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Last active May 1, 2022 06:54
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Automatic differentiation as the method of Lagrange multipliers. Code accompanies this blog post:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Backprop as the method of Lagrange multiplers (and even the implicit function
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from arsenal.alphabet import Alphabet
from arsenal.math.checkgrad import finite_difference
# Implementation choice: I decided to separate the input-copy and intermediate
# constraints to avoid annoyances with having two namespaces (x and z). I
# suppose writing all constraints as functions of x and z seems more general,
# but with input-copy consraints we don't any expressivity we just have handle
# them with special cases (easy enough).
class Computation:
def __init__(self, f, inputs, constraints, df):
self.d = len(inputs)
self.n = self.d + len(constraints)
self.constraints = constraints
self.inputs = inputs
self.f = f
self.df = df
def forward(self, x):
"Evaluate `f(x)`"
return self.f(self.solve_constraints(x))
def solve_constraints(self, x):
"Find a feasible solution to the constraints given `x`."
z = np.zeros(self.n)
z[self.inputs] = x
for c in self.constraints:
return z
def lagrangian(self, x, z, l):
return (self.f(z)
+ l[:self.d].dot(x[:self.d] - z[:self.d])
+ l[self.d:].dot(self.constraints.penalties(z)))
def dlagrangian(self, x, z, l):
"Compute gradients of the Lagrangian wrt each argument."
dx = np.zeros_like(x)
dx += l[:self.d]
dz = self.df(z) + self.dconstraints(z).dot(l)
dl = np.zeros_like(l)
dl[:self.d] += x[self.inputs] - z[self.inputs]
dl[self.d:] += self.constraints.penalties(z)
return dx, dz, dl
def dconstraints(self, z):
"Evaluate constraint matrix for `z`."
# Note: The linear system approach build a massive highly structure
# sparse matrix that represents the local gradients. This is really
# inefficient in most cases because we can aggregate gradients as we
# go. This avoids the need to materialize this monster matrix.
D = np.zeros((self.n, self.n))
D[self.inputs, self.inputs] = -1
for c in self.constraints:
c.grad(z, D[:, c.i])
return D
def reverse_mode(self, D, v):
"Solve upper triangular linear system, `D x = -v`."
l = v.copy()
for c in reversed(self.constraints):
for a in c.args:
l[a] += l[c.i] * D[a, c.i]
return l
def forward_mode(self, D, v):
"Solve upper triangular linear system, `Dᵀ = -v`."
l = v.copy()
for c in self.constraints:
for a in c.args:
l[c.i] += l[a] * D[a, c.i]
return l
class Constraint:
def __init__(self, i, f, args, df=None):
self.args = args
self.i = i
self.f = f
self.df = df
if df is None:
# Use finite-difference approximation if user didn't pass in df.
self.df = lambda x: finite_difference(f)(x).flatten()
def solve(self, z):
# Closed form solution to the constraint, could take a gradient step or
# solve a block-coordinate subproblem, more generally.
z[self.i] = self.f(z[self.args])
def penalty(self, z):
return float(self.f(z[self.args]) - z[self.i])
def grad(self, z, dz, adj=1):
# Note: adjoint is scalar because constraint is scalar.
dz[self.args] += adj * self.df(z[self.args])
dz[self.i] += -adj
class Constraints(list):
"""Handles string-valued names and certain conventions like inputs need to be
the first vars."""
def __init__(self, inputs):
self.A = Alphabet()
self.inputs = # need inputs to be the first vars
super(Constraints, self).__init__()
def add_constraint(self, lhs, f, rhs, df=None):
self.append(Constraint(self.A[lhs], f,, df))
def penalties(self, z):
return np.array([c.penalty(z) for c in self])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Backprop as the method of Lagrange multiplers (and even the implicit function
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
from lagrangeprop import Computation, Constraints
from arsenal.math.checkgrad import finite_difference, fdcheck
from arsenal.math import onehot, compare
from arsenal import colors
def test_implicit_diff_view(L):
Test connections between Lagrangian and implicit differentiation
If you have the Lagrangian view of backprop, then implicit functions should
really pop out!
Think of forward propagation as a smooth blackbox function h that maps inputs
(x) to intermediates (z).
maximize f(z)
subjecto h(x) = z
Rewriting slightly, let g(x,z) = h(x) - z.
maximize f(z)
subjecto g(x,z) = 0
With forward propagation we always satisfy the constraints, so g(x,z)=0. Thus,
we also have "equilibrium" under little perturbations
g(x+Δx, z+Δz) = g(x,z) + Δx ⋅ ∂g/∂x + Δz ⋅ ∂g/∂z = 0.
Since g(x,z) = 0,
Δx ⋅ ∂g/∂x + Δz ⋅ ∂g/∂z = 0
Solve for Δz/Δx,
Δz/Δx = - (∂g/∂z)^-1 ∂g/∂x ← there's your linear system of equations!
