HLL servers open up a RCON port that lets people connect via TCP. All communication is and should be encrypted with a XOR cipher, of which the key will be sent upon opening the socket connection.
A few implementations can be found here:
- rcon/connection.py from MarechJ/hll_rcon_tool (Python 3, synchronous implementation using the
stdlib) - lib/protocol.py from timraay/HLLLogUtilities (Python 3, asynchronous implementation using the
stdlib) - async_hll_rcon/connection.py from cemathey/async_hll_rcon (Python 3, asynchronous implementation using
) - go-hll-rcon from FlorianSW/go-hll-rcon (Golang)
- go-let-loose from zMoooooritz/go-let-loose (Golang)
Commands are simply (encrypted) strings with no special headers and the like. All responses are either SUCCESS
, or a custom string if the command should return information.
Commands may require one or more parameters. Parameters can be added behind the command itself, separated by a space. In some instances parameters are allowed to be wrapped in "quotation marks", making it possible to include spaces.
To execute any commands (except for the help
command), the author needs to be authorized first. To do so, a login
command has to be sent. If the response is not SUCCESS
, the password is incorrect. Attempting to run a command without proper authorization will yield a FAIL
Some commands may return a list as response. Each value is separated by a tab (\t
). The first entry in the list will dictate the length of the list (excluding itself), and the response always ends with an additional tab: 2\tITEM1\tITEM2\t
Some commands allow you to inject tabs into another command's response, which will cause programs attempting to unpack the list to fail. To prevent this from happening, you should replace any tabs before sending requests to the server.
An example of this is the vipadd
command. When the name
parameter here includes a tab, any subsequent get vipids
commands will be programatically unreadable until the VIP is removed again using the vipdel
The game has a built-in RCON console which can be opened by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N
. Depending on the admin role you have, you may still need to login to use certain commands.
Each player has a persistent unique ID (UID) associated to them, which is the ideal identifier to target individual players. A lot of commands do not accept UIDs however, and instead require the player's name. Carefully read the documentation of each command to see whether you can use UIDs or not.
UIDs come in different formats, depending on the player's platform. For Steam players, it will be their Steam64ID. For all other platforms it will be an MD5-hashed version 4 UUID.
Changed in U15.2: UUIDs are now hashed.
"may be quoted"
Commands are case-insensitive.
In case no response is documented, you may assume the command will return SUCCESS
See all commands and their parameters.
You don't have to be logged in to use this command.
- All available commands and parameters
Authorizes this connection to use commands.
- password (str) - The server's RCON password
Changes the RCON password.
- old_password (str) - The current RCON password
- new_password (str) - The new RCON password
Get the server's name, as can be seen in the server browser.
- The server's name
Get the current and max amount of players on the server.
- The current and max player count, separated by a slash
> get slots
Get information about the current match.
If the last player on a server leaves, the player count on their team is not updated to 0
and will stay 1
until a player joins the server.
- Detailed information about the current match
> get gamestate
Players: Allied: 48 - Axis: 50
Score: Allied: 2 - Axis: 3
Remaining Time: 0:31:44
Map: utahbeach_warfare
Next Map: stmariedumont_warfare
Get the max size of the server queue.
- The max queue length
Get the number of slots on the server that are reserved for VIPs.
- The number of reserved slots
Changes the maximum size of the server queue.
- size (int) - The queue size (max. 6)
Changes the amount of server slots reserved for VIPs.
- amount (int) - The number of reserved slots
Generally known as the welcome message, shown on the deployment screen and when first spawning in.
Updates the welcome message, and shows the new message to every player currently spawned in.
- message (str) - The welcome messagae
Broadcasts a message at the top left of the screen for all players, or clears the current broadcast if the message is empty.
The message
parameter is still required, but it can be left completely empty. "Broadcast
" would fail, while "Broadcast
" would clear the current message.
- message (str) - The broadcast message, leave empty to clear
Get server logs up to the specified amount of minutes ago.
The server keeps track of all logs until it is restarted. You cannot obtain logs of actions that happened prior to a server restart.
- timespan (int) - The number of minutes ago that you want to include logs from. Setting this to, for instance, 5 will return all logs from now up to 5 minutes ago.
- filter (str) - A phrase to filter all results by.
- Log messages separated by newlines (
), orEMPTY
if no logs match the given criteria. For more information on how to break down the response see the logs section.
Get the current map. If the same map is played twice in a row, it will get a _RESTART
suffix (eg. utahbeach_warfare_RESTART
While the server is loading a new map (which takes approx. 5 seconds), it may show a map called Untitled_#
, with #
being the index of the map it is loading in rotation.
- The active map
Get a list of all existing maps. Not to be confused with the rotlist command, used to list all maps currently in rotation.
- A list of map names
Get a list of the 3 names of the objectives that can exist in the objective row. Objective rows always run from left to right or top to bottom depending on the map orientation.
These are the objective names you can pass to the GameLayout command.
This command will fail when the current gamemode is Skirmish and return the following response:
Cannot execute command for this gamemode.
