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Created April 16, 2018 10:49
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private def issueSignedRequest(path: String, params: Map[String, String] = Map(),
post: Boolean = false): Future[JsonObject] = {
val sortedParams = => p._1 + "=" + p._2).toList.sorted
val queryString = sortedParams.mkString("&")
val nonce =
val strForSign = path + "/" + nonce + "/" + queryString
val strForSign64 = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(strForSign.getBytes(charset))
val mac = Mac.getInstance(hmacAlgo)
mac.init(new SecretKeySpec(secret.getBytes(charset), hmacAlgo))
val macBytes = mac.doFinal()
val macString = hexBytes(macBytes)
Marshal(emptyJsonObject).to[MessageEntity].flatMap { reqEntity =>
val req = HttpRequest(method = if (post) HttpMethods.POST else HttpMethods.GET,
uri = Uri(path).resolvedAgainst(baseUrl).withRawQueryString(queryString),
headers = List(RawHeader("KC-API-KEY", apiKey),
RawHeader("KC-API-SIGNATURE", macString),
RawHeader("KC-API-NONCE", nonce)),
entity = if (post) reqEntity else HttpEntity.Empty)
Http().singleRequest(req).flatMap {
case HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, _, respEntity, _) =>
case HttpResponse(_, _, respEntity, _) =>
Unmarshal(respEntity).to[JsonObject].map(o =>
throw new RuntimeException(o.getString("msg")))
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