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Created September 6, 2013 00:37
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Save timvisher/6458093 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
;;; sensitive.el --- A dead simple way to load sensitive information
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs
;;; Commentary:
;; This package is intended to make it dead simple to include
;; sensitive information in your public .emacs file. More people
;; publishing their .emacs file is a good thing for the world of Emacs
;; users and the more facilities people have for hiding the
;; information they need to load without having to jump through hoops
;; to load it should make that easier.
;;; License:
;; [CC BY](
;;; Contributors
;; Tim Visher ([@timvisher](
;;; Code:
(defun join (separator sequence)
(apply 'concat
(append (list (car sequence))
(mapcar (lambda (part)
(concat separator part))
(cdr sequence)))))
(defun tree-seq (branch? children root)
(cl-labels ((walk (node)
(cons node
(if (funcall branch? node)
(cl-mapcan #'walk (cddr (funcall children node)))))))
(walk root)))
;; (tree-seq 'file-directory-p
;; (lambda (directory)
;; (directory-files directory t))
;; "~/Dropbox/sensitive")
;; (cl-labels ((one (x)
;; (if (integerp x)
;; x
;; (one 10))))
;; (one (one 'a)))
;;; Boom!
;; (cl-labels ((one (x)
;; (if (integerp x)
;; x
;; (cl-mapcar 'one '(10 11 12)))))
;; (one (one 'a)))
(defun file-seq (root)
(mapcar (lambda (maybe-directory)
(if (file-directory-p (join "/" (list root maybe-directory)))
(file-seq (join "/" (list root maybe-directory)))
(join "/" (list root maybe-directory))))
(cddr (directory-files root))))
(defun load-sensitive-files ()
(cl-dolist (setting-file (gnus-recursive-directory-files "~/Dropbox/sensitive"))
(insert-file-contents setting-file)
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((package-name (intern (file-name-base (substring (file-name-directory setting-file) 0 -1))))
(var-name (intern (file-name-base setting-file)))
(value (read (current-buffer))))
(message (format "Setting %s to %s after %s is loaded." (symbol-name var-name) value (symbol-name package-name) ))
(eval-after-load package-name
(set var-name value))))))
(provide 'sensitive)
;;; Local Variables:
;;; tab-width:2
;;; indent-tabs-mode:nil
;;; lexical-binding:t
;;; End:
;;; sensitive.el ends here
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function walk)
mapcar(walk ("." ".." "erc" "pivotal-tracker"))
cl-mapcar(walk ("." ".." "erc" "pivotal-tracker"))
apply(cl-mapcar walk ("." ".." "erc" "pivotal-tracker") nil)
cl-mapcan(walk ("." ".." "erc" "pivotal-tracker"))
(progn (cl-mapcan (quote walk) (funcall children node)))
(if (funcall branch\? node) (progn (cl-mapcan (quote walk) (funcall children node))))
(cons node (if (funcall branch\? node) (progn (cl-mapcan (quote walk) (funcall children node)))))
(closure ((--cl-walk-- closure #1 (node) (cons node (if (funcall branch\? node) (progn (cl-mapcan (quote walk) (funcall children node)))))) (root . "~/Dropbox/sensitive") (children . directory-files) (branch\? . file-directory-p) t) (node) (cons node (if (funcall branch\? node) (progn (cl-mapcan (quote walk) (funcall children node))))))("~/Dropbox/sensitive")
funcall((closure ((--cl-walk-- closure #1 (node) (cons node (if (funcall branch\? node) (progn (cl-mapcan (quote walk) (funcall children node)))))) (root . "~/Dropbox/sensitive") (children . directory-files) (branch\? . file-directory-p) t) (node) (cons node (if (funcall branch\? node) (progn (cl-mapcan (quote walk) (funcall children node)))))) "~/Dropbox/sensitive")
(let (--cl-walk--) (setq --cl-walk-- (function (lambda (node) (cons node (if (funcall branch\? node) (progn (cl-mapcan ... ...))))))) (funcall --cl-walk-- root))
tree-seq(file-directory-p directory-files "~/Dropbox/sensitive")
(progn (tree-seq (quote file-directory-p) (quote directory-files) "~/Dropbox/sensitive"))
eval((progn (tree-seq (quote file-directory-p) (quote directory-files) "~/Dropbox/sensitive")) t)
call-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil nil)
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