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Last active July 13, 2016 01:21
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Playing around with quaternions in Arcadia
(ns quaternion-exploration
(:import [UnityEngine Quaternion Vector3])
(:use arcadia.core
;; like emacs. kind of.
(defn kill! [x]
(let [spec (dehydrate x)]
(destroy x)
;; for repl redefs, we need something way better than this tho
;; dataflow stuff would be nice
(defmacro defscn [name & body]
`(do (declare ~name)
(let [bldg# (do ~@body)]
(instance? clojure.lang.Var+Unbound
(var-get (resolve (quote ~name))))
(destroy ~name))
(def ~name bldg#))))
;; for branching on type
(defmacro condcast-> [expr xsym & clauses]
(let [exprsym (gensym "exprsym_")
[clauses default] (if (even? (count clauses))
[clauses nil]
[(butlast clauses)
`(let [~xsym ~exprsym]
~(last clauses))]])
cs (->> clauses
(partition 2)
(fn [[t then]]
`[(instance? ~t ~exprsym)
(let [~(with-meta xsym {:tag t}) ~exprsym]
`(let [~exprsym ~expr]
~(cons 'cond
(concat cs default)))))
;; vectors
(defn v3 ^Vector3 [x y z]
(Vector3. x y z))
(defn v- ^Vector3 [^Vector3 v1 ^Vector3 v2]
(Vector3/op_Subtraction v1 v2))
(defn v+ ^Vector3 [^Vector3 v1 ^Vector3 v2]
(Vector3/op_Addition v1 v2))
(defn vmult-scalar ^Vector3 [^Vector3 v s]
(Vector3/op_Multiply v (float s)))
(defn vmult-vec ^Vector3 [^Vector3 v1 ^Vector3 v2]
(* (.x v1) (.x v2))
(* (.y v1) (.y v2))
(* (.z v1) (.z v2))))
(defn v* ^Vector3 [a b]
(if (instance? Vector3 a)
(if (instance? Vector3 b)
(vmult-vec a b)
(vmult-scalar a b))
(if (instance? Vector3 b)
(vmult-scalar b a)
"v* expects at least one Vector3")))))
;; quaternions
(defn q* [^Quaternion q, a]
(condcast-> a a
Vector3 (Quaternion/op_Multiply q a)
Quaternion (Quaternion/op_Multiply q a)))
(defn qe ^Quaternion [^Vector3 v]
(Quaternion/Euler v))
(defn qt ^Quaternion [x y z w]
(Quaternion. x y z w))
;; rotate
(defn point-pivot ^Vector3 [^Vector3 pt, ^Vector3 pv, ang]
(let [angq (cond
(instance? Quaternion ang) ang
(instance? Vector3 ang) (qe ang)
:else (throw
(str "Expect rotation as Quaternion or Vector3, got "
(type ang)))))]
(v+ (q* angq (v- pt pv)) pv)))
;; stuff
(defn spcscl* [spec mod]
(update-in-mv spec [:transform :local-scale]
#(v* % mod)))
(defn spcpos+ [spec mod]
(update-in-mv spec [:transform :local-position]
#(v+ % mod)))
(defn spcrot* [spec mod]
(update-in-mv spec [:transform :local-rotation]
#(q* % mod)))
(defn range-by
([n] (for [i (range)] (* i n)))
([n mx] (for [i (range mx)] (* i n))))
;; scene
(defscn pointer
(let [cubespec (kill! (create-primitive :cube))
spherespec (kill! (create-primitive :sphere))
rect (deep-merge-mv cubespec
{:transform [{:local-scale [1 4 1]}]})
sphr (deep-merge-mv spherespec
{:transform [{:local-position [0 2 0]
:local-scale [1 3 2]}]})]
{:name "pointer"
:children [rect sphr]
:transform [{:local-scale [1.5 1.5 1.5]}]})))
(defscn pointer-trns
(let [trns (v3 0 0 15)
pspec (-> (dehydrate pointer)
(spcpos+ trns)
(spcscl* 0.5))
ticks 10
pivpt (v3 0 0 0)
pntrs (for [deg (range-by (/ 360 ticks) ticks)
:let [pivrot (v3 (- deg) 0 0)]]
(-> pspec
(update-in-mv [:transform :local-position]
#(point-pivot % pivpt pivrot))
(spcrot* (qe pivrot))))]
{:name "pointer-trns"
:children (vec pntrs)})))
(defscn pointer-trns-2
(let [ticks 20
trns (v3 0 0 22)
pspec (-> (dehydrate pointer)
(spcpos+ trns)
(spcscl* 0.2))
degs (range-by (/ 360 ticks) ticks)
pivpt (v3 0 0 0)
pntrs (for [deg1 degs
deg2 (take (/ ticks 2) degs)
:let [pivrot (v3 (- deg1) (- deg2) 0)]]
(-> pspec
(update-in-mv [:transform :local-position]
#(point-pivot % pivpt pivrot))
(spcrot* (qe pivrot))))]
{:name "pointer-trns-2"
:children (vec pntrs)})))
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