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Last active March 22, 2021 11:53
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package com.example.sample
import arrow.core.Either
import arrow.core.NonEmptyList
import arrow.core.computations.either
import arrow.core.flatMap
import arrow.core.nonEmptyListOf
import arrow.core.right
import arrow.core.traverseEither
import arrow.fx.coroutines.raceN
public data class NewsItem(val id: String)
public data class Detail(val id: String, val content: String)
public object Failure
public class Db
public class Nw
//<editor-fold desc="Singleton">
public class AppModule(public val retrofit: Db, public val db: Nw)
public val appModule: AppModule = AppModule(Db(), Nw())
//<editor-fold desc="News List">
public interface NewsRepository {
public suspend fun headlines(): Either<Failure, NonEmptyList<NewsItem>>
public class NewsRepositoryImpl(private val newsDataSource: NewsDataSource) : NewsRepository {
override suspend fun headlines(): Either<Failure, NonEmptyList<NewsItem>> =
newsDataSource.fetchNwHeadlines().zip(newsDataSource.fetchDbHeadlines()) { nw, db -> nw + db }
public interface HttpNewsDataSource {
public suspend fun fetchNwHeadlines(): Either<Failure, NonEmptyList<NewsItem>>
public interface DbNewsDataSource {
public suspend fun fetchDbHeadlines(): Either<Failure, NonEmptyList<NewsItem>>
public interface NewsDataSource : HttpNewsDataSource, DbNewsDataSource
public class NewsDataSourceImpl(
private val retroFit: Db,
private val db: Nw
) : NewsDataSource {
override suspend fun fetchNwHeadlines(): Either<Failure, NonEmptyList<NewsItem>> =
override suspend fun fetchDbHeadlines(): Either<Failure, NonEmptyList<NewsItem>> =
public interface ListModule {
public val newsRepository: NewsRepository
public suspend fun ListModule.headlines(): Either<Failure, NonEmptyList<NewsItem>> = newsRepository.headlines()
public fun newsListModule(appModule: AppModule): ListModule =
object : ListModule {
override val newsRepository: NewsRepository
get() = NewsRepositoryImpl(NewsDataSourceImpl(appModule.retrofit, appModule.db))
//<editor-fold desc="Detail">
public interface DetailRepository {
public suspend fun detail(newsItem: NewsItem): Either<Failure, Detail>
public class DetailRepositoryImpl(private val detailDataSource: DetailDataSource) : DetailRepository {
override suspend fun detail(newsItem: NewsItem): Either<Failure, Detail> =
either {
{ detailDataSource.fetchNwDetail(newsItem).bind() },
{ detailDataSource.fetchDbDetail(newsItem).bind() }
).mapLeft { Failure }.bind()
public interface HttpDetailDataSource {
public suspend fun fetchNwDetail(newsItem: NewsItem): Either<Failure, Detail>
public interface DbDetailDataSource {
public suspend fun fetchDbDetail(newsItem: NewsItem): Either<Failure, Detail>
public interface DetailDataSource : HttpDetailDataSource, DbDetailDataSource
public class DetailDataSourceImpl(private val retrofit: Db, private val db: Nw) : DetailDataSource {
override suspend fun fetchNwDetail(newsItem: NewsItem): Either<Failure, Detail> =
Detail(, "Nw: Content of $newsItem").right()
override suspend fun fetchDbDetail(newsItem: NewsItem): Either<Failure, Detail> =
Detail(, "Db: Content of $newsItem").right()
public interface DetailModule {
public val detailRepository: DetailRepository
public suspend fun DetailModule.detail(newsItem: NewsItem): Either<Failure, Detail> = detailRepository.detail(newsItem)
public fun detailModule(appModule: AppModule): DetailModule =
object : DetailModule {
override val detailRepository: DetailRepository =
DetailRepositoryImpl(DetailDataSourceImpl(appModule.retrofit, appModule.db))
public suspend fun main() {
val newsList = newsListModule(appModule)
val detailModule = detailModule(appModule)
val detailPages =
.flatMap {
it.traverseEither { newsItem -> detailModule.detail(newsItem) }
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