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Forked from sdb/GlassFish.scala
Created June 20, 2011 22:27
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create an SBT plug-in for running webapps in Glassfish
package sbt {
import org.glassfish.embeddable.{GlassFish, GlassFishRuntime, GlassFishProperties, Deployer}
trait GlassFishPlugin extends BasicWebScalaProject {
def glassFishPort = GlassFishRunner.DefaultPort
private lazy val glassFish = new GlassFishRunner(glassFishPort, temporaryWarPath)
lazy val glassfishRun = glassfishRunAction
def glassfishRunAction = task {
} dependsOn(prepareWebapp) describedAs("Starts the embedded GlassFish server and serves this project as a web application.")
lazy val glassfishStop = glassfishStopAction
def glassfishStopAction = task {
glassFish.stop; None
} describedAs("Stops the embedded GlassFish server that was started with glassfish-run.")
lazy val glassfishRestart= glassfishRestartAction
def glassfishRestartAction = task {
glassFish.stop; glassFish()
} describedAs("Restarts the embedded GlassFish server that was started with glassfish-run.")
object GlassFishRunner {
val DefaultPort = 8080
lazy val runtime = GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap
class GlassFishRunner(val port: Int, val path: Path) extends ExitHook {
private var glassFish: Option[GlassFish] = None
private var deployKey: String = _
private lazy val glassFishProps = new GlassFishProperties {
setPort("http-listener", port)
def name = "glassfish-shutdown"
def runBeforeExiting() { stop }
def apply(): Option[String] = {
if (glassFish.isDefined)
Some("A GlassFish instance is already running")
try {
val gf = GlassFishRunner.runtime.newGlassFish(glassFishProps)
val d = gf.getService(classOf[Deployer])
deployKey = d.deploy(path.asFile)
glassFish = Some(gf)
} catch {
case e => Some("Error running GlassFish: %s".format(e.getMessage))
def stop() {
glassFish.foreach { gf =>
val d = gf.getService(classOf[Deployer])
glassFish = None
import sbt._
class GlassFishProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends PluginProject(info) {
val glassFishEmbedded = "org.glassfish.extras" % "glassfish-embedded-all" % "3.1-b33" % "provided"
val javaNetRepo = " GlassFish Maven repository" at ""
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