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Last active June 15, 2017 09:34
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string enums (ish, with some caveats) before ts 2.4
// cast the strings as any
enum StringEnum {
a = 'a' as any,
b = 'b' as any,
const a = StringEnum.a;
const x = 'a';
const y = 1;
const fn = (x: StringEnum) => 1;
// type error: Argument of type "a" is not assi...
// weirdly, no type error
// ok
// but can't narrow
class A {
type = StringEnum.a;
propA = true;
class B {
type = StringEnum.b;
propB = true;
type C = A | B;
function aOrB(c: C) {
if(c.type === StringEnum.a) {
// error - type B has no property propA
return c.propA;
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