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Created October 26, 2016 13:54
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Overview of useful new Javscript features

JavaScript ES6/ES2015

Block scope

  • let - assigns a new variable that can be overwritten with any type

  • const - assigns a new variable that can not be overwritten; however, non-scalar values can be modified (immutable variables, not really traditional constants)

Functions can also be block-scoped

	function foo () { return 1; } 
	foo() === 1; 
		function foo () { return 2; } 
		foo() === 2; 
	foo() === 1; 

Arrow functions

// With a block
(argument1, argument2) => {
	return returnVal

// Without a block
// Returns what follows the arrow
(argument1, argument2) => returnVal


  • Always anonymous (No name in a stack trace)
  • Do not create a new function scope (Can not use this)
  • Really helpful for nested callbacks where you need this from a parent function

Function parameters

Default parameters

function doSomething (name, value=42) {
	// If value is not set from a function call,
	// or is set to undefined, it is 42 within the function

Rest parameter

function mapType (type, ...values) {
	// values is an array of additional arguments

Spread parameter

'Spreads' elements of a collection you can iterate (array, string, etc) into a literal object, or into individual function parameters

let params = [6, 7, 8, 9];
let filledArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...params];

// filledArray is now equal to 
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Template Literals

Native mutli-line strings with interpolation

let name = 'John';

// Easy string interpolation
// Any valid javascript can be inside of the `${}` construct
// including other template literals
const greeting = `Hello, ${name}!`; // Hello, John!

Object shorthand

Method Properties

// Old way
const objOldWay = {
	foo: function (a, b) {
		// ...
	bar: function (x, y) {
		// ...

// Shorthand
const objShorthand = {
	foo (a, b) {
		// ...
	bar (x, y) {
		// ...

Shorthand properties

// Traditional way
const obj = {x: x, y: y};

// Shorthand
const obj2 = {x, y}


Class gotchas

  • class properties must be defined in methods, or manually, there is no literal syntax

Basic Class

class Shape {
	constructor (id, x, y) { = id;
		this.move(x, y);
	} // No comma
	move (x, y) {
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;

// Instantiate
let shape = new Shape('foo', 0, 0);


class Rectangle extends Shape {
	constructor (id, x, y, width, height) {
		// You MUST call the parent constructor
		// in any extending class, or you can
		// only use static methods
		super (id, x, y);
		this.width = width;
		this.height = height;

// Instantiate
let rectangle = new Rectangle('bar', 0, 0, 10, 10);

Static methods

class StringUtil {
	static parseNumbers (str) {
		let matches = /\-?\d+\.?\d*/;
		return Number(matches[0]);

// Direct call
let num = StringUtil.parseNumbers(' 56.7b');	

Getters / Setters

class Bar {
	get foo () {
		return this._foo;
	set foo (value) {
		this._foo = value;

// Usage
let bar = new Bar(); = 3; // Calls set foo
console.log(; // Calls get foo

New Native Methods


  • String.prototype.repeat(valueToRepeat)
  • String.prototype.includes(valueToSearchFor)


  • Array.prototype.includes(valueToSearchFor)
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