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Created January 18, 2011 16:56
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(ns wallpaper-manager-core.core
(:import [ File FileInputStream]
;; Properties
(def wallpaper-source (str (System/getProperty "user.home") "/Downloads/"))
(def wallpaper-dest (str (System/getProperty "user.home") "/Pictures/Wallpaper"))
;; Global Structures
(defstruct resolution :width :height)
(defstruct wallpaper :file :resolution :destination-file)
;; Worker Functions
(def wallpaper-resolutions
(for [[width height]
[[1280 1024] [1920 1080] [2560 1600] [1920 1200] [1680 1050] [1440 900] [1280 800]]]
(struct resolution width height)))
(defn to-resolution [image]
(struct resolution (.getWidth image) (.getHeight image)))
(defn wallpaper-resolution? [image]
(some #(= (to-resolution image) %) wallpaper-resolutions))
(defn to-dir-name [{{:keys [width height]} :resolution}]
(str width "x" height))
(defn name-has-resolution? [file-name expected-suffix]
(.matches file-name (str ".+" expected-suffix "\\..+")))
(defn to-file-name-suffix [wallpaper]
(str "_" (to-dir-name wallpaper)))
(defn to-wallpaper-name [{:keys [file resolution] :as wallpaper}]
(let [name (.getName file)
extension-index (.lastIndexOf name ".")]
(if (not (name-has-resolution? name (to-file-name-suffix wallpaper)))
(str (.substring name 0 extension-index)
(to-file-name-suffix wallpaper)
(.substring name extension-index))
(.getName file))))
(defn to-destination-file [wallpaper]
(when wallpaper
(File. (str wallpaper-dest "/" (to-dir-name wallpaper) "/" (to-wallpaper-name wallpaper)))))
(defn file-to-wallpaper [file]
(with-open [r (FileInputStream. file)]
(if-let [image (ImageIO/read r)]
(if (wallpaper-resolution? image)
(let [without-destination-file (struct wallpaper file (to-resolution image))]
(assoc without-destination-file :destination-file (to-destination-file without-destination-file)))))))
(defn wallpaper-seq []
(let [raw-files (file-seq (File. wallpaper-source))
regular-files (filter #(.isFile %) raw-files)]
(map file-to-wallpaper regular-files)))
(defn do-file-wallpaper [{:keys [file] :as wallpaper}]
(let [destination-file (to-destination-file wallpaper)]
(.mkdirs (File. (.getParent destination-file)))
(.renameTo file destination-file))
;; Use
;; Sort wallpapers in ~/Downloads
(doseq [wallpaper (wallpaper-seq)] (when wallpaper (do-file-wallpaper wallpaper))))
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