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Created February 27, 2020 15:47
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Terraform AWS Provider: Proposed design for DynamoDB Query and GetItem Data Sources
# =========================================================================== #
# Proposed arguments for DynamoDB query data source, using an HCL example.
# Status: Initial Design
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# We would want to stick pretty closely to DynamoDB's Query API for this:
# =========================================================================== #
data "aws_dynamodb_query" "example" {
# Use strong consistentcy instead of eventual if true. Won't work with global
# tables.
# Type: bool
# Required: false
consistent_read = false
# Specify what primary key to start reading data from. Can be used to process
# paginated batches of items.
# API takes an AttributeValue mapping (str -> Any):
# TODO (design): Think more about if this would be more user friendly to
# accept block or map instead of an escaped JSON string. The API just takes a
# string. But we need to escape any quotes...
# This way passes the JSON as a string with all the quotes escaped:
# Type: str, number, or bool
# Required: false
exclusive_start_key = "{\"S\": \"example-hash-key-12345\"}"
# (continued from above)
# Heredoc syntax might let us remove the quote escaping (I think?)
# exclusive_start_key = <<-EOT
# {"S": "example-hash-key-12345"}
# This does more magic than passing the start key as just a string, but may
# be a cleaner interface if designed right. I'm not sure what that right way
# is. Leaning towards just using a string to keep it simple. But doing it
# this way might enable us to do intelligent type checking before sending
# queries.
# exclusive_start_key {
# type = "S"
# values = ["example-hash-key-12345"]
# }
# Used for substituting attribute names in expressions, e.g., when an
# attribute name conflicts with a DynamoDB reserved keyword. The API accepts
# a map(str) that maps alias->attribute.
# Type: map(str)
# Required: false
expression_attribute_names = {
"#A": "example-attribute-A"
"#B": "example-attribute-B"
# Create aliases for attributes that can be evaluated in an expression. The
# API takes a map of attr values like the "exclusive_start_key" arg.
# Type: map(str)
# Required: false
expression_attribute_values = {
# A colon is required for the API and the value is referenced in
# expressions the same way. Maybe we can strip it from the key?
":avail" = "{\"S\":\"Available\"}"
":back" = "{\"S\":\"Backordered\"}"
# Filter expression is conditional expression that is applied AFTER the query
# is performed, but before data is returned. Use the key_condition_expression
# arg to filter items at query time.
# Type: str
# Required: false
filter_expression = "Price > :limit"
# The name of the local or global secondary index to query.
# Type: str
# Required: false
index_name = "ExampleIndex"
# key_condition_expression is a condition expression that DynamoDB uses to
# filter items at query time.
# Type: str
# Required: false
key_condition_expression = "attribute_not_exists(ExampleAttribute)"
# Limit the number of items returned in a query.
# Type: int
# Required: false
limit = 100
# An expression that defines what attributes to return from the item(s).
# TODO (design): It might be nice for this to be a list(str) type that we
# join together into a string.
# Type: str
# Required: false
projection_expression = "Description, RelatedItems[0], ProductReviews.FiveStar"
# Level of detail about consumed capacity to return in the response. Can be
# Valid values: INDEX | TOTAL | NONE
# TODO: The docs don't list the default for this parameter. Figure it out.
# Type: bool
# Required: false
# Default: ?
return_consumed_capacity = "INDEXES"
# Direction to traverse the index. Default is true, which means ascending
# order, so false scans in descending order.
# Type: bool
# Required: false
# Default: true
scan_index_forward = true
# Configure the attributes to return in the response. When using a projection
# expression, must be set to SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES
# Type: str
# Required: false
# Name of the table to query.
# Type: str
# Required: true
table_name = "ExampleTable"
# =========================================================================== #
# Proposed arguments for DynamoDB table item data source, using an HCL example.
# Status: Initial Design
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# We would want to stick pretty closely to DynamoDB's GetItem API for this:
# The attribute value objects get a bit more complex, with several possible
# types available:
# For more details about argument types, see notes for the aws_dynamodb_query
# data source.
# =========================================================================== #
data "aws_dynamodb_table_item" "example" {
# Use strong consistentcy instead of eventual if true. Won't work with global
# tables.
# Type: bool
# Required: false
consistent_read = false
# Create aliases for attributes that can be used to reference attribute names
# (and/or values?) in expressions.
# Type: map(str, str))
# Required: false
expression_attribute_names = {
"#A": "example-attribute-A"
"#B": "example-attribute-B"
# An AttributeValue mapping that maps attribute names to a type = value
# object. Values can be any of the valid DynamoDB types:
# TODO (design): It might be more user-friendly to define keys as block args
# Block example:
# key {
# name = "ExampleStringAttribute"
# type = "S"
# value = "abcdefg"
# }
# key {
# name = "ExampleNumberAttibute"
# type = "N"
# value = 12345
# }
# The nested attribute types/values can be any of the following types:
# - string
# - number
# - set of strings
# - set of numbers
# - map of AttributeValue objects (double-nested attributes can use the same
# types that are available at the top-level, i.e., any in this list:
# map(str, map(str, map(str, any)))
# - null
# Type: map(str, map(str, any))
# Required: true
key = {
"ExampleStringAttribute" = {
"S": "This is a string"
"ExampleNumberAttribute" = {
"N": 12345
# Define what attributes to return from the item(s)
# Type: str
# Required: false
projection_expression = "TopLevelAttribute, FirstAttributeValueFromList[0], NestedAttribute.Example"
# Level of detail to return about the capacity consumed by the operation.
# Type: str
# Required: false
return_consumed_capacity = "TOTAL"
# Obviously, this one defines the table to query. Okay?
# Type: str
# Required: true
table_name = "ExampleTable"
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