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Last active May 14, 2023 11:59
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Azure Bicep Quick Start by Tim Warner (@TechTrainerTim)

Get Comfortable with Azure Bicep




Common Bicep operations

Install Bicep CLI in Azure CLI

az bicep install

az bicep version

az bicep upgrade

Convert .bicep to .json

bicep build .\main.bicep --outfile .\arm-main.json

az bicep build --file .\main.bicep

Convert .json to .bicep

bicep decompile .\arm-main.json --outfile .\arm.bicep

az bicep decompile --file .\arm-main.json

Resource group deployments


New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName 'test-rg' -TemplateFile '.\main.bicep' -WhatIf

Azure CLI

az deployment group create --resource-group 'test-rg' --template-file '.\main.bicep'

Bicep PowerShell Module

Installation and discovery

Install-Module -Name Bicep -Verbose -Force

Update-Help -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Get-Command -Module Bicep

Create JSON parameter file from a Bicep file

New-BicepParameterFile -Path '.\AzureFirewall.bicep' -Parameters All

Validate a Bicep file

PS C:\> Test-BicepFile -Path 'MyBicep.bicep' -AcceptDiagnosticLevel 'Warning'
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