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Last active June 8, 2023 09:34
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Move Add before Edit for consistency.
Add Range submenu.
Add Set Start/End frame.
(Is set range to selected missing in the NLA?)
Add Zoom
Move Frame Seleced above Frame all.
Remove redundant "Add" in add menu.
Move Add Meta Strip+Remove Meta Strip to Edit menu. Should remove be renamed to ex. "Unmeta Strip"?
I don't know what "Include Selected Objects" does, but should it be in the Add menu? Don't should like it should?
Add "Add Tracks" + "Add Tracks above Seelcted" to the trackes context menu.
Transform menu > Move is missing a shortcut key.
Use split layout for Action panel. Dope sheet needs update:
Rename Tranks Reordering to Move.
Rename Remove Empties.
Rename Edit menu to Strip:
Should the menu be called Strip instead?
Copy/Paste is missing?
Move Split up. Remove redundant "Strip".
Move Snap down. Snap should be exposed as a drop down in the header for consistency.
Move Bake Action down.
Add detele tracks to tracks context meny.
Remove delete tracks from edit menu.
Move Swap, Move Up/Down into Transform menu.
Remove track ordering from edit menu.
Remove Track Clean from edit menu
Move Add Tracks/Add Tracks Above Selected to Tracks menu.
Rename Toggle Muting to Toggle Mute.
Should Scale/Sync go into Transform?
Rename Mute to Hide since it is visual and the short cut is H.
add icons to the Add menu.
Add a Tracks menu with all Tracks operators.
Is Copy/Paste missing? You can dublicate, but not copy/paste?
Rename is in the context menu, but not in the Strip menu?
TODO: Either have a Track menu or a Trancks context menu in the code, but it can be exposed both places.
There are several operators referencing actions. Should the be an actions main menu: Bake Action, Make single use, tweak actions, sync.
TODO: Clean up context menu.
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Thank you for this, lots to clean up and make nice... for 4.0

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tin2tin commented Jun 8, 2023


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I like removing the redundent "add" in front of what we are adding, that is really strange ...but Strip should be left on so it is just Action Strip .. and then remove from Tracks the add.

Included selected objects is strange, I never touched it.. turns out is just a menu that toggles the
button here.. that has a tool tip that is not related to the menu wording at all....and is in the filters menu already.

I do think having all the strip related tools/functions in a menu vs. guessing what works on a track, a strip, is just a setting for the NLA etc.. is an improvement and matches the VSE

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tin2tin commented Jun 8, 2023

Thank you. Here's an attempt to fix those things:

The new Add menu:

The VSE add menu for reference:

The Add Selected Objects is adding selected objects from the 3d view, so I use the 3d view icon here.

The track menu is also a pop-up menu when right-clicking the track/channel headers.

There are still a lot of things in the Strip menu, I do not know what is. Ex. the Start/End operators sounds like they should be tools in a tool bar?

Do you know you can just copy/paste this code in the Text Editor and run it to try out the NLA menus of this script?

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