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Last active February 19, 2016 14:23
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Save timrourke/30b2409d5fecbdc5a1ee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WordPress Deployment Gruntfile
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
//rsync handles the file transfers of our static assets.
//we use rsync because it checks to see if a file is already
//at the destination, saving tons of bandwidth and time for
//file uploads.
rsync: {
options: {
args: ["--verbose"],
//Be sure to exclude any files that pose a security risk if published, or simply
//aren't needed for your site to function.
exclude: [".git*", "*.scss", "node_modules", 'gruntfile.js', 'tmp/*', 'backups/', 'composer.json', 'composer.lock', '', 'package.json', 'local-config.php', "mysql.json"],
recursive: true
dist: {
options: {
src: "./",
dest: "../dist",
args: ["--links"] //This argument tells rsync to treay symlinks as symlinks.
//otherwise, rsync may copy the contents of a symlink directly to
//a real directory of that name.
prod: {
options: {
src: "../dist/",
dest: "/home/html/",
host: "",
port: "123", //default SSH port is 22, some hosts move it
dryRun: false, //To test the rsync operation before performing a real transfer, change this to true
args: ["--links"],
delete: false // Careful this option could cause data loss, read the docs!
//This is not a task, but a json object we use to store our local
//and development database credentials.
//NOTE: SECURITY RISK. Don't share your real database credentials
//with anyone, ever.
mysql: {
"remote": {
"host": "",
"site_url": "",
"username": "admin",
"dbname": "wp_livesitedb",
"dbuser": "wp_livesitedbuser",
"dbpass": "livesitedbpass",
"dbhost": "localhost", //probably localhost, check with your host
"save_path": "/home/html/",
"save_url": "",
"upload_path": "/home/html/",
"local": {
"site_url": "http://site.local",
"dbname": "wp_localsitedb",
"dbuser": "wp_localsitedbuser",
"dbpass": "root",
"dbhost": "localhost",
"dump_dir": "/Users/cooldude/Documents/Sites/",
"dump_dir_theme_relative": "/Users/cooldude/Documents/Sites/"
//This weird little thing is just used to store the current time of
//when the tasks are run. Used to differentiate SQL dumps.
//grunt-ssh is what it sounds like. It can be used for both SSH and SFTP tasks.
sshexec: {
dump_remote_db: {
options: {
host: '<%= %>',
username: '<%= mysql.remote.username %>',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK,
port: '123' //default SSH port is 22, some hosts move it
command: [
'cd <%= mysql.remote.save_path %>',
'mysqldump <%= mysql.remote.dbname %> -u <%= mysql.remote.dbuser %> -p<%= mysql.remote.dbpass %> > remote-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
].join(' && ')
cleanup_remote: {
options: {
host: '<%= %>',
username: '<%= mysql.remote.username %>',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK,
port: '123' //default SSH port is 22, some hosts move it
command: [
'cd <%= mysql.remote.save_path %>',
'rm local_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
].join(' && ')
cleanup_remote_dump: {
options: {
host: '<%= %>',
username: '<%= mysql.remote.username %>',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK,
port: '123' //default SSH port is 22, some hosts move it
command: [
'cd <%= mysql.remote.save_path %>',
'rm remote-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
].join(' && ')
import_migrated_local_dump: {
options: {
host: '<%= %>',
username: '<%= mysql.remote.username %>',
agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK,
port: '123' //default SSH port is 22, some hosts move it
command: [
'cd <%= mysql.remote.save_path %>',
'mysql -u <%= mysql.remote.dbuser %> -p<%= mysql.remote.dbpass %> <%= mysql.remote.dbname %> < local_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
].join(' && ')
//grunt-exec allows us to run shell commands programmatically.