It is not possible to get a list of the five currently selected objectives.
Added in U15.2.
- A list of objective names
Return the current map rotation of the server.
- A
-delimited sequence of map names
Add a map to the rotation. This will be at the end, unless otherwise is specified.
This command will not always return FAIL
on failure, but instead may return a message explaining why it failed.
Changed in U14.7:
no longer need to be prefixed with/Game/Maps/
and are now case-insensitive.
- map_name (str) - The map to add
- after_map_name (str) - The name of a map already in rotation the map should be placed next after.
- after_map_ordinal (int) - If
is in rotation more than once, after which instance of said map the new map should be added, by default1
Remove a map from the rotation.
This command will not always return FAIL
on failure, but instead may return a message explaining why it failed.
Changed in U14.7:
no longer needs to be prefixed with/Game/Maps/
and is now case-insensitive.
- map_name (str) - The map to remove
- map_ordinal (int) - If
is in rotation more than once, which instance of said map should be removed, by default1
Starts a 60-second timer shown to all players on the server, after which the current match is immediately ended (skipping the End of Round screen) and the specified map is laoded.
Changed in U14.7: A map no longer needs to be in rotation to be switched to
- map_name (str) - The map to switch to, case-insensitive
- map_ordinal (int) - If
is in rotation more than once, which isntance of said map should be switched to, by default1
Restart the current match with the given objectives in play.
Objectives are from left-to-right or top-to-bottom depending on the map orientation and must be any of the objective names returned by Get ObjectiveRow_0 to _4 respectively.
Objective names are case-insensitive.
Due to a game bug, the server will crash if the objective names are invalid or if some but not all parameters are provided. Furthermore, the current map will remain poisoned and cause server crashes until the server itself is reinstalled.
This is only present on Warfare on Offensive. On Skirmish, the match will simply restart regardless of the supplied parameters.
TODO: Verify whether this bug still exists, as it might have been patched in the subsequent update.
Added in U15.2.
- obj0 (str) - The name of the 1st objective
- obj1 (str) - The name of the 2nd objective
- obj2 (str) - The name of the 3rd objective
- obj3 (str) - The name of the 4th objective
- obj4 (str) - The name of the 5th objective
Query whether map shuffling is enabled.
Added in U14.
Map Shuffle: TRUE
orMap Shuffle: FALSE
Toggle map shuffling on or off.
This command can supposedly fail under certain unknown circimstances.
Added in U14.
Assuming map shuffling has been enabled, returns the new, shuffled rotation
Added in U14.
- A
-delimited sequence of map names
Get a list of the names of all online players.
- A list of player names
Get a list of names and UIDs of all online players.
- A list of player names and UIDs:
> get playerids
2\t(WTH) Abu : 76561199023367826\tAnotherName : 12345678901234567\t
Get a list of all admins, which includes their name, UID, and their role.
A list of available roles can be obtained using the get admingroups
- A list of all admins. Each item in the list is a string containing a UID, a role, and a name, all separated by a space:
> get adminids
2\t76561199023367826 senior (WTH) Abu\t12345678901234567 camera AnotherName\t
Get a list of available permission groups or "roles", that can be assigned using the adminadd
Groups and their individual permissions can often be configured on the panel provided by Game Server Providers.
- A list of roles
Get a list of all VIPs, which includes a UID and a comment (usually their name).
- A list of all VIPs. Each item in the list is a string containing a UID and a comment, all separated by a space:
> get vipids
2\t76561199023367826 Abu (Admin)\t12345678901234567 AnotherName\t
Return detailed information about a player, including their team and unit, role, and kills.
The PlayerInfo
command is the only command that shows the full name of the player. All other commands will truncate names longer than 20 characters.
The amount of information included may vary depending on the state of the player.
- If the player is on the team select screen, their team will be
and their current loadout is not included. - If the player is not in a unit, no information related to their unit will be included.
The player's loadout is only updated every time they spawn in.
If a player's name has a space as 20th character, its truncated name will end with a space, which will cause this command to always fail. It is not possible to get detailed information about this player.
- player_name (str) - The name of a player
- Detailed information about a player
> playerinfo (WTH) Abu
Name: (WTH) Abu
steamID64: 12345678901234567
Team: Allies
Role: Officer
Unit: 0 - Able
Loadout: NCO
Kills: 0 - Deaths: 0
Score: C 50, O 0, D 40, S 10
Level: 174
Assign an admin role to a user, granting them access to special permissions in-game.
- player_id (str) - The UID of a player
- role (str) - An assignable role
- name (str) - A name for the player
Remove any roles from a user, revoking their access to special permissions in-game.
- player_id (str) - The UID of a player
Assign VIP permissions to a user, allowing them to use reserved VIP slots.
The "name"
parameter must be quoted to include spaces.
If "player_id"
is an empty string, it cannot be removed.
- player_id (str) - The UID of a player
- name (str) - A name for the player
Remove VIP permissions from a user, revoking their ability to use reserved VIP slots.
- player_id (str) - The UID of a player
Get a list of all active temporary bans.
