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Created July 29, 2020 12:04
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  • Save timothymugayi/36f30903079f6453d2b988fbf9d09ead to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$ serverless invoke --function currentTime --log --profile localstack --stage local
Serverless: config.options_stage: local
Serverless: serverless.service.custom.stage: undefined
Serverless: serverless.service.provider.stage: ${opt:stage, 'local'}
Serverless: config.stage: local
Serverless: Using serverless-localstack
Serverless: Reconfiguring service apigateway to use http://localhost:4567
Serverless: Reconfiguring service cloudformation to use http://localhost:4581
Serverless: Reconfiguring service cloudwatch to use http://localhost:4582
Serverless: Reconfiguring service lambda to use http://localhost:4574
Serverless: Reconfiguring service dynamodb to use http://localhost:4569
Serverless: Reconfiguring service kinesis to use http://localhost:4568
Serverless: Reconfiguring service route53 to use http://localhost:4580
Serverless: Reconfiguring service firehose to use http://localhost:4573
Serverless: Reconfiguring service stepfunctions to use http://localhost:4585
Serverless: Reconfiguring service es to use http://localhost:4578
Serverless: Reconfiguring service s3 to use http://localhost:4572
Serverless: Reconfiguring service ses to use http://localhost:4579
Serverless: Reconfiguring service sns to use http://localhost:4575
Serverless: Reconfiguring service sqs to use http://localhost:4576
Serverless: Reconfiguring service sts to use http://localhost:4592
Serverless: Reconfiguring service iam to use http://localhost:4593
Serverless: Reconfiguring service ssm to use http://localhost:4583
Serverless: Reconfiguring service rds to use http://localhost:4594
Serverless: Reconfiguring service ec2 to use http://localhost:4597
Serverless: Reconfiguring service elasticache to use http://localhost:4598
Serverless: Reconfiguring service kms to use http://localhost:4599
Serverless: Reconfiguring service secretsmanager to use http://localhost:4584
Serverless: Reconfiguring service logs to use http://localhost:4586
Serverless: Reconfiguring service cloudwatchlogs to use http://localhost:4586
Serverless: Reconfiguring service iot to use http://localhost:4589
Serverless: Reconfiguring service cognito-idp to use http://localhost:4590
Serverless: Reconfiguring service cognito-identity to use http://localhost:4591
Serverless: Reconfiguring service ecs to use http://localhost:4601
Serverless: Reconfiguring service eks to use http://localhost:4602
Serverless: Reconfiguring service xray to use http://localhost:4603
Serverless: Reconfiguring service appsync to use http://localhost:4605
Serverless: Reconfiguring service cloudfront to use http://localhost:4606
Serverless: Reconfiguring service athena to use http://localhost:4607
Serverless: Reconfiguring service S3 to use http://localhost:4572
Serverless: Reconfiguring service DynamoDB to use http://localhost:4569
Serverless: Reconfiguring service CloudFormation to use http://localhost:4581
Serverless: Reconfiguring service Elasticsearch to use http://localhost:4571
Serverless: Reconfiguring service ES to use http://localhost:4578
Serverless: Reconfiguring service SNS to use http://localhost:4575
Serverless: Reconfiguring service SQS to use http://localhost:4576
Serverless: Reconfiguring service Lambda to use http://localhost:4574
Serverless: Reconfiguring service Kinesis to use http://localhost:4568
Serverless: Warning: Unable to find plugin named: TypeScriptPlugin
"body": "{\"message\": \"Hello, world\", \"eventTime\": \"17:02:25.294643\"}",
"statusCode": 200
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