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Last active December 12, 2023 15:46
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A script to smooth age difference prevalence
N <- 2000
x <- rnorm(N,mean = 2, sd = 5) |>
round() |>
age_diff <- x |> names() |> as.integer()
data <-
tibble(age_diff = age_diff,
n = as.integer(x)) |>
complete(age_diff = -20:20,
fill = list(n=0)) |>
mutate(prev = n / sum(n),
prev = prev ^ 2,
prev = prev / sum(prev),
n = round(prev * N))
# Examine simulated age-diff prevalence:
data |>
ggplot(aes(x = age_diff, y = prev)) +
geom_line() +
labs(title = "This distribution looks qualitatively\nlike age difference prevalence",
subtitle = "Note, we also have 0s in tails") +
# Problem: we'd like to share these data, but we can't share
# (1) counts below 5 (unless 0)
# (2) prevalence values that can be used to re-derive exact counts
# For this reason, we want to smooth the prevalence, but in such a way as to
# preserve the sharp peak and tail activity. The following is an ad hoc solution.
knots <- c(-15,-10,-5,seq(-3,5,by=2),10,15)
prev_pred <-
data %>%
glm(sqrt(prev) ~ ns(age_diff,
knots = knots),
family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = .) |>
predict(newdata = data, type= "response") |> |>
rename(prev_hat = 1) |>
mutate(age_diff = -20:20,
prev_hat = prev_hat ^ 2,
prev_hat = prev_hat / sum(prev_hat))
# Examine fit against simulated age-diff prevalence:
prev_pred |>
ggplot(aes(x = age_diff, y = prev_hat)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point(data = data, aes(y=prev)) +
labs(title = "This fit preserves the shape very well",
subtitle = "importantly, it cannot be used to back out counts") +
# and how to scale this to operate on multiple groups?
# make a function!
#' @param data tibble with columns `age_diff` and `prev`
#' @param knots a vector of knot locations in `age_diff` units
smooth_prev <- function(data, knots = c(-15,-10,-5,seq(-3,5,by=2),10,15)){
.age_diffs <- data$age_diff
data %>%
glm(sqrt(prev) ~ ns(age_diff,
knots = knots),
family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = .) |>
predict(newdata = data, type= "response") |> |>
rename(prev_hat = 1) |>
mutate(age_diff = .age_diffs,
prev_hat = prev_hat ^ 2,
prev_hat = prev_hat / sum(prev_hat)) |>
left_join(data, by = join_by(age_diff))
# how to use on all strata
data |>
mutate(strata = 1, .before = 1) |>
group_modify(~smooth_prev(data = .), .by = strata)
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