Each returned ban is a string (or so-called "ban log") that you have to parse yourself. It will include the UID, name at the time of ban, duration in hours, date banned, reason, and admin name:
76561199023367826 : nickname "(WTH) Abu" banned for 2 hours on 2021.12.09-16.40.08 for "Being a troll" by admin "Some Admin Name"
Both the reason and admin name are omitted if they were not provided when the player was banned.
You may see some empty strings included in the array. These are expired bans that due to a game bug still affect the response.
You need the full, raw ban log to remove a temp ban.
- A list of bans.
Get a list of all active permanent bans.
Each returned ban is a string (or so-called "ban log") that you have to parse yourself. It will include the UID, name at the time of ban, date banned, reason, and admin name:
76561199023367826 : nickname "(WTH) Abu" banned on 2021.12.09-16.40.08 for "Being a troll" by admin "Some Admin Name"
You need the full, raw ban log to remove a perma ban.
- A list of bans.
Message a player with a specific message shown to them at the top right of their screen.
Due to a game bug, using a name that contains one or more spaces to target a player will always fail. Use a UID instead to reliably target a player.
- player (str) - The name or UID of a player
- message (str) - The message shown to the player
Kill a player with a specific message shown to them.
- player (str) - The name of a player
- reason (str) - The reason shown to the player
Make a player switch teams next time they die.
- player (str) - The name of a player
Make a player switch teams immediately, killing them if they are alive.
- player (str) - The name of a player
Kick a player from the server with a specific message shown to them.
- player (str) - The name of a player
- reason (str) - The reason shown to the player
Temporarily ban a player for the duration and reason specified.
The <"player_id">
parameter technically also supports player names. However, aside from the use of non-unique identifiers being unsafe, the game server does not return FAIL
in case of an unrecognized name, and instead replaces the UID with an empty string.
- player_id (str) - The UID of a player
- duration (int) - The duration of the ban in hours, defaults to 2
- reason (str) - The reason shown to the player
- admin_name (str) - The name of whoever applied the ban, for audit purposes only
The <"player_id">
parameter technically also supports player names. However, aside from the use of non-unique identifiers being unsafe, the game server does not return FAIL
in case of an unrecognized name, and instead replaces the UID with an empty string.
- player_id (str) - The UID of a player
- reason (str) - The reason shown to the player
- admin_name (str) - The name of whoever applied the ban, for audit purposes only
Remove a temporary ban.
- ban_log (str) - A ban log as is returned by the
get tempbans
Remove a permanent ban.
- ban_log (str) - A ban log as is returned by the
get permabans
Get the current amount of minutes of inactivity before a player is automatically kicked.
- The number of minutes players can be idle for
Get the current latency ("ping") threshold that will trigger an automated kick when surpassed.
- The latency threshold in milliseconds
Get the current team switch cooldown in minutes.
- The team switch cooldown
Get whether team auto balance is enabled or not.
Get the current auto balance player threshold.
- The auto balance threshold
Get whether players can initiate vote kicks or not.
Get the current vote kick threshold. When the number of votes reaches this threshold the player is kicked.
- The number of votes required
Get a list of all profanities (censored words in chat) on the server.
- A list of all profanities
Changes the time it takes for inactive players to be automatically kicked.
- threshold (int) - The threshold in minutes, 0 to disable
Changes the latency threshold players have to not exceed in order to not be automatically kicked.
- threshold (int) - The threshold in milliseconds, 0 to disable
Changes the cooldown applied before being able to switch teams again.
- cooldown (int) - The cooldown in minutes
Enable or disable team auto balancing.
- bool (bool) - Whether auto balance should be enabled, either
Changes the maximum difference in players per team before players are forced to join the lesser full team.
- threshold (int) - The threshold
Enable or disable vote kicking.
- bool (bool) - Whether vote kicks should be enabled, either
Set the amount of votes required to kick a player. The amount can be varied depending on the amount of players online at the moment.
- threshold_pairs (str) - Expects a comma-separated list of playercount & threshold pairs. The first pair must always be for 0 players. You can add as many pairs as you want. For instance,
will require 5 votes when at least 0 players are online, or otherwise 10 votes when at least 25 players are online.
Reset the vote kick thresholds defined with the setvotekickthreshold
Add one or more words to the list of profanities.
- profanities (str) - A comma-separated list of words
- A list of all profanities
Remove one or more words from the list of profanities.
- profanities (str) - A comma-separated list of words
- A list of all profanities
Logs can be obtained with the Showlog
command. Logs are returned as a wall of text, oldest first, with each line representing an event that happened on the game server.
Each line is prefixed with how long ago the event took place, as well as the timestamp.
TODO: Add vote kick logs
[10:00:00 hours (1639106251)] CONNECTED A Player Name (12345678901234567)
[10:00:00 hours (1639122640)] DISCONNECTED A Player Name (12345678901234567)
[10:00:00 hours (1639143555)] KILL: A Player Name(Axis/12345678901234567) -> (WTH) A Player name(Allies/12345678901234567) with MP40
[10:00:00 hours (1639144073)] TEAM KILL: A Player Name(Allies/12345678901234567) -> A Player Name(Allies/12345678901234567) with M1 GARAND
[30:00 min (1639144118)] CHAT[Team][A Player Name(Allies/12345678901234567)]: Please build garrisons!
