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Last active December 17, 2018 22:06
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extension ClosedRange where Bound == Int {
init(_ string: Substring) {
if let range = string.range(of: "..") {
let x = Int(string.prefix(through: range.lowerBound).dropLast())!
let y = Int(string.suffix(from: range.upperBound))!
self = x...y
} else {
let x = Int(string)!
self = x...x
struct Vein {
let x, y: ClosedRange<Int>
init(_ string: Substring) {
let c = string.split(separator: ",")
let ranges = (ClosedRange(c[0].dropFirst(2)), ClosedRange(c[1].dropFirst(3)))
if string.first == "x" {
(x, y) = ranges
} else {
(y, x) = ranges
struct Grid<Element> {
let xRange: ClosedRange<Int>
let yRange: ClosedRange<Int>
private(set) var elements: [Element]
init(repeating element: Element, x: ClosedRange<Int>, y: ClosedRange<Int>) {
self.xRange = x
self.yRange = y
self.elements = Array(repeating: element, count: xRange.count * yRange.count)
private func index(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
assert(xRange.contains(x) && yRange.contains(y))
return xRange.count * (y - yRange.lowerBound) + x - xRange.lowerBound
subscript(x x: Int, y y: Int) -> Element {
get { return elements[index(x: x, y: y)] }
set { elements[index(x: x, y: y)] = newValue }
enum State {
case empty, clay, flowing, settled
var isFlowing: Bool {
guard case .flowing = self else { return false }
return true
var isSettled: Bool {
guard case .settled = self else { return false }
return true
var isWater: Bool {
return isFlowing || isSettled
enum Direction {
case down, left, right
func day17(input: String) -> (part1: Int, part2: Int) {
let veins = input.split(separator: "\n").map(Vein.init)
let xRange = { $0.x.lowerBound }.min()! - { $0.x.upperBound }.max()! + 1
let yRange = { $0.y.lowerBound }.min()! { $0.y.upperBound }.max()!
var grid = Grid(repeating: State.empty, x: xRange, y: yRange)
for vein in veins {
for x in vein.x {
for y in vein.y {
grid[x: x, y: y] = .clay
func fill(x: Int, y: Int, direction: Direction) -> Bool {
guard yRange.contains(y) else { return false }
let state = grid[x: x, y: y]
guard state == .empty else { return !state.isFlowing }
grid[x: x, y: y] = .flowing
guard fill(x: x, y: y + 1, direction: .down) else { return false }
let l = direction == .right || fill(x: x - 1, y: y, direction: .left)
let r = direction == .left || fill(x: x + 1, y: y, direction: .right)
guard l && r else { return false }
if direction == .down {
func isFlowing(_ x: Int) -> Bool {
return grid[x: x, y: y].isFlowing
func settle(_ x: Int) {
grid[x: x, y: y] = .settled
sequence(first: x - 1, next: { $0 - 1 }).prefix(while: isFlowing).forEach(settle)
sequence(first: x + 1, next: { $0 + 1 }).prefix(while: isFlowing).forEach(settle)
return true
_ = fill(x: 500, y: yRange.lowerBound, direction: .down)
return (
grid.elements.count(where: { $0.isWater }),
grid.elements.count(where: { $0.isSettled })
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