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Last active August 13, 2017 18:11
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Turing Pre Work: Personal Development

3 behaviors that matter to me

  1. Always use the right tool for the job. This statement is fundamental to properly executing any task in life. If you are not using the right tools for a task then you are clearly wasting time with the wrong tools. The first step I use in my approach to problem solving is evaluating the tools at hand and picking the best to execute the task. Learn about the toolbox. Choose the best tool. Complete the task.

  2. Take responsibility for your mistakes. Playing the blame game is detrimental to solving the issue. If you are playing the blame game then you are ultimately wasting your own time By taking responsibility and moving forward one is closer to resolving the issue and moving onward. Accepting responsibility for mistakes will lead to respect from your peers. This is a leadership fundamental and will ultimately create followers and trust.

  3. Absorb massive criticism with ease As a beginner in any skill the fastest way to learning and improvement is feedback. Feedback should be encouraged and viewed as a tool for learning. Criticism will allow you to hear objective views of your code and allow you to improve rapidly. Generally, those giving feedback are in a position to do so effectively, and their expertise should be valued. At the very least, they will expose you to views that were not accesible on one's own

Checklist Response

The checklist is a powerful tool not only to stay on task, but also to use muscle memory and an area of comfort to solve problems. In a high-stress environment the checklist will feel routine and act as a calming mechanism. It will save time. It will rule out possible mistakes The checklist will also build self-esteem as tasks are eliminated quickly and efficiently. The advice of a Harvard Medical School doctor will always resonate and be welcomed in my own life.

What is your impression of strengths-based development? What questions do you have about this kind of development? I view this type of development as a mixed bag. On one hand I'm a proponent of honing in on innate or established human skills and working to a level of mastery on those skills. However, on the other hand I view humans as complex and capable of excercising incredible plasticity with regards to learning and development. The most important skills that employers can work to develop are soft skills such as empathy and the ability to learn as a whole by responding to critiques proactively and actively seeking knowledge that will further overall employee contribution and ability. I wonder which research institutions are making strides in the assessment of skills and which companies other than Facebook and Google are implementing this research to improve their teams.

What do you feel are your top strengths? How do you know? My top strengths are problem solvign and active listening. I know this because numerous friends and professional colleagues actively reach out to me on a weekly basis asking for my opinion or my advice on everything from hiking trails to marketing to solving the logistics of an upcoming planned event. The first step in problem solving requires a full understanding of the problem at hand and that requires active listening. The next steps include suggesting multiple paths towards a solution, receiving feedback, and making a decision with a clear approacht that is understood completely by all parties involved. Clear communication in every phase is essential to coming up with solutions and then choosing the best one.

How do you hope to develop your strengths for your new career in software development? I plan to use my current strengths to facilitate proper learning at a fast pace. I hope to use my soft skills to embody approachability and likeability in the eyes of my peers and mentors, so that I can absorb and implement the new skills I'm being taught. I will exercise dexterity when approaching complex problems and use all the available resources to choose the best path forward, which will not always be the first path I choose. I will position myself as a team asset when working in groups so that I can both gain and give with regards to the skills I posess and the skills I'm actively attempting to improve. Constant learning and openness to feedback will allow me to expedite my growth as a developer and eventually give back to the members of my team.

Did you run into any issues?

Not that I know of at this time.

How do you open Atom from terminal?

type atom . hit enter.

What is the file extension for Ruby?


What is the Atom shortcut for hiding/ showing your file tree view?


What is the Atom shortcut for quickly finding a file (fuzzy finder)?


What does pwd stand for, and how is this command helpful?

Print Working Directory. Let's you know which directory you are currently in.

What does ls do? What about cd and mkdir?

ls lists the files in a directory

cd changes your directory and expects the directory to change to as an argument

mkdir makes a new directory and expects the name of the new directory as the argument.

What does hostname tell you, and what shows up in YOUR terminal when you type hostname?

The computer's name and the name of the domain. Mine says: Tims-MacBook-Pro.local

What command is entered into the command line to enter an 'irb' session?


What is the expression used to express a number squared?


What is the ruby command used to output something to the terminal?

use command print or puts then quotes of what you want it to output

How is a ruby file run from the command line?

ruby then file_name.rb

If a # is at the beginning of a ruby line in Atom, what does that indicate?


What will "turing".length return?


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