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Created June 29, 2012 10:07
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JNA and Groovy
gcc -o -shared greet.c
gcc -dynamiclib greet.c -o libgreet.dylib
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void greet( char * name, void * buf, long buflen ) {
snprintf( buf, buflen, "Hello %s", name ) ;
groovy test.groovy
@Grab( '' )
import com.sun.jna.Library
import com.sun.jna.Native
import com.sun.jna.Memory
interface Greet extends Library {
public void greet( String name, Memory buffer, long len )
def test = Native.loadLibrary( 'greet', Greet )
// Generate a return buffer
def buf = new Memory( 1024 )
// Call the C function
test.greet( 'Tim', buf, buf.size() )
// Print the result
println buf.getString( 0, false )
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