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Last active August 25, 2020 23:55
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Script for syncing static websites to S3.
#! /usr/bin/env python3
Script for syncing static websites to S3. Requires Python 3.6+
- Uses ETags to determine if a file has changed.
- Cleans up remote files.
- Sets public ACLs
- Supplies the correct content-type
- Uses GZip encoding for appropriate file types.
import argparse
import gzip
import hashlib
import mimetypes
import shutil
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from botocore.session import Session
GZIP_EXTENSIONS = {".html", ".css", ".js", ".ico"}
CACHE_CONTROL = {".html": 86400, ".css": 604800, ".js": 86400, ".ico": 86400}
def main():
opts = build_args()
session = Session(profile=opts.profile)
client = session.create_client("s3")
# Determine what work is required
remote_list = list_remote_files(client, opts.BUCKET)
upload_files, delete_files = files_to_upload(opts.SOURCE, remote_list, force=opts.force)
# Apply to S3
upload_to_s3(client, upload_files, opts.BUCKET, GZIP_EXTENSIONS,
CACHE_CONTROL, opts.acl, dry_run=opts.dry_run)
delete_from_s3(client, opts.BUCKET, delete_files, dry_run=opts.dry_run)
def build_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("SOURCE", type=Path, help="Location of files")
parser.add_argument("BUCKET", help="Name of S3 bucket")
parser.add_argument("--acl", default="public-read", choices=("private", "public-read"),
help="ACL applied to each file")
parser.add_argument("--profile", help="AWS profile name")
parser.add_argument("--force", action="store_true", help="Force upload of all files")
parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Report changes buy don't apply them")
return parser.parse_args()
def create_etag(file, bs=64 * 1024):
h = hashlib.md5()
with"rb") as f:
while True:
buf =
if buf:
return h.hexdigest()
def list_remote_files(client, bucket):
Return of dict keyed off the path, with etag and size values.
remote_files = {}
for entry in client.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket)["Contents"]:
path = Path(entry["Key"])
remote_files[path] = (entry["ETag"].strip('"'), entry["Size"])
return remote_files
def files_to_upload(base_path, remote_files, *, ignore_dot_files=True, force=False):
Identify local files that need to be uploaded
Files that are to be uploaded are removed from remote files dict.
base_path = Path(base_path)
upload_files = []
for path in base_path.glob("**/*.*"):
if ignore_dot_files and"."):
remote_path = path.relative_to(base_path)
etag, size = remote_files.pop(remote_path)
except KeyError:
print(f"+ {path}")
upload_files.append((path, remote_path))
if force:
print(f"! {path}")
upload_files.append((path, remote_path))
# File size differs
local_size = path.stat().st_size
if size != local_size:
print(f"~ {path}; size {size} != {local_size}")
upload_files.append((path, remote_path))
# Etag differs
local_etag = create_etag(path)
if etag != local_etag:
print(f"~ {path}; etag {etag} != {local_etag}")
upload_files.append((path, remote_path))
print(f"= {path}")
return upload_files, list(remote_files.keys())
def upload_to_s3(client, upload_files, bucket, gzip_extensions, cache_control,
acl, default_cache_control=DEFAULT_CACHE_CONTROL, dry_run=False):
Upload changed files to S3
common_put_args = {"ACL": acl, "Bucket": bucket}
for source, dest in upload_files:
put_args = common_put_args.copy()
# Get caching time
max_age = cache_control.get(source.suffix, default_cache_control)
put_args["CacheControl"] = f"max-age={max_age}"
# Determine content type
content_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(source.as_posix())
if content_type:
put_args["ContentType"] = content_type
with"rb") as f:
if source.suffix in gzip_extensions:
rf = f
put_args["ContentEncoding"] = "gzip"
f = BytesIO()
with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f, mode="wb") as gz:
shutil.copyfileobj(rf, gz)
print("Copy", source, "to", f"s3://{bucket}/{dest.as_posix()}")
if dry_run:
print(f" > Put Object: Key={dest.as_posix()!r};", "; ".join(f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in put_args.items()))
response = client.put_object(Body=f, Key=dest.as_posix(), **put_args)
print(f" > Response: ETag={response['ETag']}")
def delete_from_s3(client, bucket, delete_files, dry_run=False):
Files to remove from S3
for file in delete_files:
print(f"Delete s3://{bucket}/{file.as_posix()}")
if dry_run:
print(f" > Delete Object: Key={file.as_posix()!r}; Bucket={bucket!r}")
client.delete_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=file.as_posix())
if __name__ == "__main__":
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