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Last active June 9, 2020 20:10
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  • Save timotree3/3953fee704dac3e6f0b3367b02fb0b77 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save timotree3/3953fee704dac3e6f0b3367b02fb0b77 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Minecraft Launcher 1.6 Application Files

Steps to install:

  1. First, have the legacy minecraft launcher for linux installed.
  2. Put your launcher.jar file under ~/.minecraft/launcher.jar.
  3. Put Minecraft.desktop (see attached file below) under ~/.local/share/applications/Minecraft.desktop.
  4. Mark said Minecraft.desktop as executable either using chmod +x or under its file properties.
  5. Go to minecraft.png (download link).
  6. Right-click on the image and click "Save page as" or whatever the button is to download the image.
  7. Rename the newly downloaded mcinstaller.png to minecraft.png.
  8. Put minecraft.png under ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/minecraft.png.
  9. Now you should see Minecraft under applications (if you click on the nine squares in the bottom-left corner of your screen).
  10. If this is not the case, restart your computer and you should then see it.
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Minecraft - Java Edition
Exec=java -jar /home/timo/.minecraft/launcher.jar
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