[30:00 min (1639145775)] CHAT[Unit][A Player Name(Axis/12345678901234567)]: comms working?
[15.03 sec (1639148961)] Player [A Player Name (12345678901234567)] Entered Admin Camera
[15.03 sec (1639148961)] Player [A Player Name (12345678901234567)] Left Admin Camera
[15.03 sec (1639148961)] BAN: [A Player Name] has been banned. [BANNED FOR 2 HOURS BY THE ADMINISTRATOR!]
[15.03 sec (1639148961)] KICK: [A Player Name] has been kicked. [BANNED FOR 2 HOURS BY THE ADMINISTRATOR!]
[15.03 sec (1639148961)] MESSAGE: player [A Player Name(12345678901234567)], content [Stop teamkilling, you donkey!]
[805 ms (1639148969)] MATCH START SAINTE-MÈRE-ÉGLISE Warfare
[805 ms (1639148969)] MATCH ENDED `SAINTE-MÈRE-ÉGLISE Warfare` ALLIED (2 - 3) AXIS
Certain log lines may include unescaped newlines, turning them into multiple lines. As of writing, this can happen with BAN
log lines.
[13:35 min (1671206494)] MESSAGE: player [A Player Name(12345678901234567)], content [This is line 1.
This is line 2.
And this is line 3!]
You can escape these newlines with Regex. The below example uses a negative lookahead to replace any newlines not followed by the log time you see at the start of each line with an escaped newline.
# Python
import re
logs = logs.strip('\n')
logs = re.sub(r"\n(?!\[.+? \(\d+\)\])", "\\n", logs)
Map Name | Query Name | Pretty Name* | Base | Gamemode | Environment | Attackers |
CAR_S_1944_Day_P_Skirmish |
CARENTAN Skirmish | Carentan | Skirmish | Day | |
CAR_S_1944_Dusk_P_Skirmish |
CARENTAN Skirmish | Carentan | Skirmish | Dusk | |
CAR_S_1944_Rain_P_Skirmish |
CARENTAN Skirmish | Carentan | Skirmish | Rain | |
carentan_offensive_ger |
CT |
CARENTAN Offensive | Carentan | Offensive | Day | GER |
carentan_offensive_us |
CT |
CARENTAN Offensive | Carentan | Offensive | Day | US |
carentan_warfare |
CT |
CARENTAN Warfare | Carentan | Warfare | Day | |
carentan_warfare_night |
CT_N |
CARENTAN NIGHT Warfare | Carentan | Warfare | Night | |
driel_offensive_ger |
Driel_Day |
DRIEL Offensive | Driel | Offensive | Day | GER |
driel_offensive_us |
Driel_Day |
DRIEL Offensive | Driel | Offensive | Day | GB |
driel_warfare |
Driel |
DRIEL Warfare | Driel | Warfare | Dawn | |
driel_warfare_night |
Driel_N |
DRIEL Warfare | Driel | Warfare | Night | |
DRL_S_1944_P_Skirmish |
DRIEL Skirmish | Driel | Skirmish | Dawn | |
DRL_S_1944_Day_P_Skirmish |
DRIEL Skirmish | Driel | Skirmish | Day | |
DRL_S_1944_Night_P_Skirmish |
DEV_C_Night_SKM |
DRIEL Skirmish | Driel | Skirmish | Night | |
ELA_S_1942_P_Skirmish |
EL ALAMEIN Skirmish | El Alamein | Skirmish | Day | |
ELA_S_1942_Night_P_Skirmish |
DEV_D_Night_SKM |
EL ALAMEIN Skirmish | El Alamein | Skirmish | Dusk | |
elalamein_offensive_CW |
elalamein |
EL ALAMEIN Offensive | El Alamein | Offensive | Day | GB |
elalamein_offensive_ger |
elalamein |
EL ALAMEIN Offensive | El Alamein | Offensive | Day | GER |
elalamein_warfare |
elalamein |
EL ALAMEIN Warfare | El Alamein | Warfare | Day | |
elalamein_warfare_night |
elalamein_N |
EL ALAMEIN Warfare | El Alamein | Warfare | Dusk | |
elsenbornridge_offensiveger_day |
ELSENBORN RIDGE Offensive | Elsenborn Ridge | Offensive | Day | GER |
elsenbornridge_offensiveger_morning |
DEV_N_Morning |
ELSENBORN RIDGE Offensive | Elsenborn Ridge | Offensive | Dawn | GER |
elsenbornridge_offensiveger_night |
DEV_N_Night |
ELSENBORN RIDGE Offensive | Elsenborn Ridge | Offensive | Night | GER |
elsenbornridge_offensiveUS_day |
ELSENBORN RIDGE Offensive | Elsenborn Ridge | Offensive | Day | US |
elsenbornridge_offensiveUS_morning |
DEV_N_Morning |
ELSENBORN RIDGE Offensive | Elsenborn Ridge | Offensive | Dawn | US |
elsenbornridge_offensiveUS_night |