Combine with the objective ∂f/∂z
∂f/∂z Δz/Δx = ∂f/∂x
print colors.magenta % 'Implicit differentiation:',
x = np.random.randn(L.d)
# Important! connection only holds when constraints are satisfied!
z = L.solve_constraints(x)
f_dz_dx = finite_difference(L.solve_constraints)(x)
dC_dx = np.zeros((L.n, L.d))
dC_dx[L.inputs,L.inputs] = 1
dC_dz = L.dconstraints(z)
dz_dx = -scipy.linalg.solve(dC_dz.T, dC_dx).T
assert np.allclose(f_dz_dx, dz_dx)
df_dz = L.df(z)
f_df_dx = finite_difference(L.forward)(x)
assert np.allclose(f_df_dx,
print % 'ok'
def test_forward_mode(L):
print colors.magenta % 'Forward-mode:',
x = np.random.randn(L.d)
z = L.solve_constraints(x)
D = L.dconstraints(z)
# Compare methods to finite-difference approximation to ∇f(x)
f_df_dx = finite_difference(L.forward)(x)
# In forward mode, λ is interpreted as a vector of "tangents" pertaining to
# a single input, instead of "adjoints" of the single output. Tangents are
# equal to rows(cols?) of the Jacobian of the constraints.
f_dz_dx = finite_difference(L.solve_constraints)(x)
for i in range(L.d): # loop over each input
l = L.forward_mode(D, onehot(i, L.n))
assert np.allclose(f_dz_dx[i], l)
# df/dz * dz/dx[i] => df/dx[i]
gi = L.df(z).dot(l)
assert np.allclose(f_df_dx[i], gi)
print % 'ok'
def test_dlagrangian(L):
print colors.magenta % 'Finite-difference Lagrangian:',
x = np.random.randn(L.d)
z = np.random.uniform(-1,1,size=L.n)
l = np.random.uniform(-1,1,size=L.n)
dx, dz, dl = L.dlagrangian(x, z, l)
assert fdcheck(lambda: L.lagrangian(x, z, l), z, dz, quiet=1).mean_relative_error < 0.01
assert fdcheck(lambda: L.lagrangian(x, z, l), x, dx, quiet=1).mean_relative_error < 0.01
assert fdcheck(lambda: L.lagrangian(x, z, l), l, dl, quiet=1).mean_relative_error < 0.01
print % 'ok'
def test_reverse_mode(L):
print colors.magenta % 'Reverse-mode:',
x = np.random.randn(L.d)
# Compare methods to finite-difference approximation to ∇f(x)
f_df_dx = finite_difference(L.forward)(x)
# run forward to cache all the relavant stuff.
z = L.solve_constraints(x)
l = L.reverse_mode(L.dconstraints(z), L.df(z))
assert np.allclose(f_df_dx, l[:L.d])
print % 'ok'
def test_linear_system(L):
print colors.magenta % 'Linear solve:',
x = np.random.randn(L.d)
f_df_dx = finite_difference(L.forward)(x)
z = L.solve_constraints(x)
D = L.dconstraints(z)
l = L.reverse_mode(D, L.df(z))
# Run linear system solver -- Note that `linalg.solve` is generally worse at
# solving the equations than `linalg.solve_triangular` (or equivalently
# reverse mode). This is because the solver doesn't realize that the system
# is upper triangular so it uses unstable operations like division and
# subtraction.
sol = scipy.linalg.solve(D, -L.df(z))
assert np.allclose(l, sol)
assert np.allclose(f_df_dx, sol[:L.d])
# test aupper triangular solver
sol = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(D, -L.df(z))
assert np.allclose(f_df_dx, sol[:L.d])
assert np.allclose(l, sol)
print % 'ok'
def test_blockcoordinate(L):
print colors.magenta % 'Block-coordinate updates for z and λ:',
x = np.random.randn(L.d)
z = L.solve_constraints(x)
l = L.reverse_mode(L.dconstraints(z), L.df(z))
dx, dz, dl = L.dlagrangian(x, z, l)
assert np.allclose(dx, l[:L.d])
assert np.abs(dz).max() <= 1e-5
assert np.allclose(dl, 0)
print % 'ok'
def main():
C = Constraints(['x','y'])
C.add_constraint('a', np.exp, ['x'], df=np.exp)
C.add_constraint('b', lambda x: x**2, ['a'], df=lambda x: 2*x)
C.add_constraint('c', np.sum, ['a','b','y'], df=np.ones_like)
# C.add_constraint('c', np.product, ['a','b','y'])
# C.add_constraint('d', np.exp, ['c'], df=np.exp)
C.add_constraint('d', np.tanh, ['c'])
C.add_constraint('e', np.sin, ['c'], df=np.cos)
C.add_constraint('f', np.sum, ['d','e'], df=np.ones_like)
n = len(C.inputs) + len(C)
_r = np.random.randn(n) # random linear function of intermediate nodes
f =
df = lambda z: _r.copy()
L = Computation(f, C.inputs, C, df = df)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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