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Created December 5, 2015 14:07
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Gorilla To Markdown
(ns gorilla-to-markdown.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[cheshire.core :as json]))
(defn- process-output-json
"Builds the HTML from the output JSON.
Assumes the JSON has already been parsed, and that j is a map."
(case (:type j)
"html" (:content j)
"list-like" (str (:open j)
(str/join (:separator j)
(map #(process-output-json %) (:items j)))
(:close j))))
(defn- process-code-cell
"Formats a code cell in Github flavored Markdown.
c is a seq of strings containing the code in the cell."
(str "```clojure\n"
(str/join "\n" c)
(defn- process-markdown-cell
"Formats a markdown cell.
c is a sequence of strings containing markdown."
(->> c
;; Strip out leading comment characters.
(map #(str/replace % #"^;;; " ""))
;; Mash back into string.
(str/join "\n")
;; Add one last newline.
(#(str % "\n"))))
(defn- process-stdout-cell
"Formats a STDOUT cell.
c is a sequence of strings containing the STDOUT output in the notebook."
(->> c
;; Strip out leading comment characters.
(map #(str/replace % #"^;;; " ""))
;; Mash back into string.
(str/join "\n")
;; Add code fences.
((fn [s] (str "```\n"
(defn- process-output-cell
"Formats an output cell.
c is a sequence of strings containing the output to be formatted.
There should be only one string in the sequence."
(let [output (->> c
;; Strip out leading comment characters.
(map #(str/replace % #"^;;; " ""))
;; There should only be a single string.
(if (str/blank? output)
(str (process-output-json (json/parse-string output true)) "\n"))))
(defn- process-cell
"Formats a cell.
cell is a 3-element sequence containing an open marker, contents, and close
(case (first cell)
[";; @@"] (process-code-cell (second cell))
[";; **"] (process-markdown-cell (second cell))
[";; ->"] (process-stdout-cell (second cell))
[";; =>"] (process-output-cell (second cell))))
(defn gorilla-to-markdown
"Converts the notebook string nb into a Markdown string."
(let [cell-splitter #"^;; (@@|\*\*|<-|->|<=|=>)"]
;; Split on lines.
(->> (str/split-lines nb)
;; Drop first comment about gorilla version.
;; Split into partitions based on cell marker.
(partition-by (fn [s] (re-find cell-splitter s)))
;; Drop seqs with blank strings.
(remove (fn [s] (every? str/blank? s)))
;; Group into cells (open-contents-close).
;; This will break if there are blank cells in the
;; workbook (except at the end).
(partition 3)
;; Process each cell.
(map process-cell)
;; Mash back into a big string.
(str/join "\n"))))
(defn -main
"Converts the Gorilla REPL notebook to raw Markdown."
[& args]
(let [nb (slurp (first args)]
(spit "" (gorilla-to-markdown nb))))
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ksseono commented Aug 29, 2017

Hi Timothy, thank you so much for your work! 👍
I've opened a repository based on your work and I would appreciate you could let me know if you have any concerns regarding the license and so on. I'm considering to deploy the project as a leiningen plugin to convert all the REPL files to markdown scripts conveniently at once.

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