DEV_N_Night |
ELSENBORN RIDGE Offensive | Elsenborn Ridge | Offensive | Night | US |
elsenbornridge_skirmish_day |
ELSENBORN RIDGE Skirmish | Elsenborn Ridge | Skirmish | Day | |
elsenbornridge_skirmish_morning |
DEV_N_Morning_SKM |
ELSENBORN RIDGE Skirmish | Elsenborn Ridge | Skirmish | Dawn | |
elsenbornridge_skirmish_night |
DEV_N_Night_SKM |
ELSENBORN RIDGE Skirmish | Elsenborn Ridge | Skirmish | Night | |
elsenbornridge_warfare_day |
ELSENBORN RIDGE Warfare | Elsenborn Ridge | Warfare | Day | |
elsenbornridge_warfare_morning |
DEV_N_Morning |
ELSENBORN RIDGE Warfare | Elsenborn Ridge | Warfare | Dawn | |
elsenbornridge_warfare_night |
DEV_N_Night |
ELSENBORN RIDGE Warfare | Elsenborn Ridge | Warfare | Night | |
foy_offensive_ger |
Foy |
FOY Offensive | Foy | Offensive | Day | GER |
foy_offensive_us |
Foy |
FOY Offensive | Foy | Offensive | Day | US |
foy_warfare |
Foy |
FOY Warfare | Foy | Warfare | Day | |
foy_warfare_night |
Foy_N |
FOY Warfare | Foy | Warfare | Night | |
HIL_S_1944_Day_P_Skirmish |
DEV_H_Day_Skirmish |
HILL 400 Skirmish | Hill 400 | Skirmish | Day | |
HIL_S_1944_Dusk_P_Skirmish |
DEV_H_Dusk_Skirmish |
HILL 400 Skirmish | Hill 400 | Skirmish | Dusk | |
hill400_offensive_ger |
Hill400 |
HILL 400 Offensive | Hill 400 | Offensive | Foggy | GER |
hill400_offensive_US ** |
Hill400 |
HILL 400 Offensive | Hill 400 | Offensive | Day | US |
hill400_warfare |
Hill400 |
HILL 400 Warfare | Hill 400 | Warfare | Day | |
hill400_warfare_night *** |
Hill400_N |
HILL 400 Warfare | Hill 400 | Warfare | Night | |
hurtgenforest_offensive_ger |
Hurtgen |
HÜRTGEN FOREST Offensive | Hürtgen Forest | Offensive | Foggy | GER |
hurtgenforest_offensive_US |
Hurtgen |
HÜRTGEN FOREST Offensive | Hürtgen Forest | Offensive | Day | US |
hurtgenforest_warfare_V2 |
Hurtgen |
HÜRTGEN FOREST Warfare | Hürtgen Forest | Warfare | Day | |
hurtgenforest_warfare_V2_night |
Hurtgen_N |
HÜRTGEN FOREST Warfare | Hürtgen Forest | Warfare | Night | |
kharkov_offensive_ger |
Kharkov |
Kharkov Offensive | Kharkov | Offensive | Day | GER |
kharkov_offensive_rus |
Kharkov |
Kharkov Offensive | Kharkov | Offensive | Day | RUS |
kharkov_warfare |
Kharkov |
Kharkov Warfare | Kharkov | Warfare | Day | |
kharkov_warfare_night |
Kharkov_N |
Kharkov Warfare | Kharkov | Warfare | Night | |
kursk_offensive_ger |
Kursk |
KURSK Offensive | Kursk | Offensive | Day | GER |
kursk_offensive_rus |
Kursk |
KURSK Offensive | Kursk | Offensive | Day | RUS |
kursk_warfare |
Kursk |
KURSK Warfare | Kursk | Warfare | Day | |
kursk_warfare_night |
Kursk_N |
KURSK Warfare | Kursk | Warfare | Night | |
mortain_offensiveger_day |
Mortain |
MORTAIN Offensive | Mortain | Offensive | Day | GER |
mortain_offensiveger_dusk |
Mortain_E |
MORTAIN Offensive | Mortain | Offensive | Dawn | GER |
mortain_offensiveger_overcast |
Mortain_O |
MORTAIN Offensive | Mortain | Offensive | Overcast | GER |
mortain_offensiveUS_day ** |
Mortain |
MORTAIN Offensive | Mortain | Offensive | Day | US |
mortain_offensiveUS_dusk |
Mortain_E |
MORTAIN Offensive | Mortain | Offensive | Dawn | US |
mortain_offensiveUS_overcast ** |
Mortain_O |
MORTAIN Offensive | Mortain | Offensive | Overcast | US |
mortain_skirmish_day |
Mortain_SKM_Day |
MORTAIN Skirmish | Mortain | Skirmish | Day | |
mortain_skirmish_dusk |
Mortain_SKM_Evening |
MORTAIN Skirmish | Mortain | Skirmish | Dawn | |
mortain_skirmish_overcast |
Mortain_SKM_Overcast |
MORTAIN Skirmish | Mortain | Skirmish | Overcast | |
mortain_warfare_day |
Mortain |
MORTAIN Warfare | Mortain | Warfare | Day | |
mortain_warfare_dusk |
Mortain_E |
MORTAIN Warfare | Mortain | Warfare | Dawn | |
mortain_warfare_overcast |
Mortain_O |
