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Last active December 5, 2021 09:08
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* Check the orderby param for the particular REST API for hte custom post type.
* If it is set to a particular meta_ket, then set the orderby and meta_key query args/
* @link
function filter_rest_accommodation_query($query_vars, $request) {
$orderby = $request->get_param('orderby');
if (isset($orderby) && $orderby === 'number_of_beds') {
$query_vars["orderby"] = "meta_value_num";
$query_vars["meta_key"] = "number_of_beds";
return $query_vars;
// The filter is named rest_{post_type}_query. So you need to hook a new filter for each
// of the custom post types you need to sort.
add_filter( 'rest_accommodation_query', 'filter_rest_accommodation_query', 10, 2);
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