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Created July 24, 2014 12:49
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Sonification of Leslie eigenvectors
# written 24 July, 2014 for fun, hope I didn't leave anything out.
# If you can get stuff installed, this should run on its own
# first part copied from Fischer.R, sonifaction code after
# change this as needed:
# -----------------------------------------------------
# Utility functions.
Mna0 <- cmpfun(function(M){
M[] <- 0
M[is.nan(M)] <- 0
Minf0 <- cmpfun(function(M){
M[is.infinite(M)] <- 0
Thano <- cmpfun(function(Px, dx, stagger = TRUE){
Np <- length(Px)
Nd <- length(dx)
if (Np != Nd){
N <- max(Np, Nd)
Px <- c(Px, rep(0, N - Np))
dx <- c(dx, rep(0, N - Nd))
} else {
N <- Np
ay <- 1:N - 1
dx <- Mna0(dx) # remove NAs if any
dx <- c(dx, dx * 0) / sum(dx) # pad out with 0s
EDx <- matrix(dx[col(matrix(nrow = N,
ncol = N)) + ay],
nrow = N,
ncol = N,
dimnames = list(Ex = ay,
Age = ay)
if (stagger){
EDx <- (EDx + cbind(EDx[, 2:ncol(EDx)], 0)) / 2
t(Px * Minf0(Mna0(EDx / rowSums(EDx))))
# this construction is rough, as things need to be staggered still,
# as with the Leslie matrix.
ThanoProjMatrix <- cmpfun(function(Fy, da, lambda = .9){
N <- length(Fy)
# discount for part of infant mortality not surviving until end of year
da[1] <- da[1] * (1-lambda)
# NxN matrix
# fertility component
Y <- outer(da, Fy, "*") +
# add survival element-wise
rbind(cbind(0,diag(N - 1)), 0)
# reduce e0 fertility by 1/2, as only exposed for part of year
Y[, 1] <- Y[, 1] / 2
# do not allow for Inf or NA values: impute 0
Y <- Mna0(Minf0(Y))
# return projection matrix
Leslie <- function(Fx, Lx){
NN <- length(Lx)
N <- NN - 1
lambda <- -diff(Lx)/2
Fx <- (Fx[1:N] + Fx[-1])/2 * (1-lambda)
Sx <- Lx[2:NN] / Lx[1:N]
Mna0(cbind(rbind(Fx, diag(Sx)), 0))
# get data from web. Uncomment below code, and only run it once. Saves three big data.frames
# to a /Data/ folder in your working directory (you'll need to make that folder probably)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# run only once, take a while due to HFD web structure and excessive parsing that is needed. #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# HMD grabbing takes less time, but is slow due to size. #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# this code is way superfluous, as the example only uses data from 1950 US females, so skip #
# this and adapt if you don' want the whole fricking databases. Commented out because you #
# should only do it once! #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
#install_github("DemogBerkeley", subdir = "DemogBerkeley", username = "UCBdemography")
#countries <- getHFDcountries()
#xyz <- countries[1]
#DAT <-, lapply(countries,function(xyz,pw,us){
# DAT <- readHFDweb(xyz,"birthsRR",password=pw,username=us)
# BM <- acast(DAT,Age~Year,value.var="Total")
# YA <- matrix(0,nrow=12,ncol=ncol(BM),dimnames=list(0:11,colnames(BM)))
# OA <- matrix(0,nrow=55,ncol=ncol(BM),dimnames=list(56:110,colnames(BM)))
# BM <- rbind(YA,BM,OA)
# DAT <- melt(BM, varnames=c("Age","Year"),"Births")
# DAT$Code <- xyz
# },pw=pw,us=us))
## save out for later use
# -------------------------------------------
# now get HMD exposures (differ from HFD exposures sometimes)
#countries <- getHMDcountries()
#DAT <-, lapply(countries,function(xyz,pw,us){
