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Last active May 21, 2020 10:18
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Animated bicycle using Pillow library
import math
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
images = []
zoom = 0.5
width = int(860 * zoom)
height = int(630 * zoom)
def draw_frame(draw):
points = [(165,465),(317,220),(400,465),(600,220),(695,465)]
line_fill = (200,150,155)
line_width = int(15*zoom)
draw.line(xy=(points[0][0]*zoom, points[0][1]*zoom, points[1][0]*zoom, points[1][1]*zoom), fill=line_fill, width=line_width)
draw.line(xy=(points[0][0]*zoom, points[0][1]*zoom, points[2][0]*zoom, points[2][1]*zoom), fill=line_fill, width=line_width)
draw.line(xy=(points[1][0]*zoom, points[1][1]*zoom, points[2][0]*zoom, points[2][1]*zoom), fill=line_fill, width=line_width)
draw.line(xy=(points[1][0]*zoom, points[1][1]*zoom, points[3][0]*zoom, points[3][1]*zoom), fill=line_fill, width=line_width)
draw.line(xy=(points[2][0]*zoom, points[2][1]*zoom, points[3][0]*zoom, points[3][1]*zoom), fill=line_fill, width=line_width)
draw.line(xy=(points[3][0]*zoom, points[3][1]*zoom, points[4][0]*zoom, points[4][1]*zoom), fill=line_fill, width=line_width)
for p in points:
draw.ellipse((p[0]*zoom-line_width/2, p[1]*zoom-line_width/2,
p[0]*zoom+line_width/2, p[1]*zoom+line_width/2),fill=line_fill)
def draw_saddle(draw):
line_fill = (200,150,155)
line_width = int(10*zoom)
points = [(315,225),(300,176),(236,176),(246,143),(363,161),(363,176),(300,176)]
for i in range(len(points)-1):
draw.line(xy=(points[i][0]*zoom, points[i][1]*zoom,
points[i+1][0]*zoom, points[i+1][1]*zoom), fill=line_fill, width=line_width)
for p in points:
draw.ellipse((p[0]*zoom-line_width/2, p[1]*zoom-line_width/2,
p[0]*zoom+line_width/2, p[1]*zoom+line_width/2),fill=line_fill, width=1)
def draw_handlebar(draw):
line_fill = (200,150,155)
line_width = int(10*zoom)
points = [(605,220),
for i in range(len(points) - 1):
draw.line(xy=(points[i][0] * zoom, points[i][1] * zoom,
points[i + 1][0] * zoom, points[i + 1][1] * zoom), fill=line_fill, width=line_width)
for p in points:
draw.ellipse((p[0]*zoom-line_width/3, p[1]*zoom-line_width/3,
p[0]*zoom+line_width/3, p[1]*zoom+line_width/3),fill=line_fill, width=1)
def draw_wheels(draw, offset):
line_fill = (0,0,0)
line_width = int(10*zoom)
points = [(165,465),(695,465)]
r = 150*zoom
for i in range(len(points)):
x, y = points[i][0]*zoom, points[i][1]*zoom
draw.ellipse(((x-r, y-r,
x+r, y+r)),
outline=line_fill, width=line_width)
draw.ellipse(((x-r, y-r,
x+r, y+r)),
outline=line_fill, width=line_width)
for k in range(0,int(math.pi*2*100),30):
y+math.sin(k/100+offset)*r), fill=line_fill)
x1 = x+math.cos(offset)*r*5/8
y1 = y+math.sin(offset)*r*5/8
r1 = 15*zoom
draw.ellipse(((x1-r1, y1-r1,
x1+r1, y1+r1)),
x1 = x+math.cos(offset+math.pi)*r*5/8
y1 = y+math.sin(offset+math.pi)*r*5/8
draw.ellipse(((x1-r1, y1-r1,
x1+r1, y1+r1)),
offset += math.pi/2
def draw_pedal(draw, offset, back=False):
x,y = 400*zoom,465*zoom
r = 70*zoom
x1 = x + math.cos(offset)*r
y1 = y + math.sin(offset)*r
line_fill = (200,200,25)
line_width = int(10*zoom)
fill=(30,70,80), width=1)
fill=line_fill, width=1)
if back:
draw.ellipse((x1-25*zoom, y1-10*zoom, x1+25*zoom, y1+10*zoom), fill=(0,0,0))
fill=line_fill, width=line_width)
draw.ellipse((x1 - line_width/2,y1 - line_width/2, x1 + line_width/2, y1 + line_width/2), fill=line_fill)
draw.line((x, y,
x1, y1),
fill=line_fill, width=line_width)
draw.ellipse((x1 - line_width / 2, y1 - line_width / 2, x1 + line_width / 2, y1 + line_width / 2),
fill=line_fill, width=1)
draw.ellipse((x1 - 25 * zoom, y1 - 10 * zoom, x1 + 25 * zoom, y1 + 10 * zoom), fill=(0, 0, 0))
pedal_angle = math.pi/2
for i in range(314):
im ='RGB', (width, height), (255,255,255))
if i < 314/4 or 314/2 < i < 314*3/4:
pedal_angle += 1/5
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
draw_wheels(draw, i/8)
draw_pedal(draw, pedal_angle, back=True)
draw_pedal(draw, pedal_angle+math.pi)
save_all=True, append_images=images[1:],
optimize=False, duration=20, loop=0)
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