MORTAIN Warfare | Mortain | Warfare | Overcast | |
omahabeach_offensive_ger |
Omaha |
OMAHA BEACH Offensive | Omaha Beach | Offensive | Day | GER |
omahabeach_offensive_us |
Omaha |
OMAHA BEACH Offensive | Omaha Beach | Offensive | Day | US |
omahabeach_warfare |
Omaha |
OMAHA BEACH Warfare | Omaha Beach | Warfare | Day | |
omahabeach_warfare_night |
Omaha_N |
OMAHA BEACH Warfare | Omaha Beach | Warfare | Dusk | |
PHL_L_1944_OffensiveGER |
PURPLE HEART LANE Offensive | Purple Heart Lane | Offensive | Day | GER |
PHL_L_1944_OffensiveUS |
PURPLE HEART LANE Offensive | Purple Heart Lane | Offensive | Day | US |
PHL_L_1944_Warfare |
PURPLE HEART LANE Warfare | Purple Heart Lane | Warfare | Rain | |
PHL_L_1944_Warfare_Night |
PURPLE HEART LANE Warfare | Purple Heart Lane | Warfare | Night | |
PHL_S_1944_Rain_P_Skirmish |
DEV_K_Rain_SKM |
PURPLE HEART LANE Skirmish | Purple Heart Lane | Skirmish | Rain | |
PHL_S_1944_Morning_P_Skirmish |
DEV_K_Morning_SKM |
PURPLE HEART LANE Skirmish | Purple Heart Lane | Skirmish | Morning | |
PHL_S_1944_Night_P_Skirmish |
DEV_K_Night_SKM |
PURPLE HEART LANE Skirmish | Purple Heart Lane | Skirmish | Night | |
remagen_offensive_ger |
Remagen |
REMAGEN Offensive | Remagen | Offensive | Foggy | GER |
remagen_offensive_us |
Remagen |
REMAGEN Offensive | Remagen | Offensive | Day | US |
remagen_warfare |
Remagen |
REMAGEN Warfare | Remagen | Warfare | Day | |
remagen_warfare_night |
Remagen_N |
REMAGEN Warfare | Remagen | Warfare | Night | |
SMDM_S_1944_Day_P_Skirmish |
ST MARIE DU MONT Skirmish | St. Marie Du Mont | Skirmish | Day | |
SMDM_S_1944_Rain_P_Skirmish |
DEV_M_Rain_SKM |
ST MARIE DU MONT Skirmish | St. Marie Du Mont | Skirmish | Rain | |
SMDM_S_1944_Night_P_Skirmish |
DEV_M_Night_SKM |
ST MARIE DU MONT Skirmish | St. Marie Du Mont | Skirmish | Night | |
SME_S_1944_Day_P_Skirmish |
SAINTE-MÈRE-ÉGLISE Skirmish | St. Mere Eglise | Warfare | Day | |
SME_S_1944_Morning_P_Skirmish |
SAINTE-MÈRE-ÉGLISE Skirmish | St. Mere Eglise | Warfare | Dawn | |
SME_S_1944_Night_P_Skirmish |
SAINTE-MÈRE-ÉGLISE Skirmish | St. Mere Eglise | Warfare | Night | |
stalingrad_offensive_ger |
Stalin |
STALINGRAD Offensive | Stalingrad | Offensive | Day | GER |
stalingrad_offensive_rus |
Stalin |
STALINGRAD Offensive | Stalingrad | Offensive | Day | RUS |
stalingrad_warfare |
Stalin |
STALINGRAD Warfare | Stalingrad | Warfare | Day | |
stalingrad_warfare_night |
Stalin_N |
STALINGRAD Warfare | Stalingrad | Warfare | Night | |
stmariedumont_off_ger |
StMarie |
ST MARIE DU MONT OFF | St. Marie Du Mont | Offensive | Day | GER |
stmariedumont_off_us |
StMarie |
ST MARIE DU MONT OFF | St. Marie Du Mont | Offensive | Day | US |
stmariedumont_warfare |
StMarie |
ST MARIE DU MONT Warfare | St. Marie Du Mont | Warfare | Day | |
stmariedumont_warfare_night |
StMarie_N |
ST MARIE DU MONT Warfare | St. Marie Du Mont | Warfare | Night | |
stmereeglise_offensive_ger |
SAINTE-MÈRE-ÉGLISE Offensive | St. Mere Eglise | Offensive | Dawn | GER |
stmereeglise_offensive_us |
SAINTE-MÈRE-ÉGLISE Offensive | St. Mere Eglise | Offensive | Day | US |
stmereeglise_warfare |
SAINTE-MÈRE-ÉGLISE Warfare | St. Mere Eglise | Warfare | Day | |
stmereeglise_warfare_night |
SAINTE-MÈRE-ÉGLISE Warfare | St. Mere Eglise | Warfare | Night | |
utahbeach_offensive_ger |
Utah |
UTAH BEACH Offensive | Utah Beach | Offensive | Day | GER |
utahbeach_offensive_us |
Utah |
UTAH BEACH Offensive | Utah Beach | Offensive | Day | US |
utahbeach_warfare |
Utah |
UTAH BEACH Warfare | Utah Beach | Warfare | Day | |
utahbeach_warfare_night |
Utah_N |
UTAH BEACH Warfare | Utah Beach | Warfare | Night |
* This is how the map appears in the MATCH START
log lines.