//In our case, we use this to drive our SQL database operations.
exec: {
wget_remote_dump: {
command: 'wget -nv <%= mysql.remote.save_url %>/remote-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
import_migrated_remote_dump: {
command: '/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql -u <%= mysql.local.dbuser %> -p<%= mysql.local.dbpass %> <%= mysql.local.dbname %> < remote_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
cleanup_local: {
command: 'rm -rf <%= mysql.local.dump_dir %>/local_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
cleanup_local_from_remote: {
command: 'rm -rf remote-<%= timestamp %>.sql remote_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
dump_local_db: {
//Not sure if this is necessary, but I opt to use the mysql installed
//under my MAMP directory, because I typically use MAMP for WordPress
//database management.
command: '/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysqldump -u <%= mysql.local.dbuser %> -p<%= mysql.local.dbpass %> <%= mysql.local.dbname %> > <%= mysql.local.dump_dir %>local-<%= timestamp %>.sql'
//Note that the '-P 123' argument tells scp to use port 123 for connections.
//The default port number is 22, but your host may have move SSH to another port.
scp_local_dump: {
command: 'scp -P 123 <%= mysql.local.dump_dir %>local_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql <%= mysql.remote.username %>@<%= %>:<%= mysql.remote.save_path %>'
//grunt-peach is a tool to search and replace strings in sql database dumps.
// Handy for replacing replacing a development URL with the live one: <em> ->
peach: {
search_replace_remote_dump: {
options: {
force: true
src: 'remote-<%= timestamp %>.sql',
dest: 'remote_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql',
from: '<%= mysql.remote.site_url %>',
to: '<%= mysql.local.site_url %>'
search_replace_local_dump: {
options: {
force: true
src: '<%= mysql.local.dump_dir_theme_relative %>local-<%= timestamp %>.sql',
dest: '<%= mysql.local.dump_dir_theme_relative %>local_migrated-<%= timestamp %>.sql',
from: '<%= mysql.local.site_url %>',
to: '<%= mysql.remote.site_url %>'
//Notification hooks thrown in for good measure
notify_hooks: {
options: {
enabled: true,
title: "Your Project", // defaults to the name in package.json, or will use project directory's name
success: true, // whether successful grunt executions should be notified automatically
duration: 3 // the duration of notification in seconds, for `notify-send only
//I like to use grunt-notify for desktop notifications so I can keep
//track of when jobs are complete.
notify: {
rsync:dist: {
options: {
title: 'rsync:dist complete', // optional
message: 'rsync to ../dist is done', //required
rsync:stage: {
options: {
title: 'rsync:stage complete', // optional
message: 'rsync to staging server is done', //required
rsync:prod: {
options: {
title: 'rsync:prod complete', // optional
message: 'rsync to production server is done', //required
rsync:dist: {
options: {
title: 'rsync:dist complete', // optional
message: 'rsync to ../dist is done', //required
rsync:stage: {
options: {
title: 'rsync:stage complete', // optional
message: 'rsync to staging server is done', //required
//Load tasks involved in our notifications
//Load tasks involved in file transfer via rsync
//Load tasts involved in our sql export, import, and find-and-replace
//Define our tasks for pushing files via rsync
//Note: you could define more of these for multiple servers.
grunt.registerTask('dist', ['rsync:dist']);
grunt.registerTask('prod', ['rsync:prod']);
//Define our task to PULL the database FROM our remote server.
//Note: you could define more of these for multiple servers.
grunt.registerTask('pull_db', [
'sshexec:dump_remote_db', //dump remote database
'exec:wget_remote_dump', //download remote dump
'sshexec:cleanup_remote_dump', //delete remote dump
'peach:search_replace_remote_dump', //search and replace URLs in database
'exec:import_migrated_remote_dump', //import the migrated database
'exec:cleanup_local_from_remote' //delete local database dump files
//Define our task to PUSH the database TO our remote server.
//Note: you could define more of these for multiple servers.
grunt.registerTask('push_db', [
'exec:dump_local_db', //dump local database
'peach:search_replace_local_dump', //search and replace URLs in database
'exec:scp_local_dump', //upload local dump
'exec:cleanup_local', //delete local database dump files
'sshexec:import_migrated_local_dump', //import the migrated database
'sshexec:cleanup_remote' //delete remote database dump file
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Could you provide the related package.json file?

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