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Last active September 21, 2023 09:29
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Basic UFW setup
# /etc/default/ufw
# ufw default deny outgoing
# ufw default deny incoming
# Consider /etc/ufw/before.rules etc
$ ufw allow out 22/tcp
$ ufw allow out 53/udp
$ ufw allow out 80/tcp
$ ufw allow out 443/tcp
# /etc/environment
# http_proxy="http://myproxy:1234"
# https_proxy="http://myproxy:1234"
$ ufw allow out proto tcp to port 1234
# Attempt to block spotify connect
$ ufw deny proto tcp from any port 57621
$ ufw deny proto udp from any port 57621
$ ufw deny proto udp to any port 57621
$ ufw deny proto tcp to any port 57621
$ ufw deny proto tcp from any port 4070
$ ufw deny proto tcp to any port 4070
# verify
$ ufw reload
$ ufw status
Status: active
To Action From
-- ------ ----
57621/tcp DENY Anywhere
57621/udp DENY Anywhere
Anywhere DENY 57621/udp
Anywhere DENY 57621/tcp
Anywhere DENY 4070/tcp
4070/tcp DENY Anywhere
80/tcp ALLOW OUT Anywhere
22/tcp ALLOW OUT Anywhere
53/udp ALLOW OUT Anywhere
443/tcp ALLOW OUT Anywhere 1234/tcp ALLOW OUT Anywhere
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