** Lowercase in the output of the Get Map
and Get Gamestate
*** This map is currently only available in PTEs.
The British melee weapon uses a so-called "En Dash" character (–) as opposed to the standard hyphen (-).
Category | United States (US) | Germany (GER) | Soviet Union (RUS) | Great Britain (GB) |
Submachine Guns |
MP40 |
PPSH 41 , PPSH 41 W/DRUM |
Sten Gun Mk.II , Sten Gun Mk.V , Lanchester , M1928A1 THOMPSON |
Semi-Auto Rifles |
SVT40 |
Bolt-Action Rifles |
SMLE No.1 Mk III , Rifle No.4 Mk I , Rifle No.5 Mk I |
Assault Rifles |
M1918A2 BAR |
STG44 , FG42 |
Bren Gun |
Shotguns | M97 TRENCH GUN |
Machine Guns |
MG34 , MG42 |
DP-27 |
Lewis Gun |
Sniper Rifles |
KARABINER 98K x8 , FG42 x4 |
Lee-Enfield Pattern 1914 Sniper , Rifle No.4 Mk I Sniper |
Pistols |
COLT M1911 |
Webley MK VI |
Flamethrowers | M2 FLAMETHROWER |
Melee Weapons | M3 KNIFE |
Fairbairn–Sykes |
Grenades |
Mills Bomb , No.82 Grenade |
Satchel Charges | SATCHEL |
Satchel |
Anti-Personnel Mines | M2 AP MINE |
A.P. Shrapnel Mine Mk II |
Anti-Tank Mines | M1A1 AT MINE |
A.T. Mine G.S. Mk V |
Anti-Tank Rifles |
PIAT , Boys Anti-tank Rifle |
Flare Guns | FLARE GUN |
No.2 Mk 5 Flare Pistol |
Category | United States (US) | Germany (GER) | Soviet Union (RUS) | Great Britain (GB) |
Artillery Guns | 155MM HOWITZER [M114] |
150MM HOWITZER [sFH 18] |
122MM HOWITZER [M1938 (M-30)] |
QF 25-POUNDER [QF 25-Pounder] |
Anti-Tank Guns | 57MM CANNON [M1 57mm] |
75MM CANNON [PAK 40] |
57MM CANNON [ZiS-2] |
QF 6-POUNDER [QF 6-Pounder] |
Category | United States (US) | Germany (GER) | Soviet Union (RUS) | Great Britain (GB) |
Recon Vehicles | M8 Greyhound |
Sd.Kfz.234 Puma |
BA-10 |
Daimler |
Light Tanks | Stuart M5A1 |
Sd.Kfz.121 Luchs |
T70 |
Tetrarch , M3 Stuart Honey |
Medium Tanks | Sherman M4A3(75)W |
Sd.Kfz.161 Panzer IV |
T34/76 |
Cromwell , Crusader Mk.III |
Heavy Tanks |
Sherman M4A3E2 , Sherman M4A3E2(76) |
Sd.Kfz.181 Tiger 1 , Sd.Kfz.171 Panther |
IS-1 |
Firefly , Churchill Mk.III , Churchill Mk.VII |
Half-tracks | M3 Half-track |
Sd.Kfz 251 Half-track |
M3 Half-track |
M3 Half-track |
Trucks |
GMC CCKW 353 (Transport) , GMC CCKW 353 (Supply) |
Opel Blitz (Transport) , Opel Blitz (Supply) |
ZIS-5 (Transport) , ZIS-5 (Supply) |
Bedford OYD (Transport) , Bedford OYD (Supply) |
Jeeps | Jeep Willys |
Kubelwagen |
GAZ-67 |
Jeep Willys |
If a vehicle gets destroyed, any kills made with said vehicle that get counted after its destruction will have the vehicle name excluded from the weapon name. Eg. "COAXIAL M1919 [M8 Greyhound]" would become "COAXIAL M1919"
Recon Vehicle - United States (US)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | M6 37mm [M8 Greyhound] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL M1919 [M8 Greyhound] |
Light Tank - United States (US)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | 37MM CANNON [Stuart M5A1] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL M1919 [Stuart M5A1] |
Hull Machine Gun | HULL M1919 [Stuart M5A1] |
Medium Tank - United States (US)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | 75MM CANNON [Sherman M4A3(75)W] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL M1919 [Sherman M4A3(75)W] |
Hull Machine Gun | HULL M1919 [Sherman M4A3(75)W] |
Heavy Tank - United States (US)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | 75MM M3 GUN [Sherman M4A3E2] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL M1919 [Sherman M4A3E2] |
Hull Machine Gun | HULL M1919 [Sherman M4A3E2] |
Heavy Tank - United States (US)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | 76MM M1 GUN [Sherman M4A3E2(76)] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL M1919 [Sherman M4A3E2(76)] |
Hull Machine Gun | HULL M1919 [Sherman M4A3E2(76)] |
Half-track - United States (US), Soviet Union (RUS) & Great Britain (GB)
Category | Name |
Mounted Machine Gun | M2 Browning [M3 Half-track] |
Recon Vehicle - Germany (GER)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | 50mm KwK 39/1 [Sd.Kfz.234 Puma] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL MG34 [Sd.Kfz.234 Puma] |
Light Tank - Germany (GER)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | 20MM KWK 30 [Sd.Kfz.121 Luchs] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL MG34 [Sd.Kfz.121 Luchs] |
