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Created April 6, 2022 18:00
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Pulling Alexa top sites
# This is a quick bash script to grab the top 1 mil alexa urls and drop then in redis.
# Alexa limits the request to 50 per second and 100 per request. This can get expensive quickly so we only pull what you need.
# Set the initial startpoint var to 1 and increment by 100 with each group collected
# multiple sidekiq jobs can be set up pull many chunks at once
# To set/create the initial startpoint - before the first collection begins
# redis-cli SET startpoint 1
# Get the list of countries and the number of sites for that country
# curl -H "x-api-key: TOKEN" "" | jq -r '.. | objects | select(has("Code")) | [.TotalSites, .Code] | @csv' | sed 's/"//g' | xargs redis-cli -x sadd alexaCountries
# Copy the countries so you can pop them off (using spop countrypop)
# redis-cli sunionstore countrypop alexaCountries
startpoint=$(redis-cli get startpoint | jq -r .)
# because of the random number of sites for each country, limiting startpoint check to a little over 1 mil
if [ "$startpoint" -lt 1200000 ]
# so pop a country off and let's get this party started
IFS=','; cnt=$(redis-cli spop countrypop); read -ra APP <<< "$cnt"
# sadly sometimes the country data is just a space need to check for that
if [ "$(echo ${#cnt})" > "2" ];
country=$(echo ${APP[1]})
country_count=$(echo ${APP[0]})
while [ $while_count -le $country_count ]
# get the limit of 100 urls from alexa and pipe them to the redis list urlSet
curl -H "x-api-key: TOKEN" "${country}&Start="$while_count | jq -r '.. | objects | select(has("DataUrl")) | [.Global.Rank, .DataUrl] | @csv' | xargs redis-cli -x sadd urlSet
sleep 5
# if there are no errors increment the count
if [ 0 -eq $? ]; then
while_count=$(( while_count + 100 ))
redis-cli INCRBY startpoint 100
echo $(tput setaf 1) $(tput bold) "Bad country skipping"
exit 3
echo $(tput setaf 1) $(tput bold) "we got them all"
exit 3
# Helpful Notes
# To see all in the list
# echo $(redis-cli smembers urlSet)
# Then to clean it all up you can drop it in a csv
# echo $(redis-cli smembers urlSet) >> ~/Desktop/alexatop1mil_20210325a.csv
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