# DAT <- readHMDweb(xyz,"Exposures_1x1",password=pw,username=us)
# Fem <- DAT[,c("Year","Age","Female")]
# Mal <- DAT[,c("Year","Age","Male")]
# colnames(Fem) <- colnames(Mal) <- c("Year","Age","Exp")
# Fem$Sex <- "f"
# Mal$Sex <- "m"
# DAT <- rbind(Fem,Mal)
# DAT$Code <- xyz
# },pw=pw,us=us))
# #and again for HMD lifetables (males grabbed superfluously)
#DAT <-, lapply(countries,function(xyz,pw,us){
# DATm <- readHMDweb(xyz,"mltper_1x1",password=pw,username=us)
# DATf <- readHMDweb(xyz,"fltper_1x1",password=pw,username=us)
# DATm$Sex <- "m"
# DATf$Sex <- "f"
# DATi <- rbind(DATf,DATm)
# DATi$Code <- xyz
# DATi
# },pw=pw,us=us))
# assuming you have the above data.frames:
# Read in largeish data objects
HMDE <- local(get(load("Data/HMDExpall.Rdata")))
HFD <- local(get(load("Data/HFDall.Rdata")))
HMD <- local(get(load("Data/HMDall.Rdata"))) # produced in Logo.R
# sort before binding
HMD <- HMD[with(HMD, order(Code,Year,Sex,Age)),]
HMDE <- HMDE[with(HMDE, order(Code,Year,Sex,Age)),]
HMD <- cbind(HMD, Exp = HMDE$Exp)
# Deaths, not needed, but just to round things out
HMD$Deaths <- HMD$mx * HMD$Exp
# unisex, no need for males
HMD <- HMD[HMD$Sex == "f", ]
# 'HMD' includes total births of both sexes.
# we can get crude sex ratios at birth
# from the HMD
# in a hurry, so assume 106 SRB
PF <- 100 / 206 # PF is prop female, could have used K. Wachter's assumption too
HFD$Bf <- HFD$Births * PF
# Code, Year:
.Code <- "USA"
.Year <- 1950
# --------------------------------------------------#
# grab data chunks based on year, country selection #
# --------------------------------------------------#
Bx <- with(HFD, Bf[Year == .Year & Code == .Code])
Ex <- with(HMD, Exp[Year == .Year & Code == .Code])
Fx <- Bx / Ex
Lx <- with(HMD, Lx[Year == .Year & Code == .Code]) / 1e5
# make Leslie Matrix
A <- Leslie(Fx, Lx)
dx <- st(with(HMD, dx[Year == .Year & Code == .Code]))
By <- rowSums(Thano(Bx,dx))
Ey <- rowSums(Thano(Ex,dx))
Fy <- By / Ey
Y <- ThanoProjMatrix(Fy,dx)
Av <- Re(eigen(A,symmetric=FALSE)$vectors)
Yv <- Re(eigen(Y,symmetric=FALSE)$vectors)
# ---------------------------------------------- #
# begin sonification chunk #
# ---------------------------------------------- #
# can't resist trying to sonify the eigenvectors...
# see for better installation instructions.
# y synopsis:
# this requires installation of Csound. Google it to figure out how.
# First install Csound, THEN install these two R packages:
rownames(Yv) <- 0:110
colnames(Yv) <- 0:110
YvDF <- melt(Yv, varnames=c("y1","y2"),"vec")
AvDF <- melt(Av, varnames=c("a1","a2"),"vec")
# sonification code. Plenty that could be done to tweak it, but it requires
# either lots of trial and error or else someone who know their way around
# a synthesizer/Csound
Yson <- sonify(YvDF[YvDF$y2 < 10 & YvDF$y1 < 60,], sonaes(time = y1, pitch = vec)) + shape_scatter() +
scale_time_continuous(c(0, 2)) + scale_pitch_continuous(c(3, 12)) + sonfacet(y2)
Ason <- sonify(AvDF[AvDF$a2 < 10 & AvDF$a1 > 50,], sonaes(time = a1, pitch = vec)) + shape_scatter() +
scale_time_continuous(c(0, 2)) + scale_pitch_continuous(c(3, 12)) + sonfacet(a2)
# wave files on soundcloud, embedded in blog
sonsave(Yson, "Data/Yson.wav")
sonsave(Ason, "Data/Ason.wav")
# images in soundcloud:
matplot(0:110,Av,type='l',lty=1,col = "#00000020",ylim=c(-1,1))
matplot(0:110,Yv,type='l',lty=1,col = "#00000020",ylim=c(-1,1))
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