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Last active August 18, 2017 16:28
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iOS automatic version script
# Version: $Major.$Minor.$Commit
# How it works:
# 1. To roll minor number, tag each App Store release with a message.
# 2. To roll major number, create an additional tag on the last App Store
# release (e.g. "2.17.9") with new major number (e.g. "3").
# 3. `Release` builds require a clean working directory.
# 4. Non-`Release` builds have a commit number of '0'.
# Where it goes:
# 1. Pass no arguments to write to the target's derived Info.plist
# 2. Pass 'print marketing' or 'print build' to echo that version number to stdout
# 3. Pass 'pch' to write to a project-level PCH file for Info.plist preprocessing
# Calculate version numbers
build=`git describe | sed -e "s/^[^0-9]*//" | awk '{split($0,d,"-"); split(d[1],v,"."); print v[1] "." ((v[2] == "") ? "0" : (v[2] + 1)) "." d[2]}'`
marketing=`echo $build | awk '{split($0,v,"."); print v[1] "." v[2]}'`
# Send status using stderr
status() { >&2 echo $1; }
# Fix numbers for Release vs Non-Release builds
if [ "Release" = "${CONFIGURATION}" ]; then
if [[ -n $(git status --porcelain 2> /dev/null | tail -n1) ]]; then
status "error: The git working directory is dirty. Release version number is calculated for clean builds only."
exit 1
status "note: Setting the marketing version to $marketing and the build version to $build."
status "warning: Changing version from $build to $marketing.0."
# Output
if [ "print" = "$1" ]; then
if [ "marketing" = "$2" ]; then
echo $marketing
echo $build
elif [ "pch" = "$1" ]; then
# Write version numbers to a project-wide Info.plist preprocessor PCH file
echo "#define VERSION_BUILD $build" > $PROJECT_TEMP_DIR/VersionNumbers.pch
echo "#define VERSION_MARKETING $marketing" >> $PROJECT_TEMP_DIR/VersionNumbers.pch
status "note: Wrote version values to project-level PCH preprocessor file."
# Write version numbers to the target's build-time Info.plist
`defaults write "$plist" CFBundleShortVersionString "$marketing"`
`defaults write "$plist" CFBundleVersion "$build"`
status "note: Wrote version values to target's generated Info.plist."
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