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Created March 3, 2016 17:30
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pop pyramid over time figure for first paadataviz flyer
# Author: tim
library(HMDHFDplus) # install from CRAN
# set 'us' and 'pw' as strings in the console equal to
# your HMD username and password
Pop <- readHMDweb("SWE", "Population", username = us, password = pw)
ramp <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"YlGnBu"),space="Lab")
# single years
years.all <- unique(Pop$Year)
# years ending in 0 since 1870
years <- years.all[years.all %% 10 == 0 & years.all >= 1870]
# color by mean age:
meana <- c()
for (i in 1:length(years)){
x <- Pop$Male1[Pop$Year == years[i]]
meana[i] <- sum(x*.5:110.5) / sum(x)
ints <- unique(floor(meana))
cols <- ramp(length(ints)+6)
par(mai=c(.1,0,0,.1), xaxs="i",yaxs="i",xpd=TRUE)
plot(NULL,xlim=c(-.028,.155),ylim=c(0,110),axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="") <- 0
for (i in 1:length(years)){
x <- Pop$Male1[Pop$Year == years[i]]
# this ugly bit is to cut off the top outline of the pyramid if
# the highest ages have 0 pop. Ugly but swift to implement. Not
# worth trying to understand what's happening in this little chunk
max.x <- 111 - max(cumsum(diff(cumsum(cumsum(rev(x))==0))))
x <- x[1:max.x]
# scale to proportion!
x <- x / sum(x)
color <- cols[which(ints == floor(meana[i]))+2]
# the pyramid slice (just males here)
polygon(c(0, rep(-x, each = 2),0) +, rep(0:max.x, each = 2), col = color,
border = "white", lwd = .5) <- + .01 # shift right
# legend
rect( - .007, seq(0, 100, by = 10) * .7 + .1,, seq(10, 110, by = 10) * .7 + .1, col = colors, border = "white")
text(, seq(0, 100, by = 10) * .7 + .1, ints, pos = 4, cex = .8)
text( - .003, 110 * .7 + .1, bquote(bar(x)), pos = 3)
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