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Created March 15, 2012 14:49
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Model Thinking- Tipping Points- Percolation
# Author: triffe
# this code will try to implement an example percolation model, where density and matrix size are parameters
# the main function also produces neat statistics along the way for post-analysis
# dead borders. either rook or queen neighborhoods work.
# um, name means percolation, with dead borders
PercIteration <- function(M, neighborhood.type = "rook"){
nc <- ncol(M)
nr <- nrow(M)
# augmented M wraps around edges to form a taurus shape-
# i.e. a continuous world rather than dead borders.
M.aug <- cbind(0, rbind(0, M, 0), 0)
# how many neighbors?:
# left side
M.out <- M
if (neighborhood.type == "queen"){
M.out[M.aug[1:nr, 1:nc] > 0] <- 1
M.out[M.aug[2:(nr+1), 1:nc] > 0] <- 1
M.out[M.aug[3:(nr+2), 1:nc] > 0] <- 1
# middle:
M.out[M.aug[1:nr,2:(nc+1)] > 0] <- 1
M.out[M.aug[3:(nr+2),2:(nc+1)] > 0] <- 1
# right:
M.out[M.aug[1:nr,3:(nc+2)] > 0] <- 1
M.out[M.aug[2:(nr+1),3:(nc+2)] > 0] <- 1
M.out[M.aug[3:(nr+2),3:(nc+2)] > 0] <- 1
if (neighborhood.type == "rook"){
M.out[M.aug[2:(nr+1), 1:nc] > 0] <- 1
M.out[M.aug[1:nr,2:(nc+1)] > 0] <- 1
M.out[M.aug[3:(nr+2),2:(nc+1)] > 0] <- 1
M.out[M.aug[2:(nr+1),3:(nc+2)] > 0] <- 1
# birth and death rules:
M[M.out > 0 & !] <- 1
PercMatrix <- function(ncol = 100, nrow = 100, dens = .59){
M <- matrix(ncol = ncol, nrow = nrow)
M[sample(1:(ncol * nrow), size = floor(ncol * nrow * dens), replace = FALSE)] <- 0
# let's say the fire starts in the first row:
M[1, M[1, ] == 0] <- 1
Percolate <- function(M, image = TRUE, sleep = 0, col = c("green3","firebrick"), PercIteration = PercIteration){
if (image){
image(M, col = col, useRaster = TRUE, main = "t = 0")
# starts
i <- 0
nb2 <- sum(M, na.rm = TRUE)
N <- length(M[!])
s.dens <- N / length(M) <- TRUE
# stats to take along the way, preallocate overly large matrix
# and chop off NAs at end
stats <- matrix(nrow = .3*prod(dim(M)), ncol = 4)
colnames(stats) <- c("it","p.inf","","trav")
# stats for starting matrix
stats[1, 1] <- i # iteration
stats[1, 2] <- sum(M, na.rm = TRUE) / N
stats[1, 3] <- nb2
stats[1, 4] <- any(M[ nrow(M), ] == 1)
# it = iteration
# p.inf = percent infiltrated:
# = number cells infiltrated this iteration
# trav = has the matrix been traversed yet? (will indicate time at which traversed, although inf can continue)
# while loop! watch out! hehe
while ({
i <- i + 1
nb1 <- nb2
M <- PercIteration(M)
if (image){
image(M, col = col, useRaster = TRUE, main = paste("t =", i))
nb2 <- sum(M, na.rm = TRUE) <- nb2 > nb1
stats[i+1, 1] <- i # iteration
stats[i+1, 2] <- sum(M, na.rm = TRUE) / N
stats[i+1, 3] <- nb2 - nb1
stats[i+1, 4] <- any(M[, ncol(M)] == 1)
stats <- stats[![, 1]), ]
out <- list(stats = stats, t.traverse = ifelse(stats[nrow(stats), 4], min(stats[stats[, 4], 1]), NA), N = N, s.dens = s.dens)
# example of how it works:
stats <- Percolate(PercMatrix(ncol = 100, nrow = 100, dens = .59), image = TRUE)
# stats is a list with 4 components:
# take a look at prop infiltrated over time:
plot(stats$stats[, 1], stats$stats[, 2], type = 'l', xlab = "time", ylab = "proportion infiltrated",
main = paste("Percolation Model\nRook neighborhood\nstarting density of", stats$s.dens))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# just for an idea of the kinds of things you can do with the output data:
# infiltration hazard over time:
x <- stats$stats[, 1]
# N is the number of cells that could be infiltrated (non NAs):
N <- stats$stats$N
# S is the proportion remaining non-infiltrated
lx <- 1 - stats$stats[, 2]
# dx is the probability density function of being infiltrated- it need not have a regular shape:
dx <- c(1-lx[1], -diff(lx))
plot(x, dx, type = 'l')
# these are exposures:
Lx <- lx + .5 * dx
# mx is the hazard rate:
mx <- dx / Lx
plot(x, mx, type = 'l')
# average time spent non-iniltrated of the cells that will eventually be infiltrated:
(e0inf <- sum(Lx - Lx[length(Lx)]))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# And if you wanted to reproduce the curve shown in lectures, where the density tipping point is made obvious:
# this is a super-fine excercise, so do with caution- i.e. if you have a big awesome computer no prob
# but if you're on a laptop, then reduce the number of densities to test over and reduce the number of trials
# per density: (This test running on a remote server at the time of this writing, will post results soon)
#densities <- seq(0,1,length.out=1001)
## we'll do each density 100 times!
#reps <- 1000
#cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
#results <- parSapply(cl, densities, function(x, reps, Percolate, PercMatrix, PercIteration){
# replicate(reps, ! = 100, nrow = 100, dens = x), image = FALSE, PercIteration = PercIteration)$t.traverse))
# }, reps = reps, Percolate = Percolate, PercMatrix = PercMatrix, PercIteration = PercIteration)
#colnames(results) <- densities
#rownames(results) <- 1:reps
#save(results, file = "PercolationTipping.Point.Rdata")
# p.traverse <- colSums(results) / reps
# plot(densities, p.traverse, type ='l', xlab = "density", ylab = "probability full traverse", main = # "Probility of making full traverse by density\naverage of 1000 reps per density in intervals of .001", )
# to do the same on a single core (lots of time, don't be so ambitious):
densities <- seq(0,1,length.out=101)
# we'll do each density 100 times!
reps <- 200
results <- sapply(densities, function(x, reps, Percolate, PercMatrix, PercIteration){
replicate(reps, ! = 100, nrow = 100, dens = x), image = FALSE, PercIteration = PercIteration)$t.traverse))
}, reps = reps, Percolate = Percolate, PercMatrix = PercMatrix, PercIteration = PercIteration)
colnames(results) <- densities
rownames(results) <- 1:reps
save(results, file = "PercolationTipping.Point.Rdata")
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