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Created May 5, 2010 03:57
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Handy little class for attaching arbitrary media files

Handy little class for attaching arbitrary media files (images, audio, video, etc.) to events in a timeline application. It does a couple of nifty things for supporting the varying media types:

The before_post_process method ensures we attempt to generate thumbnails only for images.

The named scopes along with the set_item_type callback gives us a way to pull out media items of a certain type, without having to go down the often more-trouble-than-it's-worth STI path.

class MediaItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :milestone
has_attached_file :item, :styles => {:thumb => '22x22#', :medium => '300'}
before_save :set_item_type
before_post_process :is_image?
validates_presence_of :title
validates_attachment_presence :item
named_scope :images, :conditions => {:item_type => 'image'}
named_scope :audio, :conditions => {:item_type => 'audio'}
named_scope :video, :conditions => {:item_type => 'video'}
named_scope :other, :conditions => ['item_type NOT IN (?)', %w{image audio video}]
def is_image?
self.item_content_type =~ /^image/
def set_item_type
self.item_type = self.item_content_type.split('/').first
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