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Model Thinking- Aggregation- Game of Life- Comparing dead and wrapped borders by starting density
# 2 simulations run, both take a long time. This code will dish it out to 8 cores.
# I will post the 2 data objects produced as .Rdata files somewhere so you can just load them
# and follow the code to reproduce the figures, etc.
# rnd_threshold are starting densities:
rnd_threshold <- seq(.01,.99,by=.01)
ParThreshold <- function(thr,n_rows=500,n_cols=500,n_cycles=5){
# the 2 GOL functions from Vadim Vinichenko:
# recall the assumption here that borders are dead, rather than wrapping
shiftMatrix <- function(mx, dr, dc) {
#Shift the matrix by dr (delta r) rows and dc columns
#by adding e.g. dr rows of zeros and removing dr rows from the other side
nr <- nrow(mx)
nc <- ncol(mx)
#If the matrix is shifted by more than its nrow or ncol, we get a matrix of zeros
if (abs(dr) >= nr || abs(dc) >= nc) {
mx <- matrix(0, nrow = nr, ncol = nc)
if (dr > 0) {
mx <- rbind(mat.or.vec(dr, nc), mx)
mx <- mx[1:nr,]
} else if (dr < 0) {
mx <- rbind(mx, mat.or.vec(-dr, nc))
mx <- mx[(1 - dr):(nr - dr),]
if (dc > 0) {
mx <- cbind(mat.or.vec(nr, dc), mx)
mx <- mx[,1:nc]
} else if (dc < 0) {
mx <- cbind(mx, mat.or.vec(nr, -dc))
mx <- mx[,(1 - dc):(nc - dc)]
lifeCycle <- function(mx) {
#Move the board one generation forward
mx0 <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(mx), ncol = ncol(mx))
#Produce 8 "shifted" boards and add them up
for (n in (-1:1)) {
for (m in (-1:1)) {
if (n !=0 || m !=0) {
mx0 <- mx0 + shiftMatrix(mx, n, m)
#Deaths and births
mx[mx0 > 3 | mx0 < 2] <- 0
mx[mx0 == 3] <- 1
# produce a starting board:
n_cells <- n_rows * n_cols
# assures same random number sequence
board <- matrix(0, nrow = n_rows, ncol = n_cols)
# but the density of 'on' cells changes with 'thr' (threshold)
board[runif(n_cells, 0, 1) < thr] <- 1
# prop_on is the output (proportion living after each iteration
prop_on <- vector(length = n_cycles+1)
prop_on[1] <- sum(board)/n_cells
# here we iterate n_cycles times for the given density parameter
for (i in (1:n_cycles)) {
board <- lifeCycle(board)
prop_on[(i+1)] <- sum(board)/n_cells
# This is a big task, so we'll dish it out to 8 available server cores
# really THINK TWICE before running this code. Anyway it'll only work if you have a
# 8+ core machine at your disposal. You could run it on a single core using sapply()
# but you'd be waiting possibly more than a couple days for it to finish...
cl <- makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", 8))
A <- parSapply(cl,rnd_threshold,ParThreshold,n_cycles=1000)
# and this little line saves the output in a file that I will attach
# and that all can analyze as they see fit..
colnames(A) <- rnd_threshold
rownames(A) <- 0:1000
fields:::image.plot(y=rnd_threshold,x=0:149,A[1:150,],main="Game of Life, 500x500\nInitial Density Test with dead borders",xlab="time",ylab="density")
# note that the tail isn't dead:
# -----------------------
# make same object using border wrapping function instead
ParThreshold2 <- function(thr,n_rows=500,n_cols=500,n_cycles=5){
GOLborderwrap <- function(M){
nc <- ncol(M)
nr <- nrow(M)
# augmented M wraps around edges to form a taurus shape-
# i.e. a continuous world rather than dead borders.
M.aug <- cbind(c(M[nr,nc],M[,nc],M[1,nc]),
# how many neighbors?:
# left side
M.out <- M.aug[1:nr, 1:nc] +
M.aug[2:(nr+1), 1:nc] +
M.aug[3:(nr+2), 1:nc] +
# middle:
M.aug[1:nr,2:(nc+1)] +
M.aug[3:(nr+2),2:(nc+1)] +
# right:
M.aug[1:nr,3:(nc+2)] +
M.aug[2:(nr+1),3:(nc+2)] +
# birth and death rules:
M[M.out > 3 | M.out < 2] <- 0
M[M.out == 3 | M.out == 2] <- 1
# produce a starting board:
n_cells <- n_rows * n_cols
# assures same random number sequence
board <- matrix(0, nrow = n_rows, ncol = n_cols)
# but the density of 'on' cells changes with 'thr' (threshold)
board[runif(n_cells, 0, 1) < thr] <- 1
# prop_on is the output (proportion living after each iteration
prop_on <- vector(length = n_cycles+1)
prop_on[1] <- sum(board)/n_cells
# here we iterate n_cycles times for the given density parameter
for (i in (1:n_cycles)) {
board <- GOLborderwrap(board)
prop_on[(i+1)] <- sum(board)/n_cells
cl <- makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", 8))
B <- parSapply(cl,rnd_threshold,ParThreshold2,n_cycles=1000)
colnames(B) <- rnd_threshold
rownames(B) <- 0:1000
#for (i in 2:99){
# lines(0:1000,B[,i],col="#80808050")
# you can skip the above and just load these 2 objects to continue.
# you can download the above 2 objects (A and B) here:
# ...Dead is A, and ...Wrap is B
# load in the data objects:
# comapre densities over first 150 iterations (surfaces):
# install.packages("fields") # if necessary
fields:::image.plot(y=rnd_threshold,x=0:149,A[1:150,],main="Game of Life, 500x500\nInitial Density Test with dead borders",xlab="time",ylab="density")
fields:::image.plot(y=rnd_threshold,x=0:149,B[1:150,],main="Game of Life, 500x500\nInitial Density Test with border wrapping",ylab="density",xlab="time")
text(20,.5,"Initial densities from .01 and .96 all\nconverge to somewhere between .38-.39\n.97+ crash to 0\n.6 to .96 crash too, but recover",pos=4)
# does edge-awareness explain this?
PerimeterRatio <- function(side){
main="proportion edge-aware by time on 500x500 GOL board",
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