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Last active February 23, 2019 16:57
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Rectangle collision
;; load this example in a browser from this link:
(ns constrained.core
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent]
[goog.dom :as dom]))
(set! *warn-on-infer* true)
(defn collision? [x y w h other-rectangles]
(fn a-collision? [{:keys [left top width height]}]
(< x (+ left width))
(> x (- left w))
(< y (+ top height))
(> y (- top h))))
(defn solve [current-x current-y target-x target-y w h other-rectangles]
(and (< current-x target-x) (not (collision? (inc current-x) current-y w h other-rectangles)))
(recur (inc current-x) current-y target-x target-y w h other-rectangles)
(and (> current-x target-x) (not (collision? (dec current-x) current-y w h other-rectangles)))
(recur (dec current-x) current-y target-x target-y w h other-rectangles)
(and (< current-y target-y) (not (collision? current-x (inc current-y) w h other-rectangles)))
(recur current-x (inc current-y) target-x target-y w h other-rectangles)
(and (> current-y target-y) (not (collision? current-x (dec current-y) w h other-rectangles)))
(recur current-x (dec current-y) target-x target-y w h other-rectangles)
[current-x current-y]))
(defn move [{:keys [rectangles] :as app-state} idx target-x target-y]
(let [{:keys [left top width height]} (get rectangles idx)
other-rectangles (concat (take idx rectangles)
(drop (inc idx) rectangles))
[next-x next-y]
(if (collision? target-x target-y width height other-rectangles)
(solve left top target-x target-y width height other-rectangles)
[target-x target-y])]
(update-in app-state [:rectangles idx]
assoc :left next-x :top next-y)))
(defn main-view [app-state]
(let [rectangles (:rectangles @app-state)]
[:h2 "Drag the rectangles around..."]
[:div {:style {:position "relative"}}]
(fn [idx {:keys [left top] :as rectangle}]
[:div {:draggable true
:style (merge {:position "absolute"} rectangle)
(fn rectangle-drag-start [^js/MouseEvent e]
(.setDragImage (.-dataTransfer e) (js/Image.) 0 0)
(swap! app-state assoc :drag-from
{:dx (- (.-clientX e) left)
:dy (- (.-clientY e) top)}))
(fn rectangle-drag [^js/MouseEvent e]
(let [{:keys [dx dy]} (:drag-from @app-state)
mouse-x (.-clientX e)
mouse-y (.-clientY e)]
;; TODO: better way to detect last event?
(when (or (not= mouse-x 0) (not= mouse-y 0))
(let [target-x (- mouse-x dx)
target-y (- mouse-y dy)]
(swap! app-state move idx target-x target-y)))))
(fn rectangle-drag-end [e]
(swap! app-state dissoc :drag-from))}])
(defn random-rect []
{:top (rand-int 800) :left (rand-int 800)
:width (inc (rand-int 50)) :height (inc (rand-int 50))
:background-color (rand-nth ["#090300"
(def app-state
{:rectangles (vec (repeatedly 100 random-rect))}))
(reagent/render-component [main-view app-state]
(dom/getElement "klipse-container"))
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