
generate => false,
deploy => true,
class { 'katello':
enable_candlepin => false,
enable_qpid => true,
enable_qpid_client => false,
enable_pulp => false,
enable_application => false,
qpid_interface => $::default_interface,
Package['qpid-cpp-client'] -> Package['qpid-tools']
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