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Created July 18, 2018 14:35
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quick code to draw points with a blur parameter that scales to some notion of a standard deviation.
# blur point.
add_alpha <- function(col, alpha = .5){
if (all(col %in% colors())){
r.g.b. <- t(col2rgb(col))/255
} else {
r.g.b. <- as.matrix(colorspace::hex2RGB(col, gamma = FALSE)@coords)
cola <- apply(r.g.b., 1,
rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], alpha=alpha))
get_asp <- function(){
diff(par("usr")[1:2]) / diff(par("usr")[3:4]) *
par("pin")[2] / par("pin")[1]
blurpoint <- function(
col, # color: named or hex (alpha ignored and reapplied using alpha arg)
sd = 1, # standard deviation
cex = 1, # standard cex (relative to unit circle)
N = 500, # Number of verticies
maxq = 1, # blur out to 100% quantile? 1 = Inf, so this means until .99 in practice.
asp.adjust = TRUE, # adjust for non-unity aspect so that circles guaranteed?
alpha = .01, # alpha as prop.
ci95 = TRUE, # draw ring at 95ci
ctr = FALSE){ # add point to centroid?
# x,y centroid
# col = base color, to interoplate toward bg
# sd, standard dev to represent as blur
# cex = common multiplier of point size
# N, how many vertices
# radians
rads <- c(seq(0, 2 * pi, length = N - 1), 2 * pi)
ux <- cos(rads)
uy <- sin(rads)
radii <- qnorm(seq(.5, maxq, length = 100),sd=sd)[-100]
xx <- outer(ux, radii) * cex + x
# adjust for non-unity aspect ratio, so that circles always circles?
asp <- ifelse(asp.adjust, 1/get_asp(),1)
yy <- outer(uy, radii) * cex * asp + y
cola <- add_alpha(col, alpha=alpha)
for (i in 1:ncol(xx)){
polygon(xx[, i], yy[, i], border = FALSE, col = cola)
# ring as 95%
if (ci95){
r95 <- qnorm(.975, sd = sd) * cex
polygon(x = (ux * r95) + x,
y = (uy * r95 * asp) + y,
border = col,
lwd = .8)
if (ctr){
plot(NULL, type = 'n', xlim = c(0,35), ylim = c(0,55), asp=2, ann = FALSE, las = 1)
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