Medium Tank - Germany (GER)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | 75MM CANNON [Sd.Kfz.161 Panzer IV] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL MG34 [Sd.Kfz.161 Panzer IV] |
Hull Machine Gun | HULL MG34 [Sd.Kfz.161 Panzer IV] |
Heavy Tank - Germany (GER)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | 75MM CANNON [Sd.Kfz.171 Panther] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL MG34 [Sd.Kfz.171 Panther] |
Hull Machine Gun | HULL MG34 [Sd.Kfz.171 Panther] |
Heavy Tank - Germany (GER)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | 88 KWK 36 L/56 [Sd.Kfz.181 Tiger 1] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL MG34 [Sd.Kfz.181 Tiger 1] |
Hull Machine Gun | HULL MG34 [Sd.Kfz.181 Tiger 1] |
Half-track - Germany (GER)
Category | Name |
Mounted Machine Gun | MG 42 [Sd.Kfz 251 Half-track] |
Recon Vehicle - Soviet Union (RUS)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | 19-K 45MM [BA-10] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL DT [BA-10] |
Light Tank - Soviet Union (RUS)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | 45MM M1937 [T70] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL DT [T70] |
Medium Tank - Soviet Union (RUS)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | 76MM ZiS-5 [T34/76] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL DT [T34/76] |
Hull Machine Gun | HULL DT [T34/76] |
Heavy Tank - Soviet Union (RUS)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | D-5T 85MM [IS-1] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL DT [IS-1] |
Hull Machine Gun | HULL DT [IS-1] |
Recon Vehicle - Great Britain (GB)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | QF 2-POUNDER [Daimler] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL BESA [Daimler] |
Light Tank - Great Britain (GB)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | QF 2-POUNDER [Tetrarch] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL BESA [Tetrarch] |
Light Tank - Great Britain (GB)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | 37MM CANNON [M3 Stuart Honey] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL M1919 [M3 Stuart Honey] |
Hull Machine Gun | HULL M1919 [M3 Stuart Honey] |
Medium Tank - Great Britain (GB)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | OQF 75MM [Cromwell] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL BESA [Cromwell] |
Hull Machine Gun | HULL BESA [Cromwell] |
Medium Tank - Great Britain (GB)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | OQF 57MM [Crusader Mk.III] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL BESA [Crusader Mk.III] |
Heavy Tank - Great Britain (GB)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | QF 17-POUNDER [Firefly] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL M1919 [Firefly] |
Heavy Tank - Great Britain (GB)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | OQF 57MM [Churchill Mk.III] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL BESA 7.92mm [Churchill Mk.III] |
Hull Machine Gun | HULL BESA 7.92mm [Churchill Mk.III] |
Heavy Tank - Great Britain (GB)
Category | Name |
Main Cannon | OQF 57MM [Churchill Mk.VII] |
Coaxial Machine Gun | COAXIAL BESA 7.92mm [Churchill Mk.VII] |
Hull Machine Gun | HULL BESA 7.92mm [Churchill Mk.VII] |
Names are the same across all factions.
Category | Name |
Bombing Run | BOMBING RUN |
Strafing Run | STRAFING RUN |
Precision Strike | PRECISION STRIKE |
*Katyusha Barrage | Unknown |
* As in, kills with a Katyusha Barrage actually show up as "Unknown"
Name | Comment |
Lee-Enfield Pattern 1914 |
Removed in U14.5 in favor of the SMLE No.1 Mk III |
Name | Comment |
FireSpot |
Is seen very rarely when a player on RUS team playing as Assault role kills an enemy. Supposedly this is related to the Molotovs you get with one the role's loadouts. What causes it to show up as "FireSpot" and not "MOLOTOV" is unknown and requires further testing. |
Can be observed when the reference to the killing soldier is lost. This is generally whenever a bleeding out player gives up after the player that downed him was killed or has disconnected. |