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Created March 13, 2012 15:56
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Game of Life comments for Mazdaika
# Author: Mazdaika
## should be col*row, not col+row
# create matrix - initial life situation
crmtx <- function(col=5, row=5, st=0.4){
x <- matrix(rbinom(col+row,1, st), ncol=col, nrow=row)
# count neighbours for cells
neighbours <- function(mx) {
mt_c <- neighbours_c(mx)
mt_d <- neighbours_d(mx)
mt <- mt_c + mt_d
## 1) looks like you have a dead border implementation. No big deal, just be sure to state so
## certain neat formations, like gliders, etc, will have limited lifespans
## to have wrapped borders, instead of e.g. rbind(mx1[-1,],0) you could do rbind(mx1[-1,],mx1[,ncol(mx1)])
## 2) you could eliminate calls to neighbours_c() and neighbours_d() by putting it all
## into neighbors()
# count neighbours in cross area
neighbours_c <- function(mx1){
mt11 <- rbind(mx1[-1,],0) + rbind(0, mx1[-nrow(mx1),])
mt22 <- cbind(mx1[,-1],0) + cbind(0, mx1[,-ncol(mx1)])
mt1 <- mt11 + mt22
# count neighbours in diag area
neighbours_d <- function(mx){
mx_up <- rbind(mx[-1,],0)
mx_up <- cbind(mx_up[,-1],0) + cbind(0, mx_up[,-ncol(mx_up)])
mx_dw <- rbind(0,mx[-nrow(mx),])
mx_dw <- cbind(mx_dw[,-1],0) + cbind(0, mx_dw[,-ncol(mx_dw)])
mt22 <- mx_up + mx_dw
## 1) switch has a special meaning in R, Like TRUE or FALSE.
## You should name the function something else
## 2) looks like you iterate down rows: really there's no need to iterate at all
## see if you can figure out how to eliminate the loop
# count next period of life
switch <- function(mxs,mts) {
mout <- matrix(0, ncol= ncol(mxs), nrow=nrow(mxs))
for(i in 1:nrow(mxs))
a <- mxs[i,]
a <- ifelse((a==1 & (mts[i,] > 3 | mts[i,] < 2)) | (a==0 & mts[i,] < 3) ,0,1)
mout[i,] <- a
## recall that image() transposes the matrix, so you can do t(mx)- really makes no diff
## though since the system evolves the same either way
# run one iteration of life
iterate <- function(iters, rows, cols, prob, clrs, slp) {
mx <- crmtx(rows,cols, prob)
for (i in 1:iters)
mt <- neighbours(mx)
mx <- switch(mx,mt)
image(mx, axes = FALSE, col = clrs)
# variables
sleep <- 0.1
rows <- 100
coloumns <- 100
probability <- 0.4
colours <- c("#0f0f0f", "#ffffff")
iterations <- 100
iterate(iterations, rows, coloumns, probability, colours